

Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives, Vol. V. Perrin, Bernadotte, translator. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1917.

But now they were about to join battle with one another, nor were they moved even by a compassion for their own glory to spare their country, men who up to that day had been called invincible! For the family alliance which had been made between them, and the charms of Julia, and her marriage, were now seen to have been from the first suspicious and deceptive pledges of a partnership based on self-interest; there was no real friendship in it.

So then, when the Pharsalian plain was filled with men and horses and arms and the signals for battle had been lifted on both sides, the first to rush out from Caesar’s lines was Caius Crassianus,[*](The name is Crastinus in Caesar’s own story of the battle (Bell. Civ. iii. 91).) a centurion in command of one hundred and twenty men, who was thus redeeming a great promise made to Caesar.

For he had been the first man whom Caesar saw as he issued from the camp, and addressing him, he had asked him what be thought about the battle. The centurion stretched forth his right hand and cried with a loud voice: Thou wilt win a splendid victory, O Caesar; and I shall have thy praise to-day, whether I live or die. Mindful now of these words of his, he rushed forward, carrying many along with him, and threw himself into the midst of the enemy.