History of the Peloponnesian War


Thucydides. The English works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury. Hobbes, Thomas. translator. London: John Bohn, 1843.

"It seemeth good to the council of the Lacedaemonians to accord with the Argives on these articles: "The Argives shall redeliver unto the Orchomenians their children, and unto the Maenalians their men, and unto the Lacedaemonians those men that are at Mantineia; they shall withdraw their soldiers from Epidaurus and raze the fortification there.

"And if the Athenians depart not from Epidaurus [likewise], they shall be held as enemies both to the Argives and to the Lacedaemonians and also to the confederates of them both.

"If the Lacedaemonians have any men of theirs in custody, they shall deliver them every one to his own city.

"And for so much as concerneth the god, the Argives shall accept composition with the Epidaurians, upon an oath which they shall swear, touching that controversy;

and the Argives shall give the form of that oath. "All the cities of Peloponnesus, both small and great, shall be free according to their patrial laws.

"If any without Peloponnesus shall enter into it to do it harm, the Argives shall come forth to defend the same, in such sort as in a common council shall by the Peloponnesians be thought reasonable.