

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

It is said that about three hundred ships were lost, and more than twenty thousand men. Since the coasts of +Mount Athos [24.316,40.166] (inhabited place), Pangaion Oros, Macedonia, Greece, Europe Athos abound in wild beasts, some men were carried off by beasts and so perished; others were dashed against the rocks; those who could not swim perished because of that, and still others by the cold.

Thus it fared with the fleet; as for Mardonius and his land army, while they were encamped in Macedonia (region (general)), EuropeMacedonia, the Brygi of Thrace (region (general)), EuropeThrace attacked them by night and killed many of them, wounding Mardonius himself. But not even these could escape being enslaved by the Persians; Mardonius did not depart from those lands before he had subjugated them.

After conquering them, he led his army away homewards, since the Brygi had dealt a heavy blow to his army and +Mount Athos [24.316,40.166] (inhabited place), Pangaion Oros, Macedonia, Greece, Europe Athos an even heavier blow to his fleet. This expedition after an inglorious adventure returned back to Asia (continent)Asia.

In the next year after this,[*](491.)Darius first sent a message bidding the Thasians, who were falsely reported by their neighbors to be planning rebellion, to destroy their walls and bring their ships to +Abdera [24.9667,40.9833] (Perseus) Abdera.