

Ovid. The XV bookes of P. Ouidius Naso, entytuled Metamorphosis. Golding, Arthur, translator. London: W. Seres (printer), 1567.

  1. Thine eldest Nephew was a cause of care and sore distresse.
  2. Whose head was armde with palmed homes, whose own hounds in the wood
  3. Did pull their master to the ground and fill them with his bloud.
  4. But if you sift the matter well, ye shall not finde desart
  5. But cruell fortune to have bene the cause of this his smart.
  6. For who could doe with oversight? Great slaughter had bene made
  7. Of sundrie sortes of savage beastes one morning: and the shade
  8. Of things was waxed verie short. It was the time of day
  9. That mid betweene the East and West the Sunne doth seeme to stay.
  10. When as the Thebane stripling thus bespake his companie,
  11. Still raunging in the waylesse woods some further game to spie:
  12. Our weapons and our toyles are moist and staind with bloud of Deere:
  13. This day hath done inough as by our quarrie may appeare.
  14. As soone as with hir scarlet wheeles next morning bringeth light,
  15. We will about our worke againe. But now Hiperion bright
  16. Is in the middes of Heaven, and seares the fieldes with firie rayes.
  17. Take up your toyles, and cease your worke, and let us go our wayes.
  18. They did even so, and ceast their worke. There was a valley thicke
  19. With Pinaple and Cipresse trees that armed be with pricke.
  20. Gargaphie hight this shadie plot, it was a sacred place
  21. Tochast Diana and the Nymphes that wayted on hir grace.
  22. Within the furthest en ereof there was a pleasant Bowre
  23. So vaulted with the leavie trees the Sunne had there no powre:
  24. Not made by hand nor mans devise: and yet no man alive,
  25. A trimmer piece of worke than that could for his life contrive.
  26. With flint and Pommy was it wallde by nature halfe about,
  27. And on the right side of the same full freshly flowed out
  28. A lively spring with Christall streame: whereof the upper brim
  29. Was greneawith grasse and matted herbes that smelled verie trim.
  30. Whe hebe )elt hir selfe waxe faint, of following of hir game,
  31. It was oi-etrsfome for to come and bath hir in the same.
  32. That day she, having timely left hir hunting in the chace,
  33. Was entred with hir troupe of Nymphes within this pleasant place.
  34. She tooke hirrquiveLad hir bow the which she had unbent,
  35. And eke hir Javelin to a Nymph that served that intent.
  36. Another Nymph t ttaie hir clothes among hir traine she chose,
  37. Two losde hir buskins from hir legges and pulled off hir hose.
  38. The Thebane Ladie Crocale more cunnig than the rest
  39. Did trusse hir tresses handsomly which hung behind undrest.
  40. And yet hir owne hung waving still. Then Niphe nete and cleene
  41. With Hiale glistring like the grass in beautie fresh and sheene,
  42. And Rhanis clearer of hir skin than are the rainie drops,
  43. And little bibling Phyale, and Pseke that pretie Mops
  44. Powrde water into vessels large to washe their Ladie with.
  45. Now while she keepes this wont, behold, by wandring in the frith
  46. He wist not whither (having staid his pastime till the morrow)
  47. Comes Cadmus Nephew to this thicke: and entring in with sorrow
  48. (Such was his cursed cruell fate) saw Phebe where she washt.
  49. The Damsels at the sight of man quite out of countnance dasht,
  50. (Bicause they everichone were bare and naked to the quicke)
  51. Did beate their handes against their breasts, and cast out such a shricke,
  52. That all the wood did ring thereof: and clinging to their dame
  53. Did all they could to hide both hir and eke themselves fro shame.
  54. But Phebe was of personage so comly and so tall,
  55. That by the middle of hir necke she overpeerd them all.
  56. Such colour as appeares in Heaven by Phebus broken rayes
  57. Directly shining on the Cloudes, or such as is alwayes
  58. The colour of the Morning Cloudes before the Sunne doth show,
  59. Such sanguine colour in the face of Phoebe gan to glowe
  60. There standing naked in his sight. Who though she had hir gard
  61. Of Nymphes about hir: yet she turnde hir bodie from him ward.
  62. And casting back an angrie looke, like as she would have sent
  63. An arrow at him had she had hir bow there readie bent,
  64. So raught she water in hir hande and for to wreake the spight
  65. Besprinckled all the heade and face of this unluckie knight, r
  66. And thus forespake the heavie lot that should upon him light:
  67. Now make thy vaunt among thy Mates, thou sawste Diana bare.
  68. Tell if thou can: I give thee leave: tell hardily: doe not spare.
  69. This done she makes no further threates, but by and by doth spread
  70. A payre of lively olde Harts homes upon his sprinckled head.
  71. She sharpes his eares, she makes his necke both slender, long and lanke.
  72. She turnes his fingers into feete, his armes to spindle shanke.
  73. She wrappes him in a hairie hyde beset with speckled spottes,
  74. And planteth in him fearefulnesse. And so away he trottes,
  75. Full greatly wondring to him selfe what made him in that cace
  76. To be so wight and swift of foote. But when he saw his face
  77. And horned temples in the brooke, he would have cryde Alas,
  78. But as for then no kinde of speach out of his lippes could passe.
  79. He sighde and brayde: for that was then the speach that did remaine,
  80. And downe the eyes that were not his, his bitter teares did raine.
  81. No part remayned (save his minde) of that he earst had beene.
  82. What should he doe? turne home againe to Cadmus and the Queene?
  83. Or hyde himselfe among the Woods? Of this he was afrayd,
  84. And of the tother ill ashamde. While doubting thus he stayd.
  85. His houndes espyde him where he was, and Blackfoote first of all
  86. And Stalker speciall good of scent began aloud to call.
  87. This latter was a hounde of Crete, the other was of Spart.
  88. Then all the kenell fell in round, and everie for his part,
  89. Dyd follow freshly in the chase more swifter than the winde,
  90. Spy, Eateal, Scalecliffe, three good houndes comne all of Arcas kinde,
  91. Strong Bilbucke, currish Savage, Spring, and Hunter fresh of smell,
  92. And Lightfoote who to lead a chase did beare away the bell,
  93. Fierce Woodman hurte not long ago in hunting of a Bore,
  94. And Shepeheird woont to follow sheepe and neate to fielde afore.
  95. And Laund, a fell and eger bitch that had a Wolfe to Syre:
  96. Another brach callde Greedigut with two hir Puppies by her.
  97. And Ladon gant as any Greewnd, a hownd in Sycion bred,
  98. Blab, Fleetewood, Patch whose flecked skin with sundrie spots was spred:
  99. Wight, Bowman, Royster, Beautie faire and white as winters snow,
  100. And Tawnie full of duskie haires that over all did grow,
  101. With lustie Ruffler passing all the resdue there in strength,
  102. And Tempest best of footemanshipe in holding out at length.
  103. And Cole and Swift, and little Woolfe, as wight as any other,
  104. Accompanide with a Ciprian hound that was his native brother,
  105. And Snatch amid whose forehead stoode a starre as white as snowe,
  106. The resdue being all as blacke and slicke as any Crowe.
  107. And shaggie Rugge with other twaine that had a Syre of Crete,
  108. And Dam of Sparta: T'one of them callde Jollyboy, a great
  109. And large flewd hound: the tother Chorle who ever gnoorring went,
  110. And Kingwood with a shyrle loude mouth the which he freely spent,
  111. With divers mo whose names to tell it were but losse of tyme.
  112. This fellowes over hill and dale in hope of pray doe clyme.
  113. Through thicke and thin and craggie cliffes where was no way to go,
  114. He flyes through groundes where oftentymes he chased had ere tho.
  115. Even from his owne folke is he faine (alas) to flee away.
  116. He strayned oftentymes to speake, and was about to say:
  117. I am Acteon: know your Lorde and Mayster, sirs, I pray.
  118. But use of wordes and speach did want to utter forth his minde.
  119. Their crie did ring through all the Wood redoubled with the winde,
  120. First Slo did pinch him by the haunch, and next came Kildeere in,
  121. And Hylbred fastned on his shoulder, bote him through the skinne.
  122. These cam forth later than the rest, but coasting thwart a hill,
  123. They did gainecope him as he came, and helde their Master still
  124. Untill that all the rest came in, and fastned on him too.
  125. No part of him was free from wound. He could none other do
  126. But sigh, and in the shape of Hart with voyce as Hartes are woont,
  127. (For voyce of man was none now left to helpe him at the brunt)
