

Ovid. The XV bookes of P. Ouidius Naso, entytuled Metamorphosis. Golding, Arthur, translator. London: W. Seres (printer), 1567.

  1. There is a certaine place in which the hidious Scorpion throwes
  2. His armes in compasse far abrode, much like a couple of bowes,
  3. With writhen tayle and clasping cles, whose poyson limmes doe stretch
  4. On every side, that of two signes they full the roume doe retch,
  5. Whome when the Lad beheld all moyst with blacke and lothly swet,
  6. With sharpe and nedlepointed sting as though he seemde to thret,
  7. He was so sore astraught for feare, he let the bridels slacke,
  8. Which when the horses felt lie lose upon their sweating backe,
  9. At rovers straight throughout the Ayre by wayes unknowne they ran
  10. Whereas they never came before since that the worlde began.
  11. For looke what way their lawlesse rage by chaunce and fortune drue
  12. Without controlment or restraint that way they freely flue
  13. Among the starres that fixed are within the firmament
  14. They snatcht the Chariot here and there. One while they coursing went
  15. Upon the top of all the skie: anon againe full round
  16. They troll me downe to lower wayes and nearer to the ground,
  17. So that the Moone was in a Maze to see hir brothers Waine
  18. Run under hirs: the singed cloudes began to smoke amaine.
  19. Eche ground the higher that it was and nearer to the Skie
  20. The sooner was it set on fire, and made therewith so drie
  21. That every where it gan to chinke. The Medes and Pastures greene
  22. Did seare away: and with the leaves, the trees were burned cleene.
  23. The parched corne did yeelde wherewith to worke his owne decaie.
  24. Tushe, these are trifles. Mightie townes did perish that same daie.
  25. Whose countries with their folke were burnt: and forests ful of wood
  26. Were turnde to ashes with the rocks and mountains where they stood.
  27. Then Athe, Cilician, Taure and Tmole and Oeta flamed hie,
  28. And Ide erst full of flowing springs was then made utter drie.
  29. The learned virgins daily haunt, the sacred Helicon,
  30. And Thracian Hemus (not as yet surnamde Oeagrion,)
  31. Did smoke both twaine: and Aetna hote of nature aye before,
  32. Encreast by force of Phebus flame now raged ten times more.
  33. The forkt Parnasus, Eryx, Cynth, and Othrys then did swelt
  34. And all the snow of Rhodope did at that present melt.
  35. The like outrage Mount Dindymus, and Mime and Micale felt.
  36. Cytheron borne to sacred use with Osse, and Pindus hie
  37. And Olymp greater than them both did burne excessively.
  38. The passing colde that Scithie had defended not the same
  39. But that the barren Caucasus was partner of this flame.
  40. And so were eke the Airie Alpes and Appennyne beside,
  41. For all the Cloudes continually their snowie tops doe hide.
  42. Then wheresoever Phaeton did chaunce to cast his vew,
  43. The world was all on flaming fire. The breath the which he drew,
  44. Came smoking from his scalding mouth as from a seething pot.
  45. His Chariot also under him began to waxe red hot.
  46. He could no lenger dure the sparkes and cinder flyeng out,
  47. Againe the culme and smouldring smoke did wrap him round about,
  48. The pitchie darkenesse of the which so wholy had him hent
  49. As that he wist not where he was nor yet which way he went.
  50. The winged horses forcibly did draw him where they wolde.
  51. The Aethiopians at that time (as men for truth upholde)
  52. (The bloud by force of that same heate drawne to the outer part
  53. And there adust from that time forth) became so blacke and swart.
  54. The moysture was so dried up in Lybie land that time
  55. That altogither drie and scorcht continueth yet that Clyme.
  56. The Nymphes with haire about their eares bewayld their springs and lakes.
  57. Beotia for hir Dyrces losse great lamentation makes.
  58. For Amimone Argos wept, and Corinth for the spring
  59. Pyrene, at whose sacred streame the Muses usde to sing.
  60. The Rivers further from the place were not in better case,
  61. For Tanais in his deepest streame did boyle and steme apace,
  62. Old Penew and Caycus of the countrie Teuthranie,
  63. And swift Ismenos in their bankes by like misfortune frie.
  64. Then burnde the Psophian Erymanth: and (which should burne ageine)
  65. The Trojan Xanthus and Lycormas with his yellow veine,
  66. Meander playing in his bankes aye winding to and fro,
  67. Migdonian Melas with his waves as blacke as any slo.
  68. Eurotas running by the foote of Tenare boyled tho.
  69. Then sod Euphrates cutting through the middes of Babilon.
  70. Then sod Orontes, and the Scithian swift Thermodoon.
  71. Then Ganges, Colchian Phasis, and the noble Istre
  72. Alpheus and Sperchius bankes with flaming fire did glistre.
  73. The golde that Tagus streame did beare did in the chanell melt.
  74. Amid Cayster of this fire the raging heat was felt
  75. Among the quieres of singing Swannes that with their pleasant lay
  76. Along the bankes of Lidian brakes from place to place did stray.
  77. And Nyle for feare did run away into the furthest Clyme
  78. Of all the world, and hid his heade, which to this present tyme
  79. Is yet unfound: his mouthes all seven cleane voyde of water beene,
  80. Like seven great valleys where (save dust) could nothing else be seene.
  81. By like misfortune Hebrus dride and Strymon, both of Thrace.
  82. The Westerne Rivers Rhine and Rhone and Po were in like case:
  83. And Tyber unto whome the Goddes a faithfull promise gave
  84. Of all the world the Monarchie and soveraigne state to have.
  85. The ground did cranie everie where and light did pierce to hell
  86. And made afraide the King and Queene that in that Realme doe dwell.
  87. The Sea did shrinke and where as waves did late before remaine,
  88. Became a Champion field of dust and even a sandy plaine.
  89. The hilles erst hid farre under waves like Ilelandes did appeare
  90. So that the scattred Cyclades for the time augmented were.
  91. The fishes drew them to the deepes: the Dolphines durst not play
  92. Above the water as before, the Seales and Porkpis lay
  93. With bellies upward on the waves starke dead: and fame doth go
  94. That Nereus with his wife and daughters all were faine as tho
  95. To dive within the scalding waves. Thrise Neptune did advaunce
  96. His armes above the scalding Sea with sturdy countenaunce:
  97. And thrise for hotenesse of the Ayre, was faine himselfe to hide.
  98. But yet the Earth the Nurce of things enclosde on every side
  99. (Betweene the waters of the Sea and Springs that now had hidden
  100. Themselves within their Mothers wombe) for all the paine abidden,
  101. Up to the necke put forth hir head and casting up hir hand,
  102. Betweene hir forehead and the sunne as panting she did stand
  103. With dreadfull quaking, all that was she fearfully did shake,
  104. And shrinking somewhat lower downe with sacred voyce thus spake:
  105. O king of Gods and if this be thy will and my desart,
  106. Why doste thou stay with deadly dint thy thunder downe to dart?
  107. And if that needes I perish must through force of firie flame,
  108. Let thy celestiall fire O God I pray thee doe the same.
  109. A comfort shall it be to have thee Author of my death.
  110. I scarce have powre to speak these words (the smoke had stopt hir breath).
  111. Behold my singed haire: behold my dim and bleared eye,
  112. See how about my scorched face the scalding embers flie.
  113. Is this the guerdon wherewithall ye quite my fruitfulnesse?
  114. Is this the honor that ye gave me for my plenteousnesse
  115. And dutie done with true intent? for suffring of the plough
  116. To draw deepe woundes upon my backe and rakes to rend me through?
  117. For that I over all the yeare continually am wrought?
  118. For giving foder to the beasts and cattell all for nought?
  119. For yeelding corne and other foode wherewith to keepe mankinde?
  120. And that to honor you withall sweete frankinsence I finde?
  121. But put the case that my desert destruction duely crave,
  122. What hath thy brother? what the Seas deserved for to have?
  123. Why doe the Seas, his lotted part, thus ebbe and fall so low,
  124. Withdrawing from thy Skie to which it ought most neare to grow?
  125. But if thou neyther doste regarde thy brother, neyther mee,
  126. At least have mercy on thy heaven, looke round about and see
  127. How both the Poles begin to smoke which if the fire appall
  128. To utter ruine (be thou sure) thy pallace needes must fall.
  129. Behold how Atlas ginnes to faint. His shoulders though full strong,
  130. Unneth are able to uphold the sparkling Extree long.
  131. If Sea and Land doe go to wrecke, and heaven it selfe doe burne
  132. To olde confused Chaos then of force we must returne.
  133. Put to thy helping hand therfore to save the little left
  134. If ought remaine before that all be quite and cleane bereft.
  1. When ended was this piteous plaint, the Earth did hold hir peace.
  2. She could no lenger dure the heate but was compelde to cease.
  3. Into hir bosome by and by she shrunke hir cinged heade
  4. More nearer to the Stygian caves, and ghostes of persones deade.
  5. The Sire of Heaven protesting all the Gods and him also
  6. That lent the Chariot to his child, that all of force must go
  7. To havocke if he helped not, went to the highest part
  8. And top of all the Heaven from whence his custome was to dart
  9. His thunder and his lightning downe. But neyther did remaine
  10. A Cloude wherewith to shade the Earth, nor yet a showre of raine.
  11. Then with a dreadfull thunderclap up to his eare he bent
  12. His fist, and at the Wagoner a flash of lightning sent,
  13. Which strake his bodie from the life and threw it over wheele
  14. And so with fire he quenched fire. The Steedes did also reele
  15. Upon their knees, and starting up sprang violently, one here,
  16. And there another, that they brast in pieces all their gere.
  17. They threw the Collars from their neckes, and breaking quite asunder
  18. The Trace and Harnesse flang away: here lay the bridles: yonder
  19. The Extree plucked from the Naves: and in another place
  20. The shevered spokes of broken wheeles: and so at every pace
  21. The pieces of the Chariot torne lay strowed here and there.
  22. But Phaeton (fire yet blasing stil among his yellow haire)
  23. Shot headlong downe, and glid along the Region of the Ayre
  24. Like to a starre in Winter nights (the wether cleare and fayre)
  25. Which though it doe not fall in deede, yet falleth to our sight,
  26. Whome almost in another world and from his countrie quite
  27. The River Padus did receyve, and quencht his burning head.
  28. The water Nymphes of Italie did take his carkasse dead
  29. And buried it yet smoking still, with Joves threeforked flame,
  30. And wrate this Epitaph in the stone that lay upon the same:
  31. Here lies the lusty Phaeton which tooke in hand to guide
  32. His fathers Chariot, from the which although he chaunst to slide:
  33. Yet that he gave a proud attempt it cannot be denide.
  34. Wyth ruthfull cheere and heavie heart his father made great mone
  35. And would not shew himselfe abrode, but mournd at home alone.
  36. And if it be to be beleved, as bruited is by fame
  37. A day did passe without the Sunne. The brightnesse of the flame
  38. Gave light: and so unto some kinde of use that mischiefe came.
  39. But Clymen having spoke, as much as mothers usually
  40. Are wonted in such wretched case, discomfortablely,
  41. And halfe beside hir selfe for wo, with torne and scratched brest,
  42. Sercht through the universall world, from East to furthest West,
  43. First seeking for hir sonnes dead coarse, and after for his bones.
  44. She found them by a forren streame, entumbled under stones.
  45. There fell she groveling on his grave, and reading there his name,
  46. Shed teares thereon, and layd hir breast all bare upon the same.
  47. The daughters also of the Sunne no lesse than did their mother,
  48. Bewaild in vaine with flouds of teares, the fortune of their brother:
  49. And beating piteously their breasts, incessantly did call
  50. The buried Phaeton day and night, who heard them not at all,
  51. About whose tumbe they prostrate lay. Foure times the Moone had filde
  52. The Circle of hir joyned hornes, and yet the sisters hilde
  53. Their custome of lamenting still: (for now continuall use
  54. Had made it custome.) Of the which the eldest, Phaetuse,
  55. About to kneele upon the ground, complaynde hir feete were nom.
  56. To whome as fayre Lampetie was rising for to com,
  57. Hir feete were held with sodaine rootes. The third about to teare
  58. Hir ruffled lockes, filde both hir handes with leaves in steade of heare.
  59. One wept to see hir legges made wood: another did repine
  60. To see hir armes become long boughes. And shortly to define,
  61. While thus they wondred at themselves, a tender barke began
  62. To grow about their thighes and loynes, which shortly overran
  63. Their bellies, brestes, and shoulders eke, and hands successively,
  64. That nothing (save their mouthes) remainde, aye calling piteously
  65. Upon the wofull mothers helpe. What could the mother doe
  66. But runne now here now there, as force of nature drue hir to
  67. And deale hir kisses while she might? She was not so content:
  68. But tare their tender braunches downe: and from the slivers went
  69. Red drops of bloud as from a wound. The daughter that was rent
  70. Cride: Spare us mother spare I pray, for in the shape of tree
  71. The bodies and the flesh of us your daughters wounded bee.
  72. And now farewell. That word once said, the barke grew over all.
  73. Now from these trees flow gummy teares that Amber men doe call,
  74. Which hardened with the heate of sunne as from the boughs they fal
  75. The trickling River doth receyve, and sendes as things of price
  76. To decke the daintie Dames of Rome and make them fine and nice.
  77. Now present at this monstruous hap was Cygnus, Stenels son,
  78. Who being by the mothers side akinne to Phaeton
  79. Was in condicion more akinne. He leaving up his charge
  80. (For in the land of Ligurie his Kingdome stretched large)
