Vitae philosophorum

Diogenes Laertius

Diogenes Laertius. Hicks, R. D., editor. Cambridge, MA.: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1925.

It is also stated that he was a very effective pleader; but he was accustomed to use his powers of speech to a good end. Hence it is to this that Demodicus of Leros makes reference in the line:

If you happen to be prosecuting a suit, plead as they do at Priene;
and Hipponax thus: More powerful in pleading causes than Bias of Priene.[*](P. 79 Bergk; Strabo xiv. p. 636.)

This was the manner of his death. He had been pleading in defence of some client in spite of his great age. When he had finished speaking, he reclined his head on his grandson’s bosom. The opposing counsel made a speech, the judges voted and gave their verdict in favour of the client of Bias, who, when the court rose, was found dead in his grandson’s arms.

The city gave him a magnificent funeral and inscribed on his tomb[*](Anth. Pal. vii. 90.):

    Here Bias of Priene lies, whose name
  1. Brought to his home and all Ionia fame.
My own epitaph is[*](Anth. Pal. vii. 91.):
    Here Bias rests. A quiet death laid low
  1. The aged head which years had strewn with snow.
  2. His pleading done, his friend preserved from harms,
  3. A long sleep took him in his grandson’s arms.


He wrote a poem of 2000 lines on Ionia and the manner of rendering it prosperous. Of his songs the most popular is the following:

    Find favour with all the citizens . . .
  1. . . . in whatever state you dwell.
  2. For this earns most gratitude;
  3. the headstrong spirit often flashes forth with harmful bane.

The growth of strength in man is nature’s work; but to set forth in speech the interests of one’s country is the gift of soul and reason. Even chance brings abundance of wealth to many. He also said that he who could not bear misfortune was truly unfortunate; that it is a disease of the soul to be enamoured of things impossible of attainment; and that we ought not to dwell upon the woes of others. Being asked what is difficult, he replied, Nobly to endure a change for the worse. He was once on a voyage with some impious men; and, when a storm was encountered, even they began to call upon the gods for help. Peace! said he, lest they hear and become aware that you are here in the ship. When an impious man asked him to define piety, he was silent; and when the other inquired the reason, I am silent, he replied, because you are asking questions about what does not concern you.

Being asked What is sweet to men, he answered, Hope. He said he would rather decide a dispute between two of his enemies than between two of his friends; for in the latter case he would be certain to make one of his friends his enemy, but in the former case he would make one of his enemies his friend. Asked what occupation gives a man most pleasure, he replied, Making

money. He advised men to measure life as if they had both a short and a long time to live; to love their friends as if they would some day hate them, the majority of mankind being bad. Further, he gave this advice: Be slow to set about an enterprise, but persevere in it steadfastly when once it is undertaken. Do not be hasty of speech, for that is a sign of madness.

Cherish wisdom. Admit the existence of the gods. If a man is unworthy, do not praise him because of his wealth. Gain your point by persuasion, not by force. Ascribe your good actions to the gods. Make wisdom your provision for the journey from youth to old age; for it is a more certain support than all other possessions.

Bias is mentioned by Hipponax as stated above, and Heraclitus, who is hard to please, bestows upon him especial praise in these words[*](P. 39 d, 112 b.): In Priene lived Bias, son of Teutames, a man of more consideration than any. And the people of Priene dedicated a precinct to him, which is called the Teutameum. His apophthegm is: Most men are bad.