

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

He named him Demaratus because before his birth all the Spartan populace had prayed that Ariston, the man most highly esteemed out of all the kings of Sparta [22.4417,37.0667] (Perseus) Sparta, might have a son. Thus he was named Demaratus, which means “answer to the people's prayer.”

Time passed and Ariston died, so Demaratus held the kingship. But it seems that these matters had to become known and cause Demaratus to lose his kingship. He had already fallen out with Cleomenes when he had brought the army back from +Eleusis [23.5583,38.0417] (Perseus) Eleusis, and now they were even more at odds when Cleomenes crossed over after the Aeginetans who were Medizing.