

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

+Thessaly [22.25,39.5] (region), Greece, Europe Thessaly, as tradition has it, was in old times a lake enclosed all round by high mountains. On its eastern side it is fenced in by the joining of the lower parts of the mountains +Pilion (mountain range), Nomos Magnisias, Thessaly, Greece, Europe Pelion and Ossa, to the north by +Olympus (mountain), Nomos Larisis, Thessaly, Greece, Europe Olympus, to the west by Pindus, towards the south and the southerly wind by Othrys. In the middle, then, of this ring of mountains, lies the vale of +Thessaly [22.25,39.5] (region), Greece, Europe Thessaly.