  81. Went mourning all along the bankes and pleasant streame of Po
  82. Among the trees encreased by the sisters late ago.
  83. Annon his voyce became more small and shrill than for a man.
  84. Gray fethers muffled in his face: his necke in length began
  85. Far from his shoulders for to stretche: and furthermore there goes
  86. A fine red string acrosse the joyntes in knitting of his toes:
  87. With fethers closed are his sides: and on his mouth there grew
  88. A brode blunt byll: and finally was Cygnus made a new
  89. And uncoth fowle that hight a Swan, who neither to the winde,
  90. The Ayre, nor Jove betakes himselfe, as one that bare in minde
  91. The wrongfull fire sent late against his cousin Phaeton.
  92. In Lakes and Rivers is his joy: the fire he aye doth shon,
  93. And chooseth him the contrary continually to won.
  94. Forlorne and altogether voyde of that same bodie shene
  95. Was Phaetons father in that while which erst had in him bene,
  96. Like as he looketh in Th'eclypse. He hates the yrkesome light,
  97. He hates him selfe, he hates the day, and settes his whole delight
  98. In making sorrow for his sonne, and in his griefe doth storme -
  99. And chaufe denying to the worlde his dutie to performe.
  100. My lot (quoth he) hath had inough of this unquiet state
  101. From first beginning of the worlde. It yrkes me (though too late)
  102. Of restlesse toyles and thankelesse paines. Let who so will for me
  103. Go drive the Chariot in the which the light should caried be.
  104. If none dare take the charge in hand, and all the Gods persist
  105. As insufficient, he himselfe go drive it if he list,
  106. That at the least by venturing our bridles for to guide
  107. His lightning making childlesse Sires he once may lay aside.
  108. By that time that he hath assayde the unappalled force
  109. That doth remaine and rest within my firiefooted horse,
  110. I trow he shall by tried proufe be able for to tell
  111. How that he did not merit death that could not rule them well.
  112. The Goddes stoode all about the Sunne thus storming in his rage
  113. Beseching him in humble wise his sorrow to asswage.
  114. And that he would not on the world continuall darkenesse bring,
  115. Jove eke excusde him of the fire the which he chaunst to sling,
  116. And with entreatance mingled threates as did become a King.
  117. Then Phebus gathered up his steedes that yet for feare did run
  118. Like flaighted fiendes, and in his moode without respect begun
  119. To beate his whipstocke on their pates and lash them on the sides.
  120. It was no neede to bid him chaufe; for ever as he rides
  121. He still upbraides them with his sonne, and layes them on the hides.
  1. And Jove almighty went about the walles of heaven to trie
  2. If ought were perisht with the fire, which when he did espie
  3. Continuing in their former state, all strong and safe and sound,
  4. He went to vew the workes of men, and things upon the ground.
  5. Yet for his land of Arcadie he tooke most care and charge.
  6. The Springs and streames that durst not run he set againe at large.
  7. He clad the earth with grasse, the trees with leaves both fresh and greene
  8. Commaunding woods to spring againe that erst had burned bene.
  9. Now as he often went and came it was his chaunce to light
  10. Upon a Nymph of Nonacris whose forme and beautie bright
  11. Did set his heart on flaming fire. She used not to spinne
  12. Nor yet to curle hir frisled haire with bodkin or with pinne.
  13. A garment with a buckled belt fast girded did she weare
  14. And in a white and slender Call slight trussed was hir heare.
  15. Sometimes a dart sometime a bow she used for to beare.
  16. She was a knight of Phebes troope. There came not at the mount
  17. Of Menalus of whome Diana made so great account.
  18. But favor never lasteth long. The Sunne had gone that day
  19. A good way past the poynt of Noone: when werie of hir way
  20. She drue to shadowe in a wood that never had bene cut.
  21. Here off hir shoulder by and by hir quiver did she put,
  22. And hung hir bow unbent aside, and coucht hir on the ground,
  23. Hir quiver underneth hir head. Whom when that Jove had found
  24. Alone and wearie: Sure (he said) my wife shall never know
  25. Of this escape, and if she do, I know the worst I trow.
  26. She can but chide, shall feare of chiding make me to forslow?
  27. He counterfeiteth Phebe streight in countnance and aray.
  28. And says: O virgine of my troope, where didst thou hunt to day?
  29. The Damsell started from the ground and said: Hayle Goddesse deare,
  30. Of greater worth than Jove (I thinke) though Jove himselfe did heare.
  31. Jove heard hir well and smylde thereat, it made his heart rejoyce
  32. To heare the Nymph preferre him thus before himselfe in choyce.
  33. He fell to kissing: which was such as out of square might seeme,
  34. And in such sort as that a mayde coulde nothing lesse beseeme.
  35. And as she would have told what woods she ranged had for game,
  36. He tooke hir fast betweene his armes, and not without his shame,
  37. Bewrayed plainly what he was and wherefore that he came.
  38. The wench against him strove as much as any woman could:
  39. I would that Juno had it seene. For then I know thou would
  40. Not take the deede so heynously: with all hir might she strove.
  41. But what poore wench or who alive could vanquish mighty Jove?
  42. Jove having sped flue straight to heaven. She hateth in hir hart
  43. The guiltlesse fields and wood where Jove had playd that naughty part,
  44. Alwaye she goes in such a griefe as that she had welnie
  45. Forgot hir quiver with hir shaftes and bow that hanged by.
  46. Dictynna, garded with hir traine and proude of killing Deere,
  47. In raunging over Menalus, espying, cald hir neere.
  48. The Damsell hearing Phebe call did run away amaine,
  49. She feared lest in Phebes shape that Jove had come againe,
  50. But when she saw the troope of Nymphes that garded hir about,
  51. She thought there was no more deceyt, and came among the rout.
  52. Oh Lord how hard a matter ist for guiltie hearts to shift
  53. And kepe their countnance? from the ground hir eyes scarce durst she lift.
  54. She prankes not by hir mistresse side, she preases not to bee
  55. The foremost of the companie, as when she erst was free.
  56. She standeth muet: and by chaunging of hir colour ay
  57. The treading of hir shooe awrie she plainely doth bewray,
  58. Diana might have founde the fault but that she was a May.
  59. A thousand tokens did appeare apparant to the eye,
  60. By which the Nymphes themselves (they say) hir fault did well espie.
  61. Nine times the Moone full to the worlde had shewde hir horned face
  62. When fainting through hir brothers flames and hunting in the chace.
  63. She found a coole and shadie lawnde through midst whereof she spide
  64. A shallow brooke with trickling streame on gravell bottom glide.
  65. And liking well the pleasant place, upon the upper brim
  66. She dipt hir foote, and finding there the water coole and trim,
  67. Away (she sayd) with standers by: and let us bath us here.
  68. Then Parrhasis cast downe hir head with sad and bashfull chere.
  69. The rest did strip them to their skinnes. She only sought delay,
  70. Untill that would or would she not hir clothes were pluckt away.
  71. Then with hir naked body straight hir crime was brought to light.
  72. Which yll ashamde as with hir hands she would have hid from sight,
  73. Fie beast (quoth Cynthia) get thee hence, thou shalt not here defile
  74. This sacred Spring, and from hir traine she did hir quite exile.
  1. The Matrone of the thundring Jove had inckling of the fact,
  2. Delaying till convenient time the punishment to exact.
  3. There is no cause of further stay. To spight hir heart withall,
  4. Hir husbands Leman bare a boy that Arcas men did call.
  5. On whome she casting lowring looke with fell and cruell minde
  6. Saide: Was there, arrant strumpet thou, none other shift to finde
  7. But that thou needes must be with barne? that all the world must see
  8. My husbandes open shame and thine in doing wrong to mee?
  9. But neyther unto heaven nor hell this trespasse shalt thou beare.
  10. I will bereve thee of thy shape through pride whereof thou were
  11. So hardy to entyce my Feere. Immediatly with that
  12. She raught hir by the foretop fast and fiercely threw hir flat
  13. Against the grounde. The wretched wench hir armes up mekely cast,
  14. Hir armes began with griesly haire to waxe all rugged fast.
  15. Hir handes gan warpe and into pawes ylfavordly to grow,
  16. And for to serve in stede of feete. The lippes that late ago
  17. Did like the mightie Jove so well, with side and flaring flaps
  18. Became a wide deformed mouth. And further lest perhaps
  19. Hir prayers and hir humble wordes might cause hir to relent:
  20. She did bereve hir of hir speach. In steade whereof there went
  21. An yreful, horce, and dreadfull voyce out from a threatning throte:
  22. But yet the selfesame minde that was before she turnde hir cote,
  23. Was in hir still in shape of Beare. The griefe whereof she showes
  24. By thrusting forth continuall sighes, and up she gastly throwes