  128. By braying shew his secret grief among the Mountaynes hie,
  129. And kneeling sadly on his knees with dreerie teares in eye,
  130. As one by humbling of himselfe that mercy seemde to crave,
  131. With piteous looke in stead of handes his head about to wave.
  132. Not knowing that it was their Lord, the huntsmen cheere their houndsi
  133. With wonted noyse and for Acteon looke about the grounds.
  134. They hallow who could lowdest crie still calling him by name,
  135. As though he were not there, and much his absence they do blame
  136. In that he came not to the fall, but slackt to see the game.
  137. As often as they named him he sadly shooke his head,
  138. And faine he would have beene away thence in some other stead.
  139. But there he was. And well he could have found in heart to see
  140. His dogges fell deedes, so that to feele in place he had not bee.
  141. They hem him in on everie side, and in the shape of Stagge,
  142. With greedie teeth and griping pawes their Lord in peeces dragge.
  143. So fierce was cruell Phoebes wrath, it could not be alayde,
  144. Till of his fault by bitter death the raunsome he had payde.
  1. Much muttring was upon this fact. Some thought there was extended
  2. A great deale more extremitie than neded. Some commended
  3. Dianas doing: saying that it was but worthely
  4. For safegarde of hir womanhod. Eche partie did applie
  5. Good reasons to defende their case. Alone the wife ofJe,
  6. Of lyking or misliking it not all so greatly strove,
  7. As secretly rejoyst in heart that such a plague was light
  8. On Cadmus linage: turning all the malice and the spight
  9. Conceyved earst against the wench that Jove had fet fro Tyre,
  10. Upon the kinred of the wench, and for to fierce hir ire,
  11. Another thing cleane overthwart there commeth in the nicke:
  12. The Ladie Semell great with childe by Jove as then was quicke.
  13. Hereat she gan to fret and fume, and for to ease hir heart,
  14. Which else would burst, she fell in hande with scolding out hir part:
  15. And what a goodyeare have I woon by scolding erst? (she sed)
  16. It is that arrant queane hir selfe, against whose wicked hed
  17. I must assay to give assault: and if (as men me call)
  18. I be that Juno who in heaven beare greatest swing of all,
  19. If in my hande I worthie bee to holde the royall Mace,
  20. And if I be the Queene of heaven and soveraigne of this place,
  21. Or wife and sister unto Jove, (his sister well I know:
  22. But as for wife that name is vayne, I serve but for a show,
  23. To cover other privie skapes) I will confound that Whore.
  24. Now (with a mischiefe) is she bagd and beareth out before
  25. Hir open shame to all the world, and shortly hopes to bee
  26. The mother of a sonne by Jove, the which hath hapt to mee
  27. Not passing once in all my time, so sore she doth presume
  28. Upon hir beautie. But I trowe hir hope shall soone consume.
  29. For never let me counted be for Saturns daughter more,
  30. If by hir owne deare darling Jove on whome she trustes so sore,
  31. I sende hir not to Styxes streame. This ended up she rose
  32. And covered in golden cloud to Semelles house she goes.
  33. And ere she sent away the cloud, she takes an olde wyves shape
  34. With hoarie haire and riveled skinne, with slow and crooked gate.
  35. As though she had the Palsey had, hir feeble limmes did shake,
  36. And eke she foltred in the mouth as often as she spake.
  37. She seemde olde Beldame Beroe of Epidaure to bee,
  38. This Ladie Semelles Nourse as right as though it had beene shee.
  39. So when that after mickle talke of purpose ministred
  40. Joves name was upned: by and by she gave a sigh and sed:
  41. I wish with all my heart that Jove bee cause to thee of this.
  42. But daughter deare I dreade the worst, I feare it be amisse.
  43. For manie Varlets under name of Gods to serve their lust,
  44. Have into undefiled beddes themselves full often thrust;
  45. And though it bene the mightie Jove yet doth not that suffise,
  46. Onlesse he also make the same apparant to our eyes.
  47. And if it be even verie hee, I say it doth behove,
  48. He prove it by some open signe and token of his love.
  49. And therefore pray him for to graunt that, looke, in what degree,
  50. What order, fashion, sort and state he use to companie
  51. With mightie Juno, in the same in everie poynt and cace,
  52. To all intents and purposes he thee likewise embrace,
  53. And that he also bring with him his bright threeforked Mace.
  54. With such instructions Juno had enformed Cadmus Neece:
  55. And she poore sielie simple soule immediately on this
  56. Requested Jove to graunt a boone the which she did not name.
  57. Aske what thou wilt sweete heart (quoth he) thou shalt not misse the same,
  58. And for to make thee sure hereof, the grisely Stygian Lake,
  59. Which is the feare and God of Gods beare witnesse for thy sake.
  60. She joying in hir owne mischaunce, not having any powre
  61. To rule hir selfe, but making speede to hast hir fatall howre,
  62. In which she through hir Lovers helpe should worke hir owne decay,
  63. Sayd: Such as Juno findeth you when you and she doe play
  64. The games of Venus, such I pray thee shew thy selfe to mee
  65. In everie case. The God would faine have stopt hir mouth. But shee
  66. Had made such hast that out it was. Which made him sigh full sore,
  67. For neyther she could then unwish the thing she wisht before,
  68. Nor he revoke his solemne oth. Wherefore with sorie heart
  69. And heavie countnance by and by to Heaven he doth depart,
  70. And makes to follow after him with looke full grim and stoure
  71. The flakie clouds all grisly blacke, as when they threat a shoure.
  72. To which he added mixt with winde a fierce and flashing flame,
  73. With drie and dreadfull thunderclaps and lightning to the same
  74. Of deadly unavoyded dynt. And yet as much as may
  75. He goes about his vehement force and fiercenesse to allay.
  76. He doth not arme him with the fire with which he did remove
  77. The Giant with the hundreth handes, Typhoeus, from above:
  78. It was too cruell and too sore to use against his Love.
  79. The Cyclops made an other kinde of lightning farre more light,
  80. Wherein they put much lesse of fire, lesse fierceness, lesser might.
  81. It hight in Heaven the seconde Mace. Jove armes himselfe with this
  82. And enters into Cadmus house where Semelles chamber is.
  83. She being mortall was too weake and feeble to withstande
  84. Such troublous tumultes of the Heavens: and therefore out of hande
  85. Was burned in hir Lovers armes. But yet he tooke away
  86. His infant from the mothers wombe unperfect as it lay,
  87. And (if a man may credit it) did in his thigh it sowe,
  88. Where byding out the mothers tyme it did to ripenesse growe.
  89. And when the time of birth was come his Aunt the Ladie Ine
  90. Did nourse him for a while by stealth and kept him trym and fine.
  91. The Nymphes of Nysa afterwarde did in their bowres him hide,
  92. And brought him up with Milke till tyme he might abrode be spyde.
  1. Now while these things were done on earth, and that by fatal doome
  2. The twice borne Bacchus had a tyme to mannes estate to come,
  3. They say that Jove disposde to myrth as he and Juno sate
  4. A drinking Nectar after meate in sport and pleasant rate,
  5. Did fall a jeasting with his wife, and saide: A greater pleasure
  6. In Venus games ye women have than men beyonde all measure.
  7. She answerde no. To trie the truth, they both of them agree
  8. The wise Tyresias in this case indifferent Judge to bee,
  9. Who both the man and womans joyes by tryall understood.
  10. For finding once two mightie Snakes engendring in a Wood,
  11. He strake them overthwart the backs, by meanes whereof beholde
  12. (As straunge a thing to be of truth as ever yet was tolde)
