

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

“Look,” Atossa said, “let the Scythians go for the present; you shall have them whenever you like; I tell you, march against Greece [22,39] (nation), EuropeHellas. I have heard of Laconian and Argive and Attic and Corinthian women, and would like to have them as servants. You have a man who is fitter than any other to instruct and guide you in everything concerning Greece [22,39] (nation), EuropeHellas: I mean the physician who healed your foot.”

Darius answered, “Woman, since you think that we should make an attempt on Greece [22,39] (nation), EuropeGreece first, it seems to me to be best that we first send Persian spies with the man whom you mention, who shall tell us everything that they learn and observe; and then when I am fully informed I shall rouse myself against them.”