  25. Such kinde of handes as then remainde unto the starrie Skie.
  26. And forbicause she could not speake she thought Jove inwardly
  27. To be unthankfull. Oh how oft she daring not abide
  28. Alone among the desert woods, full many a time and tide
  29. Would stalke before hir house in grounds that were hir owne erewhile?
  30. How oft oh did she in the hilles the barking houndes beguile
  31. And in the lawndes where she hir selfe had chased erst hir game,
  32. Now flie hirselfe to save hir life when hunters sought the same?
  33. Full oft at sight of other beastes she hid hir head for feare,
  34. Forgetting what she was hir selfe. For though she were a Beare,
  35. Yet when she spied other Beares she quooke for verie paine:
  36. And feared Wolves although hir Sire among them did remaine.
  37. Beholde Lycaons daughters sonne that Archas had to name
  38. About the age of fiftene yeares within the forrest came
  39. Of Erymanth, not knowing ought of this his mothers case.
  40. There after pitching of his toyles, as he the stagges did chase,
  41. Upon his mother sodenly it was his chaunce to light,
  42. Who for desire to see hir sonne did stay hirselfe from flight.
  43. And wistly on him cast hir looke as one that did him know.
  44. But he not knowing what she was began his heeles to show.
  45. And when he saw hir still persist in staring on his face,
  46. He was afrayde, and from hir sight withdrew himselfe apace,
  47. But when he coulde not so be rid, he tooke an armed pike,
  48. In full intent hir through the heart with deadly wound to strike.
  49. But God almighty held his hand, and lifting both away
  50. Did disapoint the wicked Act. For straight he did convay
  51. Them through the Ayre with whirling windes to top of all the skie,
  52. And there did make them neighbour starres about the Pole on hie.
  53. When Juno shining in the heaven hir husbands minion found,
  54. She swelde for spight: and downe she comes to watry Tethys round
  55. And unto olde Oceanus, whome even the Gods aloft
  56. Did reverence for their just deserts full many a time and oft,
  57. To whome demaunding hir the cause: And aske ye (quoth she) why
  58. That I which am the Queene of Goddes come hither from the sky?
  59. Good cause there is I warrant you. Another holdes my roome.
  60. For never trust me while I live, if when the night is coome,
  61. And overcasteth all the world with shadie darknesse whole,
  62. Ye see not in the heigth of heaven hard by the Northren Pole
  63. Whereas the utmost circle runnes about the Axeltree
  64. In shortest circuit, gloriously enstalled for to bee
  65. In shape of starres the stinging woundes that make me yll apayde.
  66. Now is there (trow ye) any cause why folke should be afrayde
  67. To do to Juno what they list, or dread hir wrathfull mood,
  68. Which only by my working harme doe turne my foes to good?
  69. O what a mightie act is done? How passing is my powre!
  70. I have bereft hir womans shape, and at this present howre
  71. She is become a Goddesse. Loe this is the scourge so sowre
  72. Wherewith I strike mine enimies. Loe here is all the spight
  73. That I can doe: this is the ende of all my wondrous might,
  74. No force. I would he should (for me) hir native shape restore,
  75. And take away hir brutish shape, like as he hath before
  76. Done by his other Paramour, that fine and proper piece
  77. Of Argos whom he made a Cow, I meane Phononeus Niece.
  78. Why makes he not a full devorce from me, and in my stead
  79. Straight take his Sweetheart to his wife, and coll hir in my bed?
  80. He can not doe a better deede (I thinke) than for to take
  81. Lycaon to his fatherinlaw. But if that you doe make
  82. Accompt of me your foster childe, then graunt that for my sake,
  83. The Oxen and the wicked Waine of starres in number seven,
  84. For whoredome sake but late ago receyved into heaven,
  85. May never dive within your waves. Ne let that strumpet vyle
  86. By bathing of hir filthie limmes your waters pure defile.
  1. The Gods did graunt hir hir request: and straight to heaven she flue,
  2. In handsome Chariot through the Ayre, which painted peacocks drue
  3. As well beset with blasing eyes late tane from Argus hed,
  4. As thou thou prating Raven white by nature being bred,
  5. Hadst on thy fethers justly late a coly colour spred.
  6. For this same birde in auncient time had fethers faire and whight
  7. As ever was the driven snow, or silver cleare and bright.
  8. He might have well comparde himself in beautie with the Doves
  9. That have no blemish, or the Swan that running water loves:
  10. Or with the Geese that afterward should with their gagling out
  11. Preserve the Romaine Capitoll beset with foes about.
  12. His tongue was cause of all his harme, his tatling tongue did make
  13. His colour which before was white, become so foule and blake.
  14. Coronis of Larissa was the fairest maide of face,
  15. In all the land of Thessalie. Shee stoode in Phebus grace
  16. As long as that she kept hir chast, or at the least as long
  17. As that she scaped unespide in doing Phebus wrong.
  18. But at the last Apollos birde hir privie packing spide,
  19. Whome no entreatance could persuade but that he swiftly hide
  20. Him to his maister, to bewray the doings of his love.
  21. Now as he flue, the pratling Crow hir wings apace did move:
  22. And overtaking fell in talke and was inquisitive
  23. For what intent and to what place he did so swiftly drive.
  24. And when she heard the cause thereof, she said: Now trust me sure,
  25. This message on the whiche thou goste no goodnesse will procure.
  26. And therefore hearken what I say: disdaine thou not at all,
  27. To take some warning by thy friende in things that may befall.
  28. Consider what I erst have bene and what thou seest me now:
  29. And what hath bene the ground hereof. I boldly dare avow,
  30. That thou shalt finde my faithfulnesse imputed for a crime.
  31. For Pallas in a wicker chest had hid upon a time
  32. A childe calde Ericthonius, whome never woman bare,
  33. And tooke it unto Maidens three that Cecrops daughters were,
  34. Not telling them what was within, but gave them charge to keepe
  35. The Casket shut, and for no cause within the same to peepe.
  36. I standing close among the leaves upon an Elme on hie,
  37. Did marke their doings and their wordes, and there I did espie
  38. How Pandrosos and Herse kept their promise faithfully.
  39. Aglauros calles them Cowardes both, and makes no more adoe,
  40. But takes the Casket in hir hand and doth the knots undooe.
  41. And there they saw a childe whose partes beneath were like a snake.
  42. Straight to the Goddesse of this deede a just report I make.
  43. For which she gave me this reward that never might I more
  44. Accompt hir for my Lady and my Mistresse as before.
  45. And in my roume she put the fowle that flies not but by night,
  46. A warning unto other birdes my lucke should be of right
  47. To holde their tongues for being shent. But you will say perchaunce
  48. I came unsentfor of my selfe, she did me not advaunce.
  49. I dare well say though Pallas now my heavie Mistresse stand
  50. Yet if perhaps ye should demaund the question at hir hand,
  51. As sore displeased as she is, she would not this denie:
  52. But that she chose me first hir selfe to beare hir companie.
  53. For (well I know) my father was a Prince of noble fame,
  54. Of Phocis King by long discent, Coronew was his name:
  55. I was his darling and his joy, and many a welthie Piere
  56. (I would not have you thinke disdaine) did seeke me for their Fere.
  57. My forme and beautie did me hurt. For as I leysurely
  58. Went jetting up and downe the shore upon the gravell drie,
  59. As yet I customably doe, the God that rules the Seas
  60. Espying me fell straight in love. And when he saw none ease
  61. In sute, but losse of wordes and time, he offred violence,
  62. And after me he runnes apace. I skudde as fast fro thence,
  63. From sand to shore from shore to sand, still playing Foxe to hole,
  64. Untill I was so tirde that he had almost got the gole.
  65. Then cald I out on God and man. But (as it did appeare)
  66. There was no man so neare at hand that could my crying heare.
  67. A Virgin Goddesse pitied me bicause I was a mayde:
  68. And at the utter plunge and pinche did send me present ayde.
  69. I cast mine armes to heaven, mine armes waxt light with fethers black,
  70. I went about to cast in hast my garments from my back,
  71. And all was fethers. In my skinne the rooted fethers stack.
  72. I was about with violent hand to strike my naked breast,
  73. But nether had I hand nor breast that naked more did reast.
  74. I ran, but of my feete as erst remained not the print.
  75. Me thought I glided on the ground. Anon with sodaine dint,
  76. I rose and hovered in the Ayre. And from that instant time
  77. Did wait on Pallas faithfully without offence or crime.
  78. But what availes all this to me, and if that in my place
  79. The wicked wretch Nyctyminee (who late for lacke of grace
  80. Was turned to an odious birde) to honor called bee?
  81. I pray thee didst thou never heare how false Nyctyminee
  82. (A thing all over Lesbos knowne) defilde hir fathers couch?