  13. He being made a woman straight, seven winter lived so.
  14. The eight he finding them againe did say unto them tho:
  15. And if to strike ye have such powre as for to turne their shape
  16. That are the givers of the stripe, before you hence escape,
  17. One stripe now will I lende you more. He strake them as beforne
  18. And straight returnd his former shape in which he first was borne.
  19. Tyresias therefore being tane to judge this jesting strife,
  20. Gave sentence on the side of Jove. The which the Queene his wife
  21. Did take a great deale more to heart than needed, and in spight
  22. To wreake hir teene upon hir Judge, bereft him of his sight.
  23. But Jove (for to the Gods it is unleefull to undoe
  24. The things which other of the Gods by any meanes have doe)
  25. Did give him sight in things to come for losse of sight of eye,
  26. And so his grievous punishment with honour did supplie.
  1. By meanes whereof within a while in Citie, fielde, and towne
  2. Through all the coast of Aony was bruited his renowne.
  3. And folke to have their fortunes read that dayly did resorte
  4. Were aunswerde so as none of them could give him misreporte.
  5. The first that of his soothfast wordes had proufe in all the Realme
  6. Was freckled Lyriop, whom sometime surprised in his streame
  7. The floud Cephisus did enforce. This Lady bare a sonne
  8. Whose beautie at his verie birth might justly love have wonne.
  9. -Narcissus did she call his name. Of whome the Prophet sage,
  10. -Demaunded if the childe should live to many yeares of age,
  11. Made aunswere: Yea full long, so that him selfe he doe not know.
  12. The Soothsayers wordes seemde long but vaine, untill the end did show
  13. His saying to be true in deede by straungenesse of the rage,
  14. And straungenesse of the kinde of death that did abridge his age.
  15. For when yeares three times five and one he fully lyved had,
  16. So that he seemde to stande beetwene the state of man and Lad,
  17. The hearts of dyvers trim yong men his beautie gan to move
  18. And many a Ladie fresh and faire was taken in his love.
  19. But in that grace of Natures gift such passing pride did raigne,
  20. That to be toucht of man or Mayde he wholy did disdaine.
  21. A babling Nymph that Echo hight, who hearing others talke,
  22. By no meanes can restraine hir tongue but that it needes must walke,
  23. Nor of hir selfe hath powre to ginne to speake to any wight,
  24. Espyde him dryving into toyles the fearefull stagges of flight.
  25. This Echo was a body then and not an onely voyce.
  26. Yet of hir speach she had that time no more than now the choyce,
  27. That is to say, of many wordes the latter to repeate.
  28. The cause thereof was Junos wrath. For when that with the feate
  29. She might have often taken Jove in daliance with his Dames,
  30. And that by stealth and unbewares in middes of all his games,
  31. This elfe would with hir tatling talke deteine hir by the way,
  32. Untill that Jove had wrought his will and they were fled away.
  33. The which when Juno did perceyve, she said with wrathfull mood:
  34. This tongue that hath deluded me shall doe thee little good,
  35. For of thy speach but simple use hereafter shalt thou have.
  36. The deede it selfe did straight confirme the threatnings that she gave.
  37. Yet Echo of the former talke doth double oft the ende
  38. And backe againe with just report the wordes earst spoken sende.
  39. Now when she sawe Narcissus stray about the Forrest wyde,
  40. She waxed warme and step for step fast after him she hyde.
  41. The more she followed after him and neerer that she came,
  42. The hoter ever did she waxe as neerer to hir flame.
  43. Lyke as the lively Brimstone doth which dipt about a match,
  44. And put but softly to the fire, the flame doth lightly catch.
  45. O Lord how often woulde she faine (if nature would have let)
  46. Entreated him with gentle wordes some favour for to get?
  47. But nature would not suffer hir nor give hir leave to ginne.
  48. Yet (so farre forth as she by graunt at natures hande could winne)
  49. As readie with attentive eare she harkens for some sounde,
  50. Whereto she might replie hir wordes, from which she is not bounde.
  51. By chaunce the stripling being strayde from all his companie,
  52. Sayde: Is there any body nie? Straight Echo answerde: I.
  53. Amazde he castes his eye aside, and looketh round about,
  54. And Come (that all the Forrest roong) aloud he calleth out.
  55. And Come (sayth she:) he looketh backe, and seeing no man followe,
  56. Why fliste, he cryeth once againe: and she the same doth hallowe.
  57. He still persistes and wondring much what kinde of thing it was
  58. From which that answering voyce by turne so duely seemde to passe,
  59. Said: Let us joyne. She (by hir will desirous to have said
  60. In fayth with none more willingly at any time or stead)
  61. Said: Let us joyne. And standing somewhat in hir owne conceit,
  62. Upon these wordes she left the Wood, and forth she yeedeth streit,
  63. To coll the lovely necke for which she longed had so much,
  64. He runnes his way and will not be imbraced of no such,
  65. And sayth: I first will die ere thou shalt take of me thy pleasure.
  66. She aunswerde nothing else thereto, but Take of me thy pleasure.
  67. Now when she saw hir selfe thus mockt, she gate hir to the Woods,
  68. And hid hir head for verie shame among the leaves and buddes.
  69. And ever sence she lyves alone in dennes and hollow Caves,
  70. Yet stacke hir love still to hir heart, through which she dayly raves
  71. The more for sorrowe of repulse. Through restlesse carke and care
  72. Hir bodie pynes to skinne and bone, and waxeth wonderous bare.
  73. The bloud doth vanish into ayre from out of all hir veynes,
  74. And nought is left but voyce and bones: the voyce yet still remaynes:
  75. Hir bones they say were turnde to stones. From thence she lurking still
  76. In Woods, will never shewe hir head in field nor yet on hill.
  77. Yet is she heard of every man: it is hir onely sound,
  78. And nothing else that doth remayne alive above the ground.
  79. Thus had he mockt this wretched Nymph and many mo beside,
  80. That in the waters, Woods and groves, or Mountaynes did abyde.
  81. Thus had he mocked many men. Of which one miscontent
  82. To see himselfe deluded so, his handes to Heaven up bent,
  83. And sayd: I pray to God he may once feele fierce Cupids fire
  84. As I doe now, and yet not joy the things he doth desire.
  85. The Goddesse Ramnuse (who doth wreake on wicked people take)
  86. Assented to his just request for ruth and pities sake.
  87. There was a spring withouten mudde as silver cleare and still,
  88. Which neyther sheepeheirds, nor the Goates that fed upon the hill,
  89. Nor other cattell troubled had, nor savage beast had styrd,
  90. Nor braunch nor sticke, nor leafe of tree, nor any soule nor byrd.
  91. The moysture fed and kept aye fresh the grasse that grew about,
  92. And with their leaves the trees did keepe the heate of Phoebus out.
  93. The stripling wearie with the heate and hunting in the chace,
  94. And much delighted with the spring and coolenesse of the place,
  95. Did lay him downe upon the brim: and as he stooped lowe
  96. To staunche his thurst, another thurst of worse effect did growe.
  97. For as he dranke, he chaunst to spie the Image of his face,
  98. The which he did immediately with fervent love embrace.
  99. He feedes a hope without cause why. For like a foolishe noddie
  100. He thinkes the shadow that he sees, to be a lively boddie.
  101. Astraughted like an ymage made of Marble stone he lyes,
  102. There gazing on his shadowe still with fixed staring eyes.
  103. Stretcht all along upon the ground, it doth him good to see
  104. His ardant eyes which like two starres full bright and shyning bee,
  105. And eke his fingars, fingars such as Bacchus might beseeme,
  106. And haire that one might worthely Apollos haire it deeme,
  107. His beardlesse chinne and yvorie necke, and eke the perfect grace
  108. Of white and red indifferently bepainted in his face.
  109. All these he woondreth to beholde, for which (as I doe gather)
  110. Himselfe was to be woondred at, or to be pitied rather.
  111. He is enamored of himselfe for want of taking heede,
  112. And where he lykes another thing, he lykes himselfe in deede.
  113. He is the partie whome he wooes, and suter that doth wooe,
  114. He is the flame that settes on fire, and thing that burneth tooe.
  115. O Lord how often did he kisse that false deceitfull thing?
  116. How often did he thrust his armes midway into the spring
  117. To have embraste the necke he saw and could not catch himselfe?
  118. He knowes not what it was he sawe. And yet the foolish elfe
  119. Doth burne in ardent love thereof. The verie selfsame thing
  120. That doth bewitch and blinde his eyes, encreaseth all his sting.
  121. Thou fondling thou, why doest thou raught the fickle image so?
  122. The thing thou seekest is not there. And if aside thou go,
  123. The thing thou lovest straight is gone. It is none other matter
  124. That thou doest see, than of thy selfe the shadow in the water.
  125. The thing is nothing of it selfe: with thee it doth abide,
