Marcus Cato


Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives, Vol. II. Perrin, Bernadotte, translator. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1914.

The Roman people, Cato said, fixed the market value not only of dyes, but also of behaviour. For, said he, as dyers most affect that dye which they see pleases you, so your young men learn and practice that which wins your praise.

And he exhorted them, in case it was through virtue and temperance that they had become great, to make no change for the worse; but if it was through intemperance and vice, to change for the better; these had already made them great enough. Of those who were eager to hold high office frequently, he said that like men who did not know the road, they sought to be ever attended on their way by lictors, lest they go astray.

He censured his fellow citizens for choosing the same men over and over again to high office. You will be thought, said he, not to deem your offices worth much, or else not to deem many men worthy of your offices. Of one of his enemies who had the name of leading a disgraceful and disreputable life, he said: This man’s mother holds the wish that he may survive her to be no pious prayer, but a malignant curse.