  83. The beast is now become a birde, whose lewdnesse doth so touch
  84. And pricke hir guiltie conscience that she dares not come in sight,
  85. Nor shewe hirselfe abrode a dayes, but fleeteth in the night
  86. For shame lest folke should see hir fault: and every other birde
  87. Doth in the Ayre and Ivie toddes with wondring at hir girde.
  88. A mischiefe take thy tatling tongue, the Raven answerde tho.
  89. Thy vaine forspeaking moves me not. And so he forth did go
  90. And tels his Lorde Apollo how he saw Coronis lie
  91. Wyth Isthyis, a Gentleman that dwelt in Thessalie.
  92. When Phebus heard his lovers fault, he fiersly gan to frowne,
  93. And cast his garlond from his head, and threw his violl downe.
  94. His colour chaungde, his face lookt pale, and as the rage of yre
  95. That boyled in his belking breast had set his heart on fyre,
  96. He caught me up his wonted tooles, and bent his golden bow
  97. And by and by with deadly stripe of unavoyded blow
  98. Strake through the breast the which his owne had toucht so oft afore.
  99. She wounded gave a piteous shrike, and (drawing from the sore
  100. The deadly Dart the which the bloud pursuing after fast
  101. Upon hir white and tender limmes a scarlet colour cast)
  102. Saide: Phebus, well, thou might have wreakt this trespasse on my head
  103. And yet forborne me till the time I had bene brought abed.
  104. Now in one body by thy meanes a couple shall be dead.
  105. Thus muche she saide: and with the bloud hir life did fade away.
  106. The bodie being voyde of soule became as colde as clay.
  107. Than all too late, alas too late gan Phebus to repent
  108. That of his lover he had tane so cruell punishment.
  109. He blames himselfe for giving eare so unadvisedly.
  110. He blames himselfe in that he tooke it so outragiously.
  111. He hates and bannes his faithfull birde bicause he did enforme
  112. Him of his lovers naughtinesse that made him so to storme.
  113. He hates his bow, he hates his shaft that rashly from it went:
  114. And eke he hates his hasty hands by whom the bow was bent.
  115. He takes hir up betweene his armes endevoring all too late
  116. By plaister made of precious herbes to stay hir helplesse fate.
  117. But when he saw there was no shift: but that she needes must burne,
  118. And that the solemne sacred fire was prest to serve the turne,
  119. Then from the bottome of his heart full sorie sighes he fet,
  120. (For heavenly powres with watrie teares their cheekes may never wet)
