

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

As the army was passing through, Badres the admiral of the fleet was for taking the city, but Amasis the general of the land army would not consent, saying that he had been sent against +Al Marj [20.833,32.5] (inhabited place), Al Jabal al Akhdar, Libya, Africa Barce and no other Greek city; at last they passed through Shahhat [21.866,32.833] (inhabited place), Al Jabal al Akhdar, Libya, AfricaCyrene and camped on the hill of Lycaean Zeus; there they regretted not having taken the city, and tried to enter it again, but the Cyrenaeans would not let them.

Then, although no one attacked them, panic seized the Persians, and they fled to a place seven miles distant and camped there; and while they were there, a messenger from Aryandes came to the camp asking them to return. The Persians asked and received from the Cyrenaeans provisions for their march, after which they left to go to Egypt [30,27] (nation), Africa Egypt;

but then they fell into the hands of the Libyans, who killed the laggards and stragglers of the army for the sake of their garments and possessions; until at last they came to Egypt [30,27] (nation), Africa Egypt.

This Persian force advanced as far as Euhesperidae in Libya [17,25] (nation), AfricaLibya and no farther. As for the Barcaeans whom they had taken for slaves, they carried them from Egypt [30,27] (nation), Africa Egypt into banishment and brought them to the king, and Darius gave them a town of +Afghanistan [65,33] (nation), Asia Bactria to live in. They gave this town the name +Al Marj [20.833,32.5] (inhabited place), Al Jabal al Akhdar, Libya, Africa Barce, and it remained an inhabited place in +Afghanistan [65,33] (nation), Asia Bactria until my own lifetime.

But Pheretime did not end well, either. For as soon as she had revenged herself on the Barcaeans and returned to Egypt [30,27] (nation), Africa Egypt, she met an awful death. For while still alive she teemed with maggots: thus does over-brutal human revenge invite retribution from the gods. That of Pheretime, daughter of Battus, against the Barcaeans was revenge of this nature and this brutality.