

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

He himself did not go with the army but remained at Miletus [27.3,37.5] (Perseus) Miletus, and appointed others to be generals of the Milesians, namely his own brother Charopinus and another citizen named Hermophantus.

When the Ionians had come to +Ephesus [27.316,37.916] (deserted settlement), Izmir Ili, Ege kiyilari, Turkey, Asia Ephesus with this force, they left their ships at Coresus [*](A hill (or a part of the town of +Ephesus [27.316,37.916] (deserted settlement), Izmir Ili, Ege kiyilari, Turkey, Asia Ephesus built thereon) south of the Cayster.) in the Ephesian territory and marched inland with a great host, taking Ephesians to guide them on their way. They made their way along the river Bakir Cayi [27,38.916] (river), Turkey, AsiaCaicus, and after crossing the Tmolus, they came to Sardis [28.0167,38.475] (Perseus) Sardis and captured it without any resistance. They took all of it except the citadel, which was held by Artaphrenes himself with a great force of men.