

Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives, Vol. IV. Perrin, Bernadotte, translator. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1916.

His breeds of horses were famous the world over, and so was the number of his racing-chariots. No one else ever entered seven of these at the Olympic games—neither commoner nor king—but he alone. And his coming off first, second, and fourth victor (as Thucydides says;[*](In a speech of Alcibiades, Thuc. 6.16.2.) third, according to Euripides), transcends in the splendor of its renown all that ambition can aspire to in this field.

The ode of Euripides[*](An Epinikion, or hymn of victory, like the extant odes of Pindar.) to which I refer runs thus:—

  1. Thee will I sing, O child of Cleinias;
  2. A fair thing is victory, but fairest is what no other Hellene has achieved,
  3. To run first, and second, and third in the contest of racing-chariots,
  4. And to come off unwearied, and, wreathed with the olive of Zeus,
  5. To furnish theme for herald’s proclamation.

Moreover, this splendor of his at Olympia was made even more conspicuous by the emulous rivalry of the cities in his behalf. The Ephesians equipped him with a tent of magnificent adornment; the Chians furnished him with provender for his horses and with innumerable animals for sacrifice; the Lesbians with wine and other provisions for his unstinted entertainment of the multitude. However, a grave calumny—or malpractice on his part—connected with this rivalry was even more in the mouths of men.

It is said, namely, that there was at Athens one Diomedes, a reputable man, a friend of Alcibiades, and eagerly desirous of winning a victory at Olympia. He learned that there was a racing-chariot at Argos which was the property of that city, and knowing that Alcibiades had many friends and was very influential there, got him to buy the chariot.