Regum et imperatorum apophthegmata


Plutarch. Moralia, Vol. III. Babbitt, Frank Cole, translator. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1931 (printing).

Seeing the priestess of Artemis surpassingly beautiful in her appearance, he straightway marched forth from Ephesus, [*](In 196 B.C., presumably, when he wintered in Ephesus (Livy, xxxiii. 38).) for fear that even against his determination he might be constrained to commit some unholy act.

Antiochus who was nicknamed the Hawk was warring against his brother Seleucus for the kingdom. [*](In 246 B.C.) But when Seleucus, vanquished by the Galatians, could nowhere be found, but, to all appearances, had

been cut down in battle, Antiochus laid aside his purple and assumed a dark robe. But after a little time, learning that his brother was safe and sound, he offered sacrifices to the gods to celebrate the good tidings, and made the people in the cities under him to wear garlands. [*](Cf. Moralia, 489 A.)

Eumenes, plotted against by Perseus, was reputed to be dead. When the story was brought to Pergamum, Attalus his brother put on the crown, married his wife, and assumed the rule. But upon learning that his brother was approaching alive, he went to meet him, attended, as was his wont, by his bodyguards, and holding a short spear. Eumenes greeted him kindly and whispered in his ear,

—ldquo;Haste not to marry ere you see him dead,—rdquo; [*](Apparently a parody of a line of Sophocles adapted to fit the situation (μήπω μέγ᾽εἴπης, κλτ.). See Nauck, Trag. Graec. Frag., Sophocles, No. 601.)
and neither said nor did anything else during his whole lifetime to arouse suspicion, but when he died he left to Attalus his wife and his kingdom. As a requital, Attalus reared no child of his own, although many were born, but while still living he transferred the kingdom to Eumenes’ son when the boy became of age. [*](The story is told also in Moralia, 489 E. Cf. also W.S. Ferguson, The Premature Deification of Eumenes II., in Classical Philology, i. p. 231.)

The sons of Pyrrhus, when they were children

asked their father to whom he intended to leave the kingdom; and he said, To that one of you who keeps his sword sharper. [*](Cf. Plutarch’s Life of Pyrrhus, chap. ix. (388 A).)

Being asked whether Python or Caphisias were the better flute-player he said, Polysperchon is the better general. [*](Cf. Plutarch’s Life of Pyrrhus, chap. viii. (387 D).)