  121. In case as when a Cow beholdes the cruell butcher stand
  122. With launching Axe embrewd with bloud and lifting up his hand
  123. Aloft to snatch hir sucking Calfe that hangeth by the heeles
  124. And of the Axe the deadly dint upon his forehead feeles.
  125. Howbeit after sweete perfumes bestowde upon hir corse
  126. And much embracing, having sore bewailde hir wrong divorse,
  127. He followed to the place assignde hir bodie for to burne.
  128. There coulde he not abide to see his seede to ashes turne.
  129. But tooke the baby from hir wombe and from the firie flame,
  130. And unto double Chyrons den conveyed straight the same.
  131. The Raven hoping for his truth to be rewarded well,
  132. He maketh blacke, forbidding him with whiter birdes to dwell.
  1. The Centaure Chyron in the while was glad of Phebus boy,
  2. And as the burthen brought some care the honor brought him joy.
  3. Upon a time with golden lockes about hir shoulders spread,
  4. A daughter of the Centaurs (whome a certaine Nymph had bred
  5. About the brooke Caycus bankes) that hight Ocyroe
  6. Came thither. This same fayre yong Nymph could not contented be
  7. To learne the craft of Surgerie as perfect as hir Sire,
  8. But that to learne the secret doomes of Fate she must aspire.
  9. And therfore when the furious rage of frenzie had hir cought,
  10. And that the spright of Prophecie enflamed had hir thought,
  11. She lookt upon the childe and saide: Sweete babe the Gods thee make
  12. A man. For all the world shall fare the better for thy sake.
  13. All sores and sicknesse shalt thou cure: thy powre shall eke be syche,
  14. To make the dead alive again. For doing of the whiche
  15. Against the pleasure of the Gods, thy Graundsire shall thee strike
  16. So with his fire, that never more thou shalt performe the like.
  17. And of a God a bludlesse corse, and of a corse (full straunge)
  18. Thou shalt become a God againe, and twice thy nature chaunge.
  19. And thou my father liefe and deare, who now by destinie,
  20. Art borne to live for evermore and never for to die,
  21. Shalt suffer such outragious paine throughout thy members all,
  22. By wounding of a venimde dart that on thy foote shall fall,
  23. That oft thou shalt desire to die, and in the latter end
  24. The fatall dames shall breake thy threede and thy desire thee send.
  25. There was yet more behinde to tell, when sodenly she fet
  26. A sore deepe sigh, and downe hir cheekes the teares did trickle wet.
  27. Mine owne misfortune (quoth she) now hath overtake me sure.
  28. I cannot utter any more, for words waxe out of ure.
  29. My cunning was not worth so much as that it should procure
  30. The wrath of God. I feele by proufe far better had it bene:
  31. If that the chaunce of things to come I never had foreseene.
  32. For now my native shape withdrawes. Me thinkes I have delight
  33. To feede on grasse and fling in fieldes: I feele my selfe so light.
  34. I am transformed to a Mare like other of my kinne.
  35. But wherfore should this brutish shape all over wholy winne?
  36. Considering that although both horse and man my father bee:
  37. Yet is his better part a man as plainly is to see.
  38. The latter ende of this complaint was fumbled in such wise,
  39. As what she meant the standers by could scarcely well devise.
  40. Anon she neyther semde to speake nor fully for to ney,
  41. But like to one that counterfeites in sport the Mare to play.
  42. Within a while she neyed plaine, and downe hir armes were pight
  43. Upon the ground all clad with haire, and bare hir bodie right.
  44. Hir fingers joyned all in one, at ende wherof did grow
  45. In stede of nayles a round tough hoofe of welked horne bylow.
  46. Hir head and necke shot forth in length, hir kirtle trayne became
  47. A faire long taile. Hir flaring haire was made a hanging Mane.
  48. And as hir native shape and voyce most monstrously did passe,
  49. So by the uncoth name of Mare she after termed was.
  1. The Centaure Chyron wept hereat: and piteously dismaide
  2. Did call on thee (although in vaine) thou Delphian God for ayde.
  3. For neyther lay it in thy hande to breake Joves mighty hest,
  4. And though it had, yet in thy state as then thou did not rest.
  5. In Elis did thou then abide and in Messene lande.
  6. It was the time when under shape of shepehierde with a wande
  7. Of Olyve and a pipe of reedes thou kept Admetus sheepe.
  8. Now in this time that (save of Love) thou tooke none other keepe,
  9. And madste thee merrie with thy pipe, the glistring Maias sonne
  10. By chaunce abrode the fields of Pyle spide certaine cattle runne
  11. Without a hierde, the which he stole and closely did them hide
  12. Among the woods. This pretie slight no earthly creature spide,
  13. Save one old churle that Battus hight. This Battus had the charge
  14. Of welthie Neleus feeding groundes, and all his pastures large,
  15. And kept a race of goodly Mares. Of him he was afraide.
  16. And lest by him his privie theft should chaunce to be bewraide,
  17. He tooke a bribe to stop his mouth, and thus unto him saide:
  18. My friend I pray thee if perchaunce that any man enquire
  19. This cattell say thou saw them not. And take thou for thy hire
  20. This faire yong Bullocke. Tother tooke the Bullocke at his hand,
  21. And shewing him a certaine stone that lay upon the lande,
  22. Sayd, go thy way: Assoone this stone thy doings shall bewray,
  23. As I shall doe. So Mercurie did seeme to go his way.
  24. Annon he commes me backe againe, and altred both in speche
  25. And outward shape, saide: Countrieman Ich heartely bezeche,
  26. And if thou zawest any kie come royling through this grounde,
  27. Or driven away, tell what he was and where they may be vownde.
  28. And I chill gethee vor thy paine an Hecfar and hir match.
  29. The Carle perceyving double gaine, and greedy for to catch,
  30. Sayde: Under yon same hill they were, and under yon same hill
  31. Cham zure they are, and with his hand he poynted thereuntill.
  32. At that Mercurius laughing saide: False knave: and doste bewray
  33. Me to my selfe? doste thou bewray me to my selfe I say?
  34. And with that word strayt to a stone he turnde his double heart,
  35. In which the slaunder yet remaines without the stones desart.
  1. The Bearer of the charmed Rod, the suttle Mercurie,
  2. This done, arose with waving wings and from that place did flie.
  3. And as he hovered in the Ayre he viewde the fieldes bylow
  4. Of Atticke and the towne it selfe with all the trees that grow
  5. In Lycey where the learned Clarkes did wholsome preceptes show.
  6. By chaunce the verie selfesame day the virgins of the towne
  7. Of olde and auncient custome bare in baskets on their crowne
  8. Beset with garlands fresh and gay and strowde with flowres sweete
  9. To Pallas towre such sacrifice as was of custome meete.
  10. The winged God beholding them returning in a troupe
  11. Continued not directly forth, but gan me downe to stoupe,
  12. And fetch a wyndlasse round about. And as the hungry kite
  13. Beholding unto sacrifice a Bullocke redie dight,
  14. Doth sore about his wished pray desirous for to snatche
  15. But that he dareth not for such as stand about and watch:
  16. So Mercurie with nimble wings doth keepe a lower gate
  17. About Minervas loftie towres in round and wheeling rate.
  18. As far as doth the Morning starre in cleare and streaming light
  19. Excell all other starres in heaven: as far also as bright
  20. Dame Phebe dimmes the Morning starre, so far did Herses face
  21. Staine all the Ladies of hir troupe: she was the verie grace
  22. And beautie of that solemne pompe, and all that traine so fayre.
  23. Joves sonne was ravisht with the sight, and hanging in the ayre
