

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

They make these in Armenia (region (general)), AsiaArmenia, higher up the stream than Assyria. First they cut frames of willow, then they stretch hides over these for a covering, making as it were a hold; they neither broaden the stern nor narrow the prow, but the boat is round, like a shield. They then fill it with reeds and send it floating down the river with a cargo; and it is for the most part palm wood casks of wine that they carry down.

Two men standing upright steer the boat, each with a paddle, one drawing it to him, the other thrusting it from him. These boats are of all sizes, some small, some very large; the largest of them are of as much as five thousand talents[*](The Attic talent = about 58 lbs. avoirdupois; the Aeginetan = about 82.) burden. There is a live ass in each boat, or more than one in the larger.

So when they have floated down to Babylon [44.4,32.55] (deserted settlement), Babil, Iraq, AsiaBabylon and disposed of their cargo, they sell the framework of the boat and all the reeds; the hides are set on the backs of asses, which are then driven back to Armenia (region (general)), AsiaArmenia,

for it is not by any means possible to go upstream by water, because of the swiftness of the current; it is for this reason that they make their boats of hides and not of wood. When they have driven their asses back into Armenia (region (general)), AsiaArmenia, they make more boats in the same way.