Res Gestae

Ammianus Marcellinus

Ammianus Marcellinus. Ammianus Marcellinus, with an English translation, Vols. I-III. Rolfe, John C., translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; W. Heinemann, 1935-1940 (printing).

But although the Germans were forced to retire, being aware that the greater part of the army had gone ahead to Illyricum, where the emperor was soon expected to appear, they were fired with hotter rage; and planning still greater enterprises, they gathered into one place the inhabitants of all the villages, and with forty thousand armed men, or seventy thousand, as some boasted in order to exaggerate the emperor’s glory, full of pride and confidence broke into our territory.

Gratian learned of this with great alarm, recalled the cohorts which he had sent on into Pannonia, brought together the others, which wise policy had kept in Gaul, and gave the command to Nannienus,[*](Cf. xxviii. 5, 1.)

a leader of valour and discretion; but he joined with him as a colleague of equal rank Mallobaudes, commander of the household troops and king of the Franks, a brave man, always ready for fighting.

Accordingly, while Nannienus[*](Cf. xxviii. 5, 1, where he is called Nannenus.) weighed the changeable events of fortune and hence believed that they ought to act deliberately, Mallobaudes, carried away (as usual) by his strong eagerness for battle and impatient of postponement, was tormented with longing to go against the foe.

Therefore, when from the opposite side the terrifying battle-cry was heard, the signal was given by the horn-blowers and the battle began at Argentaria;[*](Also called Argentovaria, a town of the Tribocci; modern Horburg (T.L.L.).) and many were struck down on both sides by wounds from flying arrows and javelins.

But in the very heat of the fight, our soldiers, seeing the countless numbers of the enemy, and avoiding combat in the open. dispersed as best they could over the narrow pastures[*](On calles see A.J.P. xxxvi. pp. 329 ff.; and cf. Suet., Jul. 19, 2, note.) planted with trees, and presently stood their ground with greater confidence; and gleaming with like[*](To that of the imperial troops.) resplendence and brilliance of arms when seen from afar, they struck the barbarians with fear that the emperor was coming.

So the enemy turned in flight, sometimes however resisting, that they might not lose their last chance of safety; but they were so thoroughly defeated that from the above mentioned number it was estimated that not more than five thousand escaped under cover of the thick woods, and among other bold and brave men King Priarius also, the inciter of the deadly battles, was killed.