History of the Peloponnesian War


Thucydides. The history of the Peloponnesian War, Volume 1-2. Dale, Henry, translator. London: Heinemann and Henry G. Bohn, 1851-1852.

and on his advising them to do it, they despatched the settlers, taken both from their own citizens and from the Perioeci, and gave permission to any of the rest of the Greeks that wished to accompany them, except Ionians, Achaeans, and some other races. Three of the Lacedaemonians led them as founders of the colony, Leon, Alcidas, and Damagon.

When they had established themselves in the country, they fortified anew the city which is now called Heraclea, distant about forty stades from Thermopylae, and twenty from the sea. They also provided themselves with docks, beginning to build the at Thermopylae, just by the pass, that they might the more easily be defended by them.