  126. With thee it would departe if thou withdrew thy selfe aside.
  1. No care of meate could draw him thence, nor yet desire of rest.
  2. But lying flat against the ground, and leaning on his brest,
  3. With greedie eyes he gazeth still uppon the falced face,
  4. And through his sight is wrought his bane. Yet for a little space
  5. He turnes and settes himselfe upright, and holding up his hands
  6. With piteous voyce unto the wood that round about him stands,
  7. Cryes out and ses: Alas ye Woods, and was there ever any
  8. That loovde so cruelly as I? you know: for unto many
  9. A place of harbrough have you beene, and fort of refuge strong.
  10. Can you remember any one in all your tyme so long
  11. That hath so pinde away as I? I see and am full faine,
  12. Howbeit that I like and see I can not yet attaine:
  13. So great a blindnesse in my heart through doting love doth raigne.
  14. And for to spight me more withall, it is no journey farre,
  15. No drenching Sea, no Mountaine hie, no wall, no locke, no barre,
  16. It is but even a little droppe that keepes us two asunder.
  17. He would be had. For looke how oft I kisse the water under,
  18. So oft againe with upwarde mouth he riseth towarde mee.
  19. A man would thinke to touch at least I should yet able bee.
  20. It is a trifle in respect that lettes us of our love.
  21. What wight soever that thou art come hither up above.
  22. O pierlesse piece, why dost thou mee thy lover thus delude?
  23. Or whither fliste thou of thy friende thus earnestly pursude?
  24. Iwis I neyther am so fowle nor yet so growne in yeares
  25. That in this wise thou shouldst me shoon. To have me to their Feeres,
  26. The Nymphes themselves have sude ere this. And yet (as should appeere)
  27. Thou dost pretende some kinde of hope of friendship by thy cheere.
  28. For when I stretch mine armes to thee, thou stretchest thine likewise.
  29. And if I smile thou smilest too: and when that from mine eyes
  30. The teares doe drop, I well perceyve the water stands in thine.
  31. Like gesture also dost thou make to everie becke of mine.
  32. And as by moving of thy sweete and lovely lippes I weene,
  33. Thou speakest words although mine eares conceive not what they beene,
  34. It is my selfe I well perceyve, it is mine Image sure,
  35. That in this sort deluding me, this furie doth procure.
  36. I am inamored of my selfe, I doe both set on fire,
  37. And am the same that swelteth too, through impotent desire.
  38. What shall I doe? be woode or woo? whome shall I woo therefore?
  39. The thing I seeke is in my selfe, my plentie makes me poore.
  40. I would to God I for a while might from my bodie part.
  41. This wish is straunge to heare, a Lover wrapped all in smart
  42. To wish away the thing the which he loveth as his heart.
  43. My sorrowe takes away my strength. I have not long to live,
  44. But in the floure of youth must die. To die it doth not grieve.
  45. For that by death shall come the ende of all my griefe and paine
  46. I would this yongling whome I love might lenger life obtaine:
  47. For in one soule shall now decay we stedfast Lovers twaine.
  48. This saide in rage he turnes againe unto the forsaide shade,
  49. And rores the water with the teares and sloubring that he made,
  50. That through his troubling of the Well his ymage gan to fade.
  51. Which when he sawe to vanish so: Oh whither dost thou flie?
  52. Abide I pray thee heartely, aloud he gan to crie.
  53. Forsake me not so cruelly that loveth thee so deere,
  54. But give me leave a little while my dazled eyes to cheere
  55. With sight of that which for to touch is utterly denide,
  56. Thereby to feede my wretched rage and furie for a tide.
  57. As in this wise he made his mone, he stripped off his cote
  58. And with his fist outragiously his naked stomacke smote.
  59. A ruddie colour where he smote rose on his stomacke sheere,
  60. Lyke Apples which doe partly white and striped red appeere,
  61. Or as the clusters ere the grapes to ripenesse fully come:
  62. An Orient purple here and there beginnes to grow on some.
  63. Which things as soon as in the spring he did beholde againe,
  64. He could no longer beare it out. But fainting straight for paine,
  65. As lith and supple waxe doth melt against the burning flame,
  66. Or morning dewe against the Sunne that glareth on the same:
  67. Even so by piecemale being spent and wasted through desire,
  68. Did he consume and melt away with Cupids secret fire.
  69. His lively hue of white and red, his cheerefulnesse and strength
  70. And all the things that lyked him did wanze away at length.
  71. So that in fine remayned not the bodie which of late
  72. The wretched Echo loved so. Who when she sawe his state,
  73. Although in heart she angrie were, and mindefull of his pride,
  74. Yet ruing his unhappie case, as often as he cride
  75. Alas, she cride, Alas likewise with shirle redoubled sound.
  76. And when he beate his breast, or strake his feete against the ground,
  77. She made like noyse of clapping too. These are the woordes that last
  78. Out of his lippes beholding still his woonted ymage past:
  79. Alas sweete boy belovde in vaine, farewell. And by and by
  80. With sighing sound the selfesame wordes the Echo did reply.
  81. With that he layde his wearie head against the grassie place
  82. And death did doze his gazing eyes that woondred at the grace
  83. And beautie which did late adorne their Masters heavenly face.
  84. And afterward when into Hell receyved was his spright
  85. He goes me to the Well of Styx, and there both day and night
  86. Standes tooting on his shadow still as fondely as before.
  87. The water Nymphes, his sisters, wept and wayled for him sore
  88. And on his bodie strowde their haire clipt off and shorne therefore.
  89. The Wood nymphes also did lament. And Echo did rebound
  90. To every sorrowfull noyse of theirs with like lamenting sound.
  91. The fire was made to burne the corse, and waxen Tapers light.
  92. A Herce to lay the bodie on with solemne pompe was dight.
  93. But as for bodie none remaind: in stead thereof they found
  94. A yellow floure with milke white leaves new sprong upon the ground.
  1. This matter all Achaia through did spreade the Prophets fame:
  2. That every where of just desert renowned was his name.
  3. But Penthey, olde Echions sonne (who proudely did disdaine
  4. Both God and man) did laughe to scorne the Prophets words as vaine,
  5. Upbrading him most spitefully with loosing of his sight,
  6. And with the fact for which he lost fruition of this light.
  7. The good olde father (for these wordes his pacience much did move)
  8. Saide: how happie shouldest thou be and blessed from above,
  9. If thou wert blinde as well as I, so that thou might not see
  10. The sacred rytes of Bacchus band. For sure the time will bee,
  11. And that full shortely (as I gesse) that hither shall resort
  12. Another Bacchus, Semelles sonne, whome if thou not support
  13. With pompe and honour like a God, thy carcasse shall be tattred,
  14. And in a thousand places eke about the Woods be scattred.
  15. And for to reade thee what they are that shall perfourme the deede,
  16. It is thy mother and thine Auntes that thus shall make thee bleede.
  17. I know it shall so come to passe, for why thou shalt disdaine,
  18. To honour Bacchus as a God: and then thou shalt with paine
  19. Feele how that blinded as I am I sawe for thee too much.
  20. As olde Tiresias did pronounce these wordes and other such,
  21. Echions sonne did trouble him. His wordes prove true in deede,
  22. For as the Prophet did forespeake so fell it out with speede.
  23. Anon this newefound Bacchus commes: the woods and fieldes rebound
  24. With noyse of shouts and howling out, and such confused sound.
  25. The folke runne flocking out by heapes, men, Mayds and wives togither
  26. The noble men and rascall sorte ran gadding also thither,
  27. The Orgies of this unknowne God full fondely to performe,
  28. The which when Penthey did perceyve, he gan to rage and storme.
  29. And sayde unto them: O ye ympes of Mars his snake by kinde
  30. What ayleth you? what fiend of hell doth thus enrage your minde?
  31. Hath tinking sound of pottes and pannes, hath noyse of crooked home,
  32. Have fonde illusions such a force that them whome heretoforne
  33. No arming sworde, no bloudie trumpe, no men in battail ray
  34. Could cause to shrinke, no sheepish shriekes of simple women fray,
  35. And dronken woodnesse wrought by wine and roughts of filthie freakes
  36. And sound of toying timpanes dauntes, and quite their courage breakes?
  37. Shall I at you, yee auncient men which from the towne of Tyre
  38. To bring your housholde Gods by Sea, in safetie did aspyre,
  39. And setled*hem within this place the which ye nowe doe yeelde
  40. In bondage quite without all force and fighting in the fielde,
  41. Or woonder at you yonger sorte approching unto mee
  42. More neare in courage and in yeares? whome meete it were to see
  43. With speare and not with thirse in hande, with glittring helme on hed,
  44. And not with leaves. Now call to minde of whome ye all are bred,
  45. And take the stomackes of that Snake, which being one alone,