  24. Began to swelt within himselfe, in case as when the poulder
  25. Hath driven the Pellet from the Gunne, the Pellet ginnes to smoulder:
  26. And in his flying waxe more hote. In smoking brest he shrowdes
  27. His flames not brought from heaven above but caught beneath the clouds.
  28. He leaves his jorney toward heaven and takes another race
  29. Not minding any lenger time to hide his present case.
  30. So great a trust and confidence his beautie to him gave
  31. Which though it seemed of it selfe sufficient force to have,
  32. Yet was he curious for to make himselfe more fine and brave.
  33. He kembd his head and strokt his beard, and pried on every side
  34. To see that in his furniture no wrinkle might be spide.
  35. And forbicause his Cloke was fringde and garded brode with golde,
  36. He cast it on his shoulder up most seemely to beholde.
  37. He takes in hand his charmed rod that bringeth things asleepe
  38. And wakes them when he list againe. And lastly taketh keepe
  39. That on his faire welformed feete his golden shooes sit cleene,
  40. And that all other things therto well correspondent beene.
  41. In Cecrops Court were Chambers three set far from all resort
  42. With yvorie beddes all furnished in far most royall sort.
  43. Of which Aglauros had the left and Pandrose had the right,
  44. And Herse had the middlemost. She that Aglauros hight
  45. First markt the comming of the God, and asking him his name
  46. Demaunded him for what entent and cause he thither came.
  47. Pleiones Nephew, Maias sonne, did make hir aunswere thus:
  48. I am my fathers messenger, his pleasure to discusse
  49. To mortall folke and hellish fiendes as list him to commaund.
  50. My father is the mightie Jove. To that thou doste demaund
  51. I will not feyne a false excuse. I aske no more but graunt
  52. To keepe thy sisters counsell close, and for to be the Aunt
  53. Of such the issue as on hir my chaunce shalbe to get.
  54. Thy sister Herse is the cause that hath me hither fet.
  55. I pray thee beare thou with my love that is so firmely set.
  56. Aglauros cast on Mercurie hir scornfull eyes aside,
  57. With which against Minervas will hir secretes late she spide,
  58. Demaunding him in recompence a mighty masse of Golde:
  59. And would not let him enter in until the same were tolde.
  60. The warlike Goddesse cast on hir a sterne and cruell looke,
  61. And fetched such a cutting sigh that forcibly it shooke
  62. Both brest and brestplate, wherewithall it came unto hir thought
  63. How that Aglauros late ago against hir will had wrought
  64. In looking on the Lemman childe contrarie to hir othe,
  65. The whiche she tooke hir in the chest, for which she waxed wrothe.
  66. Againe she saw hir cancred heart maliciously repine
  67. Against hir sister and the God. And furthermore in fine
  68. How that the golde which Mercurie had given hir for hir meede,
  69. Would make hir both in welth and pride all others to exceede.
  70. She goes me straight to Envies house, a foule and irksome cave,
  71. Replete with blacke and lothly filth and stinking like a grave.
  72. It standeth in a hollow dale where neyther light of Sunne
  73. Nor blast of any winde or Ayre may for the deepenesse come.
  74. A dreyrie sad and dolefull den ay full of slouthfull colde
  75. As which ay dimd with smoldring smoke doth never fire beholde,
  76. When Pallas, that same manly Maide, approched nere this plot,
  77. She staide without, for to the house in enter might she not,
  78. And with hir Javelin point did give a push against the doore.
  79. The doore flue open by and by and fell me in the floore.
  80. There saw she Envie sit within fast gnawing on the flesh
  81. Of Snakes and Todes, the filthie foode that keepes hir vices fresh.
  82. It lothde hir to beholde the sight. Anon the Elfe arose
  83. And left the gnawed Adders flesh, and slouthfully she goes
  84. With lumpish laysure like a Snayle, and when she saw the face
  85. Of Pallas and hir faire attire adournde with heavenly grace,
  86. She gave a sigh, a sorie sigh, from bottome of hir heart.
  87. Hir lippes were pale, hir cheekes were wan, and all hir face was swart:
  88. Hir bodie leane as any Rake. She looked eke askew.
  89. Hir teeth were furde with filth and drosse, hir gums were waryish blew.
  90. The working of hir festered gall had made hir stomacke greene.
  91. And all bevenimde was hir tongue. No sleepe hir eyes had seene.
  92. Continuall Carke and cankred care did keepe hir waking still:
  93. Of laughter (save at others harmes) the Helhound can no skill.
  94. It is against hir will that men have any good successe,
  95. And if they have, she frettes and fumes within hir minde no lesse
  96. Than if hir selfe had taken harme. In seeking to annoy
  97. And worke distresse to other folke, hir selfe she doth destroy.
  98. Thus is she torment to hir selfe. Though Pallas did hir hate,
  99. Yet spake she briefly these few wordes to hir without hir gate:
  100. Infect thou with thy venim one of Cecrops daughters three,
  101. It is Aglauros whome I meane, for so it needes must bee.
  102. This said, she pight hir speare in ground, and tooke hir rise thereon.
  103. And winding from that wicked wight did take hir flight anon.
  104. The Caitife cast hir eye aside, and seeing Pallas gon,
  105. Began to mumble with hir selfe the Divels Paternoster,
  106. And fretting at hir good successe, began to blow and bluster.
  107. She takes a crooked staffe in hand bewreathde with knubbed prickes,
  108. And covered with a coly cloude, where ever that she stickes
  109. Hir filthie feete, she tramples downe and seares both grasse and corne:
  110. That all the fresh and fragrant fieldes seeme utterly forlorne.
  111. And with hir staffe she tippeth off the highest poppie heades.
  112. Such poyson also every where ungraciously she sheades,
  113. That every Cottage where she comes and every Towne and Citie
  114. Doe take infection at hir breath. At length (the more is pitie)
  115. She found the faire Athenian towne that flowed freshly then
  116. In feastfull peace and joyfull welth and learned witts of men.
  117. And forbicause she nothing saw that might provoke to weepe,
  118. It was a corsie to hir heart hir hatefull teares to keepe.
  119. Now when she came within the Court, she went without delay
  120. Directly to the lodgings where King Cecrops daughters lay,
  121. There did she as Minerva bad. She laide hir scurvie fist
  122. Besmerde with venim and with filth upon Aglauros brist,
  123. The whiche she filde with hooked thornes: and breathing on hir face
  124. Did shead the poyson in hir bones: which spred it selfe apace,
  125. As blacke as ever virgin pitch through Lungs and Lights and all.
  126. And to th'intent that cause of griefe abundantly should fall,
  127. She placed ay before hir eyes hir sisters happie chaunce
  128. In being wedded to the God, and made the God to glaunce
  129. Continually in heavenly shape before hir wounded thought.
  130. And all these things she painted out, which in conclusion wrought
  131. Such corsies in Aglauros brest that sighing day and night
  132. She gnawde and fretted in hir selfe for very cancred spight.
  133. And like a wretche she wastes hir selfe with restlesse care and pine
  134. Like as the yse whereon the Sunne with glimering light doth shine.
  135. Hir sister Herses good successe doth make hir heart to yerne,
  136. In case as when that fire is put to greenefeld wood or fearne
  137. Whych giveth neyther light nor heate, but smulders quite away:
  138. Sometime she minded to hir Sire hir sister to bewray,
  139. Who (well she knew) would yll abide so lewde a part to play.
  140. And oft she thought with wilfull hande to brust hir fatall threede,
