

Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives, Vol. V. Perrin, Bernadotte, translator. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1917.

But when he learned the truth, and perceived that everybody was sallying forth to welcome Pompey and accompany him home with marks of goodwill, he was eager to outdo them. So he went out and met him, and after giving him the warmest welcome, saluted him in a loud voice as Magnus, or The Great, and ordered those who were by to give him this surname.

Others, however, say that this title was first given him in Africa by the whole army, but received authority and weight when thus confirmed by Sulla. Pompey himself, however, was last of all to use it, and it was only after a long time, when he was sent as pro-consul to Spain against Sertorius, that he began to subscribe himself in his letters and ordinances Pompeius Magnus; for the name had become familiar and was no longer invidious.

And herein we may fittingly respect and admire the ancient Romans; they did not bestow such titles and surnames as a reward for successes in war and military command alone, but also adorned with them the high qualities and achievements of their statesmen.

At any rate, in two such cases the people bestowed the title of Maximus, which signifies the Greatest upon Valerius, for reconciling them with the senate when it was at variance with them[*](After the famous secession of the plebs, in 494 B.C.); and upon Fabius Rullus,[*](Cf. the Fabius Maximus, i. 2. It was in the capacity of censor, 304 B.C., that Rullus thus purified the senate.) because he expelled from the senate certain descendants of freedmen who had been enrolled in it on account of their wealth.