  46. Right stoutly in his owne defence confounded many one.
  47. He for his harbrough and his spring his lyfe did nobly spend.
  48. Doe you no more but take a heart your Countrie to defende.
  49. He put to death right valeant knightes. Your battaile is with such
  50. As are but Meicocks in effect: and yet ye doe so much
  51. In conquering them, that by the deede the olde renowne ye save,
  52. Which from your fathers by discent this present time ye have.
  53. If fatall destnies doe forbid that Thebae long shall stande,
  54. Would God that men with Canon shot might raze it out of hande.
  55. Would God the noyse of fire and sworde did in our hearing sound.
  56. For then in this our wretchednesse there could no fault be found.
  57. Then might we justly waile our case that all the world might see
  58. We should not neede of sheading teares ashamed for to bee.
  59. But now our towne is taken by a naked beardelesse boy,
  60. Who doth not in the feates of armes nor horse nor armour joy,
  61. But for to moyste his haire with Mirrhe, and put on garlands gay,
  62. And in soft Purple silke and golde his bodie to aray.
  63. But put to you your helping hand and straight without delay
  64. I will compell him poynt by poynt his lewdnesse to bewray,
  65. Both in usurping Joves high name in making him his sonne
  66. And forging of these Ceremonies lately now begonne.
  67. Hath King Atrisius heart inough this fondling for to hate
  68. That makes himselfe to be a God? and for to shut the gate
  69. Of Argus at his comming there? and shall this rover make
  70. King Penthey and the noble towne of Thebae thus to quake?
  71. Go quickly sirs (these wordes he spake unto his servaunts) go
  72. And bring the Captaine hither bound with speede. Why stay ye so?
  73. His Grandsire Cadmus, Athamas and others of his kinne
  74. Reproved him by gentle meanes but nothing could they winne:
  75. The more intreatance that they made the fiercer was he still:
  76. The more his friendes did go about to breake him of his will,
  77. The more they did provoke his wrath, and set his rage on fire:
  78. They made him worse in that they sought to bridle his desire.
  79. So have I seene a brooke ere this, where nothing let the streame,
  80. Runne smooth with little noyse or none, but where as any beame
  81. Or cragged stones did let his course, and make him for to stay:
  82. It went more fiercely from the stoppe with fomie wroth away.
  83. Beholde all bloudie come his men, and straight he them demaunded
  84. Where Bacchus was, and why they had not done as he commaunded.
  85. Sir (aunswerde they) we saw him not, but this same fellow heere
  86. A chiefe companion in his traine and worker in this geere,
  87. Wee tooke by force: and therewithall presented to their Lord
  88. A certaine man of Tirrhene lande, his handes fast bound with cord,
  89. Whome they, frequenting Bacchus rites had found but late before.
  90. A grim and cruell looke which yre did make to seeme more sore,
  91. Did Penthey cast upon the man. And though he scarcely stayd
  92. From putting him to tormentes strait, O wretched man (he sayde)
  93. Who by thy worthie death shalt be a sample unto other,
  94. Declare to me the names of thee, thy father and thy mother,
  95. And in what Countrie thou wert borne, and what hath caused thee,
  96. Of these straunge rites and sacrifice, a follower for to bee.
  1. He voyd of feare made aunswere thus: Acetis is my name:
  2. Of Parentes but of lowe degree in Lidy land I came.
  3. No ground for painfull Oxe to till, no sheepe to beare me wooll
  4. My father left me: no nor horse, nor Asse, nor Cow nor Booll.
  5. God wote he was but poore himselfe. With line and bayted hooke
  6. The frisking fishes in the pooles upon his Reede he tooke.
  7. His handes did serve in steade of landes, his substance was his craft.
  8. Nowe have I made you true accompt of all that he me laft,
  9. As well of ryches as of trades, in which I was his heire
  10. And successour. For when that death bereft him use of aire,
  11. Save water he me nothing left. It is the thing alone
  12. Which for my lawfull heritage I clayme, and other none.
  13. Soone after I (bicause that loth I was to ay abide
  14. In that poore state) did learne a ship by cunning hande to guide,
  15. And for to know the raynie signe, that hight th'Olenien Gote
  16. Which with hir milke did nourish Jove. And also I did note
  17. The Pleiads and the Hiads moyst, and eke the siely Plough
  18. With all the dwellings of the winds that make the Seas so rough.
  19. And eke such Havens as are meete to harbrough vessels in:
  20. With everie starre and heavenly signe that guides to shipmen bin.
  21. Now as by chaunce I late ago did toward Dilos sayle,
  22. I came on coast of Scios Ile, and seeing day to fayle,
  23. Tooke harbrough there and went alande. As soone as that the night
  24. Was spent, and morning gan to peere with ruddie glaring light,
  25. I rose and bad my companie fresh water fetch aboord.
  26. And pointing them the way that led directly to the foorde,
  27. I went me to a little hill, and viewed round about
  28. To see what weather we were lyke to have ere setting out.
  29. Which done, I cald my watermen and all my Mates togither,
  30. And willde them all to go aboord my selfe first going thither.
  31. Loe here we are (Opheltes sayd) (he was the Maysters Mate)
  32. And (as he thought) a bootie found in desert fields alate,
  33. He dragd a boy upon his hande that for his beautie sheene
  34. A mayden rather than a boy appeared for to beene.
  35. This childe, as one forelade with wine, and dreint with drousie sleepe
  36. Did reele, as though he scarcely coulde himselfe from falling keepe.
  37. I markt his countnance, weede and pace, no inckling could I see,
  38. By which I might conjecture him a mortall wight to bee.
  39. I thought, and to my fellowes sayd: What God I can not tell
  40. But in this bodie that we see some Godhead sure doth dwell.
  41. What God so ever that thou art, thy favour to us showe,
  42. And in our labours us assist, and pardone these also.
  43. Pray for thy selfe and not for us (quoth Dictys by and by).
  44. A nimbler fellow for to climbe upon the Mast on hie
  45. And by the Cable downe to slide, there was not in our keele.
  46. Swart Melanth patrone of the shippe did like his saying weele.
  47. So also did Alcimedon: and so did Libys too,
  48. And blacke Epopeus eke whose charge it did belong unto
  49. To see the Rowers at their tymes their dueties duely do.
  50. And so did all the rest of them: so sore mennes eyes were blinded
  51. Where covetousenesse of filthie gaine is more than reason minded.
  52. Well sirs (quoth I) but by your leave ye shall not have it so,
  53. I will not suffer sacriledge within this shippe to go.
  54. For I have here the most to doe. And with that worde I stept
  55. Uppon the Hatches, all the rest from entrance to have kept.
  56. The rankest Ruffian of the rout that Lycab had to name,
  57. (Who for a murder being late driven out of Tuscane came
  58. To me for succor) waxed woode, and with his sturdie fist
  59. Did give me such a churlish blow bycause I did resist,
  60. That over boord he had me sent, but that with much ado
  61. I caught the tackling in my hand and helde me fast thereto:
  62. The wicked Varlets had a sport to see me handled so.
  63. Then Bacchus (for it Bacchus was) as though he had but tho
  64. Bene waked with their noyse from sleepe, and that his drousie braine
  65. Discharged of the wine, begon to gather sence againe,
  66. Said: What adoe? what noyse is this? how came I here I pray?
  67. Sirs tell me whether you doe meane to carie me away.
  68. Feare not my boy (the Patrone sayd) no more but tell me where
  69. Thou doest desire to go alande, and we will set thee there.
  70. To Naxus ward (quoth Bacchus tho) set ship upon the fome.
  71. There would I have yow harbrough take, for Naxus is my home.
  72. Like perjurde Caitifs by the Sea and all the Gods thereof,
  73. They falsly sware it should be so, and therewithall in scoffe
  74. They bade me hoyse up saile and go. Upon the righter hand
  75. I cast about to fetch the winde, for so did Naxus stand.
  76. What meanst? art mad? Opheltes cride, and therewithall begun
  77. A feare of loosing of their pray through every man to run.
  78. The greater part with head and hand a signe did to me make,
  79. And some did whisper in mine eare the left hand way to take.
  80. I was amazde and said: Take charge henceforth who will for me:
  81. For of your craft and wickednesse I will no furthrer be.
  82. Then fell they to reviling me, and all the rout gan grudge:
  83. Of which Ethalion said in scorne: By like in you Sir snudge
  84. Consistes the savegard of us all. And wyth that word he takes
  85. My roume, and leaving Naxus quite to other countries makes.
  86. The God then dalying with these mates, as though he had at last
  87. Begon to smell their suttle craft, out of the foredecke cast
  88. His eye upon the Sea: and then as though he seemde to weepe,
  89. Sayd: Sirs, to bring me on this coast ye doe not promise keepe.
  90. I see that this is not the land the which I did request.
  91. For what occasion in this sort deserve I to be drest?
  92. What commendation can you win, or praise thereby receyve,
