History of the Peloponnesian War


Thucydides, Vol. 1-4. Smith, Charles Foster, translator. London and Cambridge, MA: Heinemann and Harvard University Press, 1919-1923.

And after this, fearing the reinforcements expected from Athens,[*](Thuc. 2.86.6.) they sailed under cover of night into the Crisaean Gulf and to Corinth, all except the Leucadians. And not long after their retreat the twenty Athenian ships from Crete,[*](Thuc. 2.85.5.) which were to have joined Phormio in time for the battle, arrived at Naupactus. And so the summer ended.

However, before dispersing the fleet which had retired to Corinth and the Crisaean Gulf, at the beginning of the winter Cnemus and Brasidas and the other Peloponnesian commanders, instigated by the Megarians, wished to make an attempt upon the Peiraeus, the port of Athens; for it was unguarded and unclosed, and quite naturally, since the Athenians were decidedly superior at sea.

And it was determined that each sailor, taking his oar and cushion and oar-loop, should go on foot from Corinth to the sea on the Athenian side and hastening to Megara should launch from the docks at Nisaea forty slips of theirs which chanced to be there, and then sail straight for the Peiraeus.