

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

Furthermore, in my opinion the ceremonial chant[*](The o)lolugh/ (says Dr. Macan) was proper to the worship of Athena; a cry of triumph or exultation, perhaps of Eastern origin and connected with the Semitic Hallelu (which survives in Hallelu-jah).) first originated in Libya [17,25] (nation), AfricaLibya: for the women of that country chant very tunefully. And it is from the Libyans that the Greeks have learned to drive four-horse chariots.

The dead are buried by the nomads in Greek fashion, except by the Nasamones. They bury their dead sitting, being careful to make the dying man sit when he releases his spirit, and not die lying supine. Their dwellings are constructed of asphodel stalks[*](Asphodel is a long-stalked plant. The name has acquired picturesque associations; but Homer's “asphodel meadow” is in the unhappy realm of the dead, and is intended clearly to indicate a place of rank weeds.) twined about reeds; they can be carried here and there. Such are the Libyan customs.