  93. If men a Lad, if many one ye compasse to deceyve?
  94. I wept and sobbed all this while, the wicked villaines laught,
  95. And rowed forth with might and maine, as though they had bene straught.
  96. Now even by him (for sure than he in all the worlde so wide
  97. There is no God more neare at hand at every time and tide)
  98. I sweare unto you that the things the which I shall declare,
  99. Like as they seeme incredible, even so most true they are.
  100. The ship stoode still amid the Sea as in a dustie docke.
  101. They wondring at this miracle, and making but a mocke,
  102. Persist in beating with their Ores, and on with all their sayles.
  103. To make their Galley to remove, no Art nor labor fayles.
  104. But Ivie troubled so their Ores that forth they could not row:
  105. And both with Beries and with leaves their sailes did overgrow.
  106. And he himselfe with clustred grapes about his temples round,
  107. Did shake a Javeling in his hand that round about was bound
  108. With leaves of Vines: and at his feete there seemed for to couch
  109. Of Tygers, Lynx, and Panthers shapes most ougly for to touch.
  110. I cannot tell you whether feare or woodnesse were the cause,
  111. But every person leapeth up and from his labor drawes.
  112. And there one Medon first of all began to waxen blacke,
  113. And having lost his former shape did take a courbed backe.
  114. What Monster shall we have of thee (quoth Licab) and with that
  115. This Licabs chappes did waxen wide, his nosetrils waxed flat,
  116. His skin waxt tough, and scales thereon began anon to grow.
  117. And Libis as he went about the Ores away to throw,
  118. Perceived how his hands did shrinke and were become so short,
  119. That now for finnes and not for hands he might them well report.
  120. Another as he would have claspt his arme about the corde:
  121. Had nere an arme, and so bemaimd in bodie, over boord
  122. He leapeth downe among the waves, and forked is his tayle
  123. As are the homes of Phebes face when halfe hir light doth fayle.
  124. They leape about and sprinkle up much water on the ship,
  125. One while they swim above, and downe againe anon they slip.
  126. They fetch their friskes as in a daunce, and wantonly they writhe
  127. Now here now there among the waves their bodies bane and lithe.
  128. And with their wide and hollow nose the water in they snuffe,
  129. And by their noses out againe as fast they doe it puffe.
  130. Of twentie persons (for our ship so many men did beare)
  131. I only did remaine nigh straught and trembling still for feare.
  132. The God could scarce recomfort me, and yet he said: Go too,
  133. Feare not but saile to Dia ward. His will I gladly doe.
  134. And so as soone as I came there with right devout intent,
  135. His Chaplaine I became. And thus his Orgies I frequent.
  1. Thou makste a processe verie long (quoth Penthey) to th'intent
  2. That (choler being coolde by time) mine anger might relent.
  3. But Sirs (he spake it to his men) go take him by and by,
  4. With cruell torments out of hand goe cause him for to die.
  5. Immediately they led away Acetes out of sight,
  6. And put him into prison strong from which there was no flight.
  7. But while the cruell instruments of death as sword and fire
  8. Were in preparing wherewithall t'accomplish Pentheys yre,
  9. It is reported that the doores did of their owne accorde
  10. Burst open and his chaines fall off. And yet this cruell Lorde
  11. Persisteth fiercer than before, not bidding others go
  12. But goes himselfe unto the hill Cytheron, which as tho
  13. To Bacchus being consecrate did ring of chaunted songs,
  14. And other loud confused sounds of Bacchus drunken throngs.
  15. And even as when the bloudie Trumpe doth to the battell sound,
  16. The lustie horse streight neying out bestirres him on the ground,
  17. And taketh courage thereupon t'assaile his emnie proud:
  18. Even so when Penthey heard afarre the noyse and howling loud
  19. That Bacchus franticke folke did make, it set his heart on fire,
  20. And kindled fiercer than before the sparks of settled ire.
  21. There is a goodly plaine about the middle of the hill,
  22. Environd in with Woods, where men may view eche way at will.
  23. Here looking on these holie rites with lewde prophaned eyes
  24. King Pentheys mother first of all hir foresaid sonne espies,
  25. And like a Bedlem first of all she doth upon him runne,
  26. And with hir Javeling furiously she first doth wound hir sonne.
  27. Come hither sisters come, she cries, here is that mighty Bore,
  28. Here is the Bore that stroyes our fieldes, him will I strike therefore.
  29. With that they fall upon him all as though they had bene mad,
  30. And clustring all upon a heape fast after him they gad.
  31. He quakes and shakes: his words are now become more meeke and colde:
  32. He now condemnes his owne default, and sayes he was too bolde.
  33. And wounded as he was he cries: Helpe, Aunt Autonoe,
  34. Now for Acteons blessed soule some mercie show to me.
  35. She wist not who Acteon was, but rent without delay
  36. His right hand off: and Ino tare his tother hand away.
  37. To lift unto his mother tho the wretch had nere an arme:
  38. But shewing hir his maimed corse, and woundes yet bleeding warme,
  39. O mother see, he sayes: with that Agaue howleth out:
  40. And writhed with hir necke awrie, and shooke hir haire about.
  41. And holding from his bodie tome his head in bloudie hands,
  42. She cries: fellowes in this deede our noble conquest stands.
  43. No sooner could the winde have blowen the rotten leaves from trees,
  44. When Winters frost hath bitten them, then did the hands of these
  45. Most wicked women Pentheys limmes from one another teare.
  46. The Thebanes being now by this example brought in feare,
  47. Frequent this newfound sacrifice, and with sweete frankinsence
  48. God Bacchus Altars lode with gifts in every place doe cense.
  1. Yet would not stout Alcithoe, Duke Mineus daughter, bow
  2. The Orgies of this newfound God in conscience to allow
  3. But still she stiffly doth denie that Bacchus is the sonne
  4. Of Jove: and in this heresie hir sisters with hir runne.
  5. The Priest had bidden holiday, and that as well the Maide
  6. As Mistresse (for the time aside all other businesse layde)
  7. In Buckskin cotes, with tresses loose, and garlondes on their heare,
  8. Should in their hands the leavie speares (surnamed Thyrsis) beare,
  9. Foretelling them that if they did the Goddes commaundement breake,
  10. He would with sore and grievous plagues his wrath upon them wreake.
  11. The women straight both yong and olde doe thereunto obay.
  12. Their yarne, their baskets, and their flax unsponne aside they lay,
  13. And burne to Bacchus frankinsence. Whome solemly they call
  14. By all the names and titles high that may to him befall:
  15. As Bromius, and Lyeus eke, begotten of the flame,
  16. Twice borne, the sole and only childe that of two mothers came,
  17. Unshorne Thyoney, Niseus, Leneus, and the setter
  18. Of Wines, whose pleasant liquor makes all tables fare the better,
  19. Nyctileus and th'Elelean Sire, Iacchus, Evan eke,
  20. With divers other glorious names that through the land of Greke
  21. To thee O Liber wonted are to attributed bee.
  22. Thy youthfull yeares can never wast: there dwelleth ay in thee
  23. A childhod tender, fresh and faire: in Heaven we doe thee see
  24. Surmounting every other thing in beautie and in grace
  25. And when thou standste without thy homes thou hast a Maidens face.
  26. To thee obeyeth all the East as far as Ganges goes,
  27. Which doth the scorched land of Inde with tawnie folke enclose.
  28. Lycurgus with his twibill sharpe, and Penthey who of pride
  29. Thy Godhead and thy mightie power rebelliously denide,
  30. Thou right redowted didst confounde: thou into Sea didst send
  31. The Tyrrhene shipmen. Thou with bittes the sturdy neckes doste bend
  32. Of spotted Lynxes: throngs of Frowes and Satyres on thee tend,
  33. And that olde Hag that with a staffe his staggering limmes doth stay
  34. Scarce able on his Asse to sit for reeling every way.
  35. Thou commest not in any place but that is hearde the noyse
  36. Of gagling womens tatling tongues and showting out of boyes,
  37. With sound of Timbrels, Tabors, Pipes, and Brazen pannes and pots
  38. Confusedly among the rout that in thine Orgies trots.
  39. The Thebane women for thy grace and favour humbly sue,
  40. And (as the Priest did bid) frequent thy rites with reverence due.
  41. Alonly Mineus daughters bent of wilfulnesse, with working
  42. Quite out of time to breake the feast, are in their houses lurking:
  43. And there doe fall to spinning yarne, or weaving in the frame,
  44. And kepe their maidens to their worke. Of which one pleasant dame
  45. As she with nimble hand did draw hir slender threede and fine,
  46. Said: Whyle that others idelly doe serve the God of wine,
  47. Let us that serve a better Sainct Minerva, finde some talke
  48. To ease our labor while our handes about our profite walke.
  49. And for to make the time seeme shorte, let eche of us recite,
  50. (As every bodies turne shall come) some tale that may delight.