  141. Bicause she woulde not see the thing that made hir heart to bleede.
  142. At last she sate hir in the doore and leaned to a post
  143. To let the God from entring in. To whome now having lost
  144. Much talke and gentle wordes in vayne, she said: Sir, leave I pray
  145. For hence I will not (be you sure) onlesse you go away.
  146. I take thee at thy word (quoth he) and therewithall he pusht
  147. His rod against the barred doore, and wide it open rusht.
  148. She making proffer for to rise, did feele so great a waight
  149. Through all hir limmes, that for hir life she could not stretch hir straight.
  150. She strove to set hirself upright: but striving booted not.
  151. Hir hamstrings and hir knees were stiffe, a chilling colde had got
  152. In at hir nayles, through all hir limmes. And eke hir veynes began
  153. For want of bloud and lively heate, to waxe both pale and wan.
  154. And as the freting Fistula forgrowne and past all cure
  155. Runnes in the flesh from place to place, and makes the sound and pure
  156. As bad or worser than the rest, even so the cold of death
  157. Strake to hir heart, and closde hir veines, and lastly stopt hir breath:
  158. She made no profer for to speake, and though she had done so
  159. It had bene vaine. For way was none for language forth to go.
  160. Hir throte congealed into stone: hir mouth became hard stone,
  161. And like an image sate she still, hir bloud was clearely gone,
  162. The which the venim of hir heart so fowly did infect,
  163. That ever after all the stone with freckled spots was spect.
  1. When Mercurie had punisht thus Aglauros spightfull tung
  2. And cancred heart, immediatly from Pallas towne he flung.
  3. And flying up with flittering wings did pierce to heaven above.
  4. His father calde him straight aside (but shewing not his love)
  5. Said: Sonne, my trustie messenger and worker of my will,
  6. Make no delay but out of hand flie downe in hast untill
  7. The land that on the left side lookes upon thy mothers light,
  8. Yon same where standeth on the coast the towne that Sidon hight.
  9. The King hath there a heirde of Neate that on the Mountaines feede,
  10. Go take and drive them to the sea with all convenient speede.
  11. He had no sooner said the word but that the heirde begun
  12. Driven from the mountaine to the shore appointed for to run,
  13. Whereas the daughter of the King was wonted to resort
  14. With other Ladies of the Court there for to play and sport.
  15. Betweene the state of Majestie and love is set such oddes,
  16. As that they can not dwell in one. The Sire and King of Goddes
  17. Whose hand is armd with triplefire, who only with his frowne
  18. Makes Sea and Land and Heaven to quake, doth lay his scepter downe
  19. With all the grave and stately port belonging thereunto:
  20. And putting on the shape of Bull (as other cattell doe)
  21. Goes lowing gently up and downe among them in the field
  22. The fairest beast to looke upon that ever man beheld.
  23. For why? his colour was as white as any winters snow
  24. Before that eyther trampling feete or Southerne winde it thow.
  25. His necke was brawnd with rolles of flesh, and from his chest before
  26. A dangling dewlap hung me downe good halfe a foote and more.
  27. His hornes were small, but yet so fine as that ye would have thought
  28. They had bene made by cunning hand or out of waxe bene wrought.
  29. More cleare they were a hundreth fold than is the Christall stone,
  30. In all his forehead fearfull frowne or wrinkle there was none.
  31. No fierce, no grim, nor griesly looke as other cattle have,
  32. But altogether so demure as friendship seemde to crave.
  33. Agenors daughter marveld much so tame a beast to see,
  34. But yet to touche him at the first too bolde she durst not bee.
  35. Annon she reaches to his mouth hir hand with herbes and flowres.
  36. The loving beast was glad thereof and neither frownes nor lowres.
  37. But till the hoped joy might come with glad and fauning cheare
  38. He lickes hir hands and scarce ah scarce the resdue he forbeare.
  39. Sometime he friskes and skippes about and showes hir sport at hand
  40. Annon he layes his snowie side against the golden sand.
  41. So feare by little driven away, he offred eft his brest
  42. To stroke and coy, and eft his hornes with flowers to be drest.
  43. At last Europa knowing not (for so the Maide was calde)
  44. On whome she venturde for to ride, was nerawhit appalde
  45. To set hir selfe upon his backe. Then by and by the God
  46. From maine drie land to maine moyst Sea gan leysurly to plod.
  47. At first he did but dip his feete within the outmost wave,
  48. And backe againe, then further in another plunge he gave.
  49. And so still further till at the last he had his wished pray
  50. Amid the deepe where was no meanes to scape with life away.
  51. The Ladie quaking all for feare with rufull countnance cast
  52. Ay toward shore from whence she came, held with hir righthand fast
  53. One of his hornes: and with the left did stay upon his backe.
  54. The weather flaskt and whisked up hir garments being slacke.
  1. The God now having laide aside his borrowed shape of Bull
  2. Had in his likenesse shewde himself: and with his pretie trull
  3. Tane landing in the Ile of Crete. When in that while hir Sire
  4. Not knowing where she was become, sent after to enquire
  5. Hir brother Cadmus, charging him his sister home to bring,
  6. Or never for to come againe: wherein he did a thing,
  7. For which he might both justly kinde and cruell called bee.
  8. When Cadmus over all the world had sought, (for who is hee
  9. That can detect the thefts of Jove?) and no where could hir see,
  10. Then as an outlaw (to avoyde his fathers wrongfull yre)
  11. He went to Phebus Oracle most humbly to desire
  12. His heavenly counsell, where he would assigne him place to dwell.
  13. An Heifer all alone in field (quoth Phebus) marke hir well,
  14. Which never bare the pinching yoke, nor drew the plough as yit,
  15. Shall meete thee. Follow after hir, and where thou seest hir sit,
  16. There builde a towne, and let thereof Beotia be the name.
  17. Downe from Parnasus stately top scarce fully Cadmus came,
  18. When royling softly in the vale before the herde alone
  19. He saw an Heifer on whose necke of servage print was none.
  20. He followde after leysurly as hir that was his guide,
  21. And thanked Phebus in his heart that did so well provide.
  22. Now had he past Cephisus forde, and eke the pleasant groundes
  23. About the Citie Panope conteinde within those boundes.
  24. The Heifer staide, and lifting up hir forehead to the skie
  25. Full seemely for to looke upon with homes like braunches hie
  26. Did with hir lowing fill the Ayre: and casting backe hir eie
  27. Upon the rest that came aloofe, as softly as she could
  28. Kneelde downe and laide hir hairie side against the grassie mould.
  29. Then Cadmus gave Apollo thankes, and falling flat bylow
  30. Did kisse the ground and haile the fields which yet he did not know.
  31. He was about to sacrifice to Jove the Heavenly King,
  32. And bad his servants goe and fetch him water of the spring.
  33. An olde forgrowne unfelled wood stoode neare at hand thereby,
  34. And in the middes a queachie plot with Sedge and Osiers hie,
  35. Where courbde about with peble stone in likenesse of a bow
  36. There was a spring with silver streames that forth thereof did flow.
  37. Here lurked in his lowring den God Mars his griesly Snake
  38. With golden scales and firie eyes beswolne with poyson blake.
  39. Three spirting tongues, three rowes of teeth within his head did sticke.
  40. No sooner had the Tirian folke set foote within this thicke
