De Alexandri magni fortuna aut virtute


Plutarch. Moralia, Vol. 4. Babbitt, Frank Cole, translator. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1936 (printing).

I think that if Fortune should try to inscribe her name on his successes, he would say to her, Slander not my virtues, nor take away my fair fame by detraction. Darius was your handiwork: he who was

a slave and courier of the king,[*](Cf. 340 c, supra; Life of Alexander, chap. xviii. (674 d). Aelian, Varia Historia, xii. 43, says that he was a slave; and Strabo, xv. 3. 24, Diodorus, xvii. 5, say that he was not of the royal family.) him did you make the mighty lord of Persia; and Sardar Lapalus, upon whose head you placed the royal diadem, though he spent his days in carding purple wool.[*](Cf. 336 c, infra.) But I, through my victory at Arbela,[*](331 b.c.) went up to Susa, and Cilicia[*](The battle of Issus, 333 b.c.) opened the way for me into the broad land of Egypt; but to Cilicia I came by way of the Granicus,[*](334 b.c.) which I crossed, using as a bridge the dead bodies of Mithridates and Spithridates. Adorn yourself, proud Fortune, and vaunt your dominion over kings that never felt a wound nor shed a drop of blood. For they have been Fortune’s favourites, men such as Ochus[*](Artaxerxes III. (358-338 b.c.).) was and Artaxerses, whom at the very hour of their birth you placed upon the throne of Cyrus. But my body bears many a token of an opposing Fortune and no ally of mine. First, among the Illyrians,[*](This wound is elsewhere unknown to history. For the wounds of Alexander see the excellent tables of Nachstädt, op. cit. pp. 38-44.) my head was wounded by a stone and my neck by a cudgel. Then at the Granicus[*](Cf. 341 a-c, supra; Life of Alexander, chap. xvi. (673 a); Arrian, Anabasis, i. 15. 7; Diodorus, xvii. 20.) my head was cut open by an enemy’s dagger, at Issus[*](By Darius, according to Chares (341 c, supra; Life of Alexander, chap. xx. (675 f)); but this is unknown to Arrian, Diodorus, Curtius, and Justin.) my thigh was pierced by the sword. Next at Gaza[*](The text is probably corrupt; in Curtius, iv. 6, we hear of two wounds, and they are quite different ones. One wound is reported in 341 b, supra; Life of Alexander, chap. xxv. (679 b); Arrian, Anabasis, ii. 27. 2.) my ankle was wounded by an arrow, my shoulder was dislocated, and I whirled heavily round and round. Then at Maracandaf[*](Cf. 341 b, supra; Arrian, Anabasis, iii. 30. 11; Curitus, vii. 6.) the bone of my leg was split open by an arrow. There awaited me towards the last also the buffetings I received among the Indians and the
violence of famines.[*](Cf.Life of Alexander, chap. lxvi. (702 a-b); Arrian, Anabasis, vi. 24-25.) Among the Aspasians[*](Cf. Ibid., iv. 23. 3; Curitus, viii. 3.) my shoulder was wounded by an arrow, and among the Gandridae[*](Nothing is known of this wound.) my leg. Among the Mallians,[*](Cf. 341 c, 343 e ff., infra; Life of Alexander, chap. lxiii. (700 b ff.); Arrian, Anabasis, vi. 9, 10; Diodorus, xvii. 98; Curtius, ix. 4, 5; Strabo, xv. 1. 33.) the shaft of an arrow sank deep into my breast and buried its steel; and I was struck in the neck by a cudgel, when the scaling-ladders which we had moved up to the walls were battered down; and Fortune cooped me up alone, favouring ignoble barbarians and not illustrious adversaries with such an exploit. But if Ptolemy[*](Peucestas in Life of Alexander, and in Arrian, Anabasis.) had not held his shield above me, and Limnaeus[*](Leonnatus according to Arrian (Anabasis, vi. 10. 2).) taking his stand before me had not fallen, a target for ten thousand shafts, and if my Macedonians had not overthrown the wall with spirit and main force, then that nameless village in a foreign land must needs have become the tomb of Alexander.