  51. Hir saying likte the rest so well that all consent therein,
  52. And thereupon they pray that first the eldest would begin.
  53. She had such store and choyce of tales she wist not which to tell.
  54. She doubted if she might declare the fortune that befell
  55. To Dircetes of Babilon whome now with scaly hide
  56. In altred shape the Philistine beleveth to abide
  57. In watrie Pooles: or rather how hir daughter taking wings
  58. In shape of Dove on toppes of towres in age now sadly sings:
  59. Or how a certaine water Nymph by witchcraft and by charmes
  60. Converted into fishes dumbe of yongmen many swarmes,
  61. Untill that of the selfesame sauce hir selfe did tast at last:
  62. Or how the tree that usde to beare fruite white in ages past,
  63. Doth now beare fruite in manner blacke, by sprincling up of blood.
  64. This tale (bicause it was not stale nor common) seemed good
  65. To hir to tell: and thereupon she in this wise begun,
  66. Hir busie hand still drawing out the flaxen threede she spun:
  1. Within the towne (of whose huge walles so monstrous high and thicke
  2. The fame is given Semyramis for making them of bricke)
  3. Dwelt hard together two yong folke in houses joynde so nere
  4. That under all one roofe well nie both twaine conveyed were.
  5. The name of him was Pyramus, and Thisbe calde was she.
  6. So faire a man in all the East was none alive as he,
  7. Nor nere a woman, maide nor wife in beautie like to hir.
  8. This neighbrod bred acquaintance first, this neyghbrod first did stirre
  9. The secret sparkes, this neighbrod first an entrance in did showe,
  10. For love to come to that to which it afterward did growe.
  11. And if that right had taken place they had bene man and wife,
  12. But still their Parents went about to let which (for their life)
  13. They could not let. For both their heartes with equall flame did burne.
  14. No man was privie to their thoughts. And for to serve their turne
  15. In steade of talke they used signes. The closelier they supprest -
  16. The fire of love, the fiercer still it raged in their brest.
  17. The wall that parted house from house had riven therein a crany
  18. Which shronke at making of the wall. This fault not markt of any
  19. Of many hundred yeares before (what doth not love espie)
  20. These lovers first of all found out, and made a way whereby
  21. To talke togither secretly, and through the same did goe
  22. Their loving whisprings verie light and safely to and fro.
  23. Now as at one side Pyramus and Thisbe on the tother
  24. Stoode often drawing one of them the pleasant breath from other:
  25. O thou envious wall (they sayd) why letst thou lovers thus?
  26. What matter were it if that thou permitted both of us
  27. In armes eche other to embrace? Or if thou thinke that this
  28. Were overmuch, yet mightest thou at least make roume to kisse.
  29. And yet thou shalt not finde us churles: we thinke our selves in det
  30. For this same piece of courtesie, in vouching safe to let
  31. Our sayings to our friendly eares thus freely come and goe.
  32. Thus having where they stoode in vaine complayned of their woe,
  33. When night drew nere, they bade adew and eche gave kisses sweete
  34. Unto the parget on their side, the which did never meete.
  35. Next morning with hir cherefull light had driven the starres aside
  36. And Phebus with his burning beames the dewie grasse had dride.
  37. These lovers at their wonted place by foreappointment met.
  38. Where after much complaint and mone they covenanted to get
  39. Away from such as watched them and in the Evening late
  40. To steale out of their fathers house and eke the Citie gate.
  41. And to th'intent that in the fieldes they strayde not up and downe
  42. They did agree at Ninus Tumb to meete without the towne,
  43. And tarie underneath a tree that by the same did grow
  44. Which was a faire high Mulberie with fruite as white as snow,
  45. Hard by a coole and trickling spring. This bargaine pleasde them both
  46. And so daylight (which to their thought away but slowly goth)
  47. Did in the Ocean fall to rest, and night from thence doth rise.
  48. As soone as darkenesse once was come, straight Thisbe did devise
  49. A shift to wind hir out of doores, that none that were within
  50. Perceyved hir: and muffling hir with clothes about hir chin,
  51. That no man might discerne hir face, to Ninus Tumb she came
  52. Unto the tree, and sat hir downe there underneath the same.
  53. Love made hir bold. But see the chaunce, there comes besmerde with blood
  54. About the chappes a Lionesse all foming from the wood
  55. From slaughter lately made of kine to staunch hir bloudie thurst
  56. With water of the foresaid spring. Whome Thisbe spying furst,
  57. Afarre by moonelight, thereupon with fearfull steppes gan flie,
  58. And in a darke and yrkesome cave did hide hirselfe thereby.
  59. And as she fled away for hast she let hir mantle fall
  60. The whych for feare she left behind not looking backe at all.
  61. Now when the cruell Lionesse hir thurst had stanched well,
  62. In going to the Wood she found the slender weede that fell
  63. From Thisbe, which with bloudie teeth in pieces she did teare.
  64. The night was somewhat further spent ere Pyramus came there
  65. Who seeing in the suttle sande the print of Lions paw,
  66. Waxt pale for feare. But when also the bloudie cloke he saw
  67. All rent and tome: One night (he sayd) shall lovers two confounde,
  68. Of which long life deserved she of all that live on ground.
  69. My soule deserves of this mischaunce the perill for to beare.
  70. I, wretch, have bene the death of thee, which to this place of feare
  71. Did cause thee in the night to come, and came not here before.
  72. My wicked limmes and wretched guttes with cruell teeth therfore
  73. Devour ye, O ye Lions all that in this rocke doe dwell.
  74. But Cowardes use to wish for death. The slender weede that fell
  75. From Thisbe up he takes, and streight doth beare it to the tree,
  76. Which was appointed erst the place of meeting for to bee.
  77. And when he had bewept and kist the garment which he knew,
  78. Receyve thou my bloud too (quoth he) and therewithall he drew
  79. His sworde, the which among his guttes he thrust, and by and by
  80. Did draw it from the bleeding wound beginning for to die,
  81. And cast himselfe upon his backe, the bloud did spin on hie
  82. As when a Conduite pipe is crackt, the water bursting out
  83. Doth shote it selfe a great way off and pierce the Ayre about.
  84. The leaves that were upon the tree besprincled with his blood
  85. Were died blacke. The roote also bestained as it stoode,
  86. A deepe darke purple colour straight upon the Berries cast.
  87. Anon scarce ridded of hir feare with which she was agast,
  88. For doubt of disapointing him commes Thisbe forth in hast,
  89. And for hir lover lookes about, rejoycing for to tell
  90. How hardly she had scapt that night the daunger that befell.
  91. And as she knew right well the place and facion of the tree
  92. (As whych she saw so late before): even so when she did see
  93. The colour of the Berries turnde, she was uncertaine whither
  94. It were the tree at which they both agreed to meete togither.
  95. While in this doubtfull stounde she stoode, she cast hir eye aside
  96. And there beweltred in his bloud hir lover she espide
  97. Lie sprawling with his dying limmes: at which she started backe,
  98. And looked pale as any Box, a shuddring through hir stracke,
  99. Even like the Sea which sodenly with whissing noyse doth move,
  100. When with a little blast of winde it is but toucht above.
  101. But when approching nearer him she knew it was hir love,
  102. She beate hir brest, she shricked out, she tare hir golden heares,
  103. And taking him betweene hir armes did wash his wounds with teares,
  104. She meynt hir weeping with his bloud, and kissing all his face
  105. (Which now became as colde as yse) she cride in wofull case:
