History of the Peloponnesian War


Thucydides. The English works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury. Hobbes, Thomas. translator. London: John Bohn, 1843.

So they proclaimed that they should deliver up their arms and themselves to the Athenians to be disposed of as to them should seem good.

Upon hearing hereof the most of them threw down their bucklers and shook their hands above their heads, signifying their acceptation of what was proclaimed. Whereupon a truce was made and they came to treat, Cleon and Demosthenes of one side, and Styphon, the son of Pharax, on the other side. For of them that had command there, Epitadas, who was the first, was slain; and Hippagretes, who was chosen to succeed him, lay amongst the dead, though yet alive; and this man was the third to succeed in the command by the law in case the others should miscarry.

Styphon and those that were with him said they would send over to the Lacedaemonians in the continent to know what they there would advise them to.

But the Athenians, letting none go thence, called for heralds out of the continent; and the question having been twice or thrice asked, the last of the Lacedaemonians that came over from the continent brought them this answer: The Lacedaemonians bid you take advice touching yourselves such as you shall think good, provided you do nothing dishonourably. Whereupon, having consulted, they yielded up themselves and their arms.