

Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives, Vol. I. Perrin, Bernadotte, translator. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1914.

Of the many exploits performed in those days by the bravest men, Herodorus thinks that Theseus took part in none, except that he aided the Lapithae in their war with the Centaurs; but others say that he was not only with Jason at Colchis,[*](In quest of the golden fleece.) but helped Meleager to slay the Calydonian boar, and that hence arose the proverb Not without Theseus; that he himself, however, without asking for any ally, performed many glorious exploits, and that the phrase Lo! another Heracles became current with reference to him.

He also aided Adrastus in recovering for burial the bodies of those who had fallen before the walls of the Cadmeia,[*](The citadel of Thebes.) not by mastering the Thebans in battle, as Euripides has it in his tragedy,[*](Eur. Supp. 653 ff.) but by persuading them to a truce; for so most writers say, and Philochorus adds that this was the first truce ever made for recovering the bodies of those slain in battle,

although in the accounts of Heracles it is written that Heracles was the first to give back their dead to his enemies. And the graves of the greater part of those who fell before Thebes are shown at Eleutherae, and those of the commanders near Eleusis, and this last burial was a favour which Theseus showed to Adrastus. The account of Euripides in his Suppliants [*](Eur. Supp. 1213 ff.) is disproved by that of Aeschylus in his Eleusinians, [*](Not extant.) where Theseus is made to relate the matter as above.

The friendship of Peirithous and Theseus is said to have come about in the following manner. Theseus had a very great reputation for strength and bravery, and Peirithous was desirous of making test and proof of it. Accordingly, he drove Theseus’s cattle away from Marathon, and when he learned that their owner was pursuing him in arms, he did not fly, but turned back and met him.