  106. Alas what chaunce, my Pyramus, hath parted thee and mee?
  107. Make aunswere O my Pyramus: it is thy Thisb', even shee
  108. Whome thou doste love most heartely, that speaketh unto thee.
  109. Give eare and rayse thy heavie heade. He hearing Thisbes name,
  110. Lift up his dying eyes and having seene hir closde the same.
  111. But when she knew hir mantle there and saw his scabberd lie
  112. Without the swoorde: Unhappy man thy love hath made thee die:
  113. Thy love (she said) hath made thee sley thy selfe. This hand of mine
  114. Is strong inough to doe the like. My love no lesse than thine
  115. Shall give me force to worke my wound. I will pursue the dead.
  116. And wretched woman as I am, it shall of me be sed
  117. That like as of thy death I was the only cause and blame,
  118. So am I thy companion eke and partner in the same,
  119. For death which only coulde alas asunder part us twaine,
  120. Shall never so dissever us but we will meete againe.
  121. And you the Parentes of us both, most wretched folke alyve,
  122. Let this request that I shall make in both our names bylive
  123. Entreate you to permit that we whome chaste and stedfast love
  124. And whome even death hath joynde in one, may as it doth behove
  125. In one grave be together layd. And thou unhappie tree
  126. Which shroudest now the corse of one, and shalt anon through mee
  127. Shroude two, of this same slaughter holde the sicker signes for ay,
  128. Blacke be the colour of thy fruite and mourning like alway,
  129. Such as the murder of us twaine may evermore bewray.
  130. This said, she tooke the sword yet warme with slaughter of hir love
  131. And setting it beneath hir brest, did to hir heart it shove.
  132. Hir prayer with the Gods and with their Parentes tooke effect.
  133. For when the frute is throughly ripe, the Berrie is bespect
  134. With colour tending to a blacke. And that which after fire
  135. Remained, rested in one Tumbe as Thisbe did desire.
  1. This tale thus tolde a little space of pawsing was betwist,
  2. And then began Leucothoe thus, hir sisters being whist:
  3. This Sunne that with his streaming light al worldly things doth cheare
  4. Was tane in love. Of Phebus loves now list and you shall heare.
  5. It is reported that this God did first of all espie,
  6. (For everie thing in Heaven and Earth is open to his eie)
  7. How Venus with the warlike Mars advoutrie did commit.
  8. It grieved him to see the fact and so discovered it,
  9. He shewed hir husband Junos sonne th'advoutrie and the place
  10. In which this privie scape was done. Who was in such a case
  11. That heart and hand and all did faile in working for a space.
  12. Anon he featly forgde a net of Wire so fine and slight,
  13. That neyther knot nor nooze therein apparant was to sight.
  14. This piece of worke was much more fine than any handwarpe oofe
  15. Or that whereby the Spider hanges in sliding from the roofe.
  16. And furthermore the suttlenesse and slight thereof was such,
  17. It followed every little pull and closde with every touch,
  18. And so he set it handsomly about the haunted couch.
  19. Now when that Venus and hir mate were met in bed togither
  20. Hir husband by his newfound snare before convayed thither
  21. Did snarle them both togither fast in middes of all theyr play
  22. And setting ope the Ivorie doores, callde all the Gods streight way
  23. To see them: they with shame inough fast lockt togither lay.
  24. A certaine God among the rest disposed for to sport
  25. Did wish that he himselfe also were shamed in that sort.
  26. The resdue laught and so in heaven there was no talke a while,
  27. But of this Pageant how the Smith the lovers did beguile.
  28. Dame Venus highly stomacking this great displeasure, thought
  29. To be revenged on the part by whome the spight was wrought.
  30. And like as he hir secret loves and meetings had bewrayd,
  31. So she with wound of raging love his guerdon to him payd.
  32. What now avayles (Hyperions sonne) thy forme and beautie bright?
  33. What now avayle thy glistring eyes with cleare and piercing sight?
  34. For thou that with thy gleames art wont all countries for to burne,
  35. Art burnt thy selfe with other gleames that serve not for thy turne.
  36. And thou that oughtst thy cherefull looke on all things for to shew
  37. Alonly on Leucothoe doste now the same bestow.
  38. Thou fastnest on that Maide alone the eyes that thou doste owe
  39. To all the worlde. Sometime more rathe thou risest in the East,
  40. Sometime againe thou makste it late before thou fall to reast.
  41. And for desire to looke on hir, thou often doste prolong
  42. Our winter nightes. And in thy light thou faylest eke among.
  43. The fancie of thy faultie minde infectes thy feeble sight,
  44. And so thou makste mens hearts afrayde by daunting of thy light,
  45. Thou looxte not pale bycause the globe of Phebe is betweene
  46. The Earth and thee: but love doth cause this colour to be seene.
  47. Thou lovest this Leucothoe so far above all other,
  48. That neyther now for Clymene, for Rhodos, nor the mother
  49. Of Circe, nor for Clytie (who at that present tyde
  50. Rejected from thy companie did for thy love abide
  51. Most grievous torments in hir heart) thou seemest for to care.
  52. Thou mindest hir so much that all the rest forgotten are.
  53. Hir mother was Eurynome of all the fragrant clime
  54. Of Arabie esteemde the flowre of beautie in hir time.
  55. But when hir daughter came to age the daughter past the mother
  56. As far in beautie, as before the mother past all other.
  57. Hir father was king Orchamus and rulde the publike weale
  58. Of Persey, counted by descent the seventh from auncient Bele.
  59. Far underneath the Westerne clyme of Hesperus doe runne
  60. The pastures of the firie steedes that draw the golden Sunne.
  61. There are they fed with Ambrosie in stead of grasse all night
  62. Which doth refresh their werie limmes and keepeth them in plight
  63. To beare their dailie labor out: now while the steedes there take
  64. Their heavenly foode and night by turne his timely course doth make,
  65. The God disguised in the shape of Queene Eurynome
  66. Doth prease within the chamber doore of faire Leucothoe
  67. His lover, whome amid twelve Maides he found by candlelight
  68. Yet spinning on hir little Rocke, and went me to hir right.
  69. And kissing hir as mothers use to kisse their daughters deare,
  70. Saide: Maydes, withdraw your selves a while and sit not listning here.
  71. I have a secret thing to talke. The Maides avoyde eche one,
  72. The God then being with his love in chamber all alone,
  73. Said: I am he that metes the yeare, that all things doe beholde,
  74. By whome the Earth doth all things see, the Eye of all the worlde.
  75. Trust me I am in love with thee. The Ladie was so nipt
  76. With sodaine feare that from hir hands both rocke and spindle slipt.
  77. Hir feare became hir wondrous well. He made no mo delayes,
  78. But turned to his proper shape and tooke hys glistring rayes.
  79. The damsell being sore abasht at this so straunge a sight,
  80. And overcome with sodaine feare to see the God so bright,
  81. Did make no outcrie nor no noyse, but helde hir pacience still,
  82. And suffred him by forced powre his pleasure to fulfill.
  83. Hereat did Clytie sore repine. For she beyond all measure
  84. Was then enamoured of the Sunne: and stung with this displeasure
  85. That he another Leman had, for verie spight and yre
  86. She playes the blab, and doth defame Leucothoe to hir Syre.
  87. He cruell and unmercifull would no excuse accept,
  88. But holding up hir handes to heaven when tenderly she wept,
  89. And said it was the Sunne that did the deede against hir will:
  90. Yet like a savage beast full bent his daughter for to spill,
  91. He put hir deepe in delved ground, and on hir bodie laide
  92. A huge great heape of heavie sand. The Sunne full yll appaide
  93. Did with his beames disperse the sand and made an open way
  94. To bring thy buried face to light, but such a weight there lay
  95. Upon thee, that thou couldst not raise thine hand aloft againe,
  96. And so a corse both voide of bloud and life thou didst remaine.
  97. There never chaunst since Phaetons fire a thing that grievde so sore
  98. The ruler of the winged steedes as this did. And therfore
  99. He did attempt if by the force and vertue of his ray
  100. He might againe to lively heate hir frozen limmes convay.
  101. But forasmuch as destenie so great attempts denies,
  102. He sprincles both the corse it selfe and place wherein it lyes
  103. With fragrant Nectar. And therewith bewayling much his chaunce
  104. Sayd: Yet above the starrie skie thou shalt thy selfe advaunce.
  105. Anon the body in this heavenly liquor steeped well
  106. Did melt, and moisted all the earth with sweete and pleasant smell.
  107. And by and by first taking roote among the cloddes within
  108. By little and by little did with growing top begin
  109. A pretie spirke of Frankinsence above the Tumbe to win.
  110. Although that Clytie might excuse hir sorrow by hir love
  111. And seeme that so to play the blab hir sorrow did hir move,
  112. Yet would the Author of the light resort to hir no more
  113. But did withholde the pleasant sportes of Venus usde before.
  114. The Nymph not able of hir selfe the franticke fume to stay,
  115. With restlesse care and pensivenesse did pine hir selfe away.
  116. Bareheaded on the bare cold ground with flaring haire unkempt
  117. She sate abrode both night and day: and clearly did exempt
  118. Hirselfe by space of thrise three dayes from sustnance and repast
  119. Save only dewe and save hir teares with which she brake hir fast.
  120. And in that while she never rose but stared on the Sunne
  121. And ever turnde hir face to his as he his corse did runne.
  122. Hir limmes stacke fast within the ground, and all hir upper part
  123. Did to a pale ashcolourd herbe cleane voyde of bloud convart.
  124. The floure whereof part red part white beshadowed with a blew
  125. Most like a Violet in the shape hir countnance overgrew.
  126. And now (though fastned with a roote) she turnes hir to the Sunne
  127. And keepes (in shape of herbe) the love with which she first begunne.