

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

So Pisistratus was sovereign of Athens [23.7333,37.9667] (Perseus)Athens: and as for the Athenians, some had fallen in the battle, and some, with the Alcmeonids, were exiles from their native land.

So Croesus learned that at that time such problems were oppressing the Athenians, but that the Lacedaemonians had escaped from the great evils and had mastered the Tegeans in war. In the kingship of Leon and Hegesicles at Sparta [22.4417,37.0667] (Perseus) Sparta, the Lacedaemonians were successful in all their other wars but met disaster only against the Tegeans.

Before this they had been the worst-governed of nearly all the Hellenes and had had no dealings with strangers, but they changed to good government in this way: Lycurgus, a man of reputation among the Spartans, went to the oracle at Delphi [22.5167,38.4917] (Perseus) Delphi. As soon as he entered the hall, the priestess said in hexameter: