

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

The country above Elephantine now begins to be inhabited by Ethiopians: half the people of the island are Ethiopians, and half Egyptians. Near the island is a great lake, on whose shores live nomadic Ethiopians. After crossing this, you come to the stream of the Nahr an- Nil [31.1,30.166] (river), AfricaNile, which empties into this lake.

Then you disembark and journey along the river bank for forty days; for there are sharp projecting rocks in the Nahr an- Nil [31.1,30.166] (river), AfricaNile and many reefs, through which no boat can pass.

Having traversed this part in forty days as I have said, you take boat again and so travel for twelve days until you come to a great city called Meroe [33.716,16.933] (deserted settlement), Nile, Ash-Shamaliyah, Sudan, AfricaMeroe, which is said to be the capital of all Ethiopia [39,8] (nation), AfricaEthiopia.