  41. And queachie plot, and deped downe their bucket in the well,
  42. But that to buscle in his den began this Serpent fell,
  43. And peering with a marble head right horribly to hisse.
  44. The Tirians let their pitchers slip for sodaine feare of this,
  45. And waxing pale as any clay, like folke amazde and flaight,
  46. Stoode trembling like an Aspen leafe. The specled serpent straight
  47. Commes trailing out in waving linkes, and knottie rolles of scales,
  48. And bending into bunchie boughts his bodie forth he hales.
  49. And lifting up above the wast himselfe unto the Skie,
  50. He overlooketh all the wood, as huge and big welnie
  51. As is the Snake that in the Heaven about the Nordren Pole
  52. Devides the Beares. He makes no stay but deales his dreadfull dole
  53. Among the Tirians. Whether they did take them to their tooles,
  54. Or to their heeles, or that their feare did make them stand like fooles,
  55. And helpe themselves by none of both, he snapt up some alive,
  56. And swept in others with his taile, and some he did deprive
  57. Of life with rankenesse of his breath, and other some againe
  58. He stings and poysons unto death till all at last were slaine.
  59. Now when the Sunne was at his heigth and shadowes waxed short,
  60. And Cadmus saw his companie make tarience in that sort,
  61. He marveld what should be their let, and went to seeke them out.
  62. His harnesse was a Lions skin that wrapped him about.
  63. His weapons were a long strong speare with head of yron tride,
  64. And eke a light and piercing Dart. And thereunto beside
  65. Worth all the weapons in the world a stout and valiant hart.
  66. When Cadmus came within the wood and saw about that part
  67. His men lie slaine upon the ground, and eke their cruell fo
  68. Of bodie huge stand over them, and licking with his blo
  69. And blasting tongue their sorie woundes: Well trustie friendes (quoth he)
  70. I eyther of your piteous deathes will streight revenger be,
  71. Or else will die my selfe therefore. With that he raughting fast
  72. A mightie Milstone, at the Snake with all his might it cast.
  73. The stone with such exceding force and violence forth was driven,
  74. As of a fort the bulwarkes strong and walles it would have riven.
  75. And yet it did the Snake no harme: his scales as hard and tough
  76. As if they had bene plates of mayle did fence him well inough,
  77. So that the stone rebounded backe against his freckled slough.
  78. But yet his hardnesse savde him not against the piercing dart.
  79. For hitting right betweene the scales that yeelded in that part
  80. Whereas the joynts doe knit the backe, it thirled through the skin,
  81. And pierced to his filthy mawe and greedy guts within.
  82. He fierce with wrath wrings backe his head, and looking on the stripe,
  83. The Javeling steale that sticked out, betwene his teeth doth gripe.
  84. The which with wresting to and fro at length he forth did winde,
  85. Save that he left the head therof among his bones behinde.
  86. When of his courage through the wound more kindled was the ire,
  87. His throteboll swelde with puffed veines, his eyes gan sparkle fire.
  88. There stoode about his smeared chaps a lothly foming froth.
  89. His skaled brest ploughes up the ground, the stinking breath that goth
  90. Out from his blacke and hellish mouth infectes the herbes full fowle.
  91. Sometime he windes himselfe in knots as round as any Bowle.
  92. Sometime he stretcheth out in length as straight as any beame.
  93. Anon againe with violent brunt he rusheth like a streame
  94. Encreast by rage of latefalne raine, and with his mightie sway
  95. Beares downe the wood before his breast that standeth in his way.
  96. Agenors sonne retiring backe doth with his Lions spoyle
  97. Defend him from his fierce assaults, and makes him to recoyle
  98. Aye holding at the weapons point. The Serpent waxing wood
  99. Doth crashe the steele betwene his teeth, and bites it till the blood,
  100. Dropt mixt with poyson from his mouth, did die the greene grasse blacke,
  101. But yet the wound was verie light bicause he writhed backe
  102. And puld his head still from the stroke: and made the stripe to die
  103. By giving way, untill that Cadmus following irefully
  104. The stroke, with all his powre and might did through the throte him rive,
  105. And naylde him to an Oke behind the which he eke did clive.
  106. The Serpents waight did make the tree to bend. It grievde the tree
  107. His bodie of the Serpents taile thus scourged for to bee.
  1. While Cadmus wondred at the hugenesse of the vanquisht foe
  2. Upon the sodaine came a voyce: from whence he could not know,
  3. But sure he was he heard the voyce. Which said: Agenors sonne,
  4. What gazest thus upon this Snake? the time will one day come
  5. That thou thy selfe shalt be a Snake. He pale and wan for feare,
  6. Had lost his speach: and ruffled up stiffe staring stood his heare.
  7. Behold (mans helper at his neede) Dame Pallas gliding through
  8. The vacant Ayre was straight at hand, and bade him take a plough
  9. And cast the Serpents teeth in ground, as of the which should spring
  10. Another people out of hand. He did in every thing
  11. As Pallas bade, he tooke a plough, and earde a furrow low
  12. And sowde the Serpents teeth whereof the foresaid folke should grow.
  13. Anon (a wondrous thing to tell) the clods began to move,
  14. And from the furrow first of all the pikes appearde above,
  15. Next rose up helmes with fethered crests, and then the Poldrens bright,
  16. Successively the Curets whole, and all the armor right.
  17. Thus grew up men like corne in field in rankes of battle ray
  18. With shields and weapons in their hands to feight the field that day.
  19. Even so when stages are attirde against some solemne game,
  20. With clothes of Arras gorgeously, in drawing up the same
  21. The faces of the ymages doe first of all them showe,
  22. And then by peecemeale all the rest in order seemes to grow,
  23. Untill at last they stand out full upon their feete bylow.
  24. Afrighted at this new found foes gan Cadmus for to take
  25. Him to his weapons by and by resistance for to make.
  26. Stay, stay thy selfe (cride one of them that late before were bred
  27. Out of the ground) and meddle not with civill warres. This sed,
  28. One of the brothers of that brood with launcing sworde he slue.
  29. Another sent a dart at him, the which him overthrue.
  30. The third did straight as much for him and made him yeelde the breath,
  31. (The which he had receyvde but now) by stroke of forced death.
  32. Likewise outraged all the rest untill that one by one
  33. By mutuall stroke of civill warre dispatched everychone,
  34. This broode of brothers all behewen and weltred in their blood,
  35. Lay sprawling on their mothers womb, the ground where erst they stood,
  36. Save only five that did remaine. Of whom Echion led
  37. By Pallas counsell, threw away the helmet from his head,
  38. And with his brothers gan to treat attonement for to make.
  39. The which at length (by Pallas helpe) so good successe did take,
  40. That faithfull friendship was confirmd and hand in hand was plight.
  41. These afterward did well assist the noble Tyrian knight,
  42. In building of the famous towne that Phebus had behight.
  43. Now Thebes stoode in good estate, now Cadmus might thou say
  44. That when thy father banisht thee it was a luckie day.
  45. To joyne aliance both with Mars and Venus was thy chaunce,
  46. Whose daughter thou hadst tane to wife, who did thee much advaunce,
  47. Not only through hir high renowne, but through a noble race
  48. Of sonnes and daughters that she bare: whose children in like case
  