History of the Peloponnesian War


Thucydides. The history of the Peloponnesian War, Volume 1-2. Dale, Henry, translator. London: Heinemann and Henry G. Bohn, 1851-1852.

Indeed both parties had no small designs, but put forth their strength to the war: and not unnaturally; for all men at the beginning apply themselves to it more eagerly; and at that time the young men, being numerous in the Peloponnese, and also at Athens, were, through their inexperience, not unwilling to engage in the war. And the rest of Greece was all in excitement at the conflict of the principal states.

And many [*]( Poppo, Bredow, and Haack agree in considering λόγια as a more general term for any prophetic announcement whatever, in opposition to χρησμοί, which were metrical compositions, generally in hexameters or trimeter iam Dies, delivered by an oracle, and recited by persons who collected them, and were called χρησμολόγοι. For a specimen of the class, see the Birds of Aristophanes, v. 960.) prophecies were repeated, and reciters of oracles were singing many of them, both amongst those who were going to war and in the other states.

Moreover, Delos had been visited by an earthquake a short time before this, though it had never had a shock before in the memory of the Greeks; and it was said and thought to have been ominous of what was about to take place. And whatever else of this kind had happened to occur was all searched up.