

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

Mardonius and Masistes were the generals of this segment, while another third of the army marched, as appointed, further inland under Tritantaechmes and Gergis. The third part, with which Xerxes himself went, marched between the two, and its generals were Smerdomenes and Megabyzus.

Now when the fleet had left Xerxes, it sailed through the +Mount Athos [24.316,40.166] (inhabited place), Pangaion Oros, Macedonia, Greece, Europe Athos canal which reached to the gulf in which are located the towns of +Assa [45.416,43.233] (river), Asia Assa, Pilorus, Singus, and Sarte. The fleet took on board troops from all these cities and then headed for the Thermaic gulf. Then rounding Ampelus, the headland of +Torone [23.8167,40.05] (Perseus) Torone, it passed the Greek towns of +Torone [23.8167,40.05] (Perseus) Torone, Galepsus, Sermyle, Mecyberna, and +Olynthus [23.3667,40.3] (Perseus) Olynthus, all of which gave them ships and men.

This country is called +Sithonia (peninsula), Chalcidice, Macedonia, Greece, Europe Sithonia. The fleet held a straight course from the headland of Ampelus to the Canastraean headland, where +Pallene [23.8833,38.05] (Perseus) Pallene runs farthest out to sea, and received ships and men from the towns of what is now +Pallene [23.8833,38.05] (Perseus) Pallene but was formerly called Phlegra, namely, +Potidaea (deserted settlement), Chalcidice, Macedonia, Greece, Europe Potidaea, Aphytis, +Kavala [24.416,40.933] (inhabited place), Kavalla, Macedonia, Greece, Europe Neapolis, Aege, Therambus, +Scione [23.55,39.95] (Perseus) Scione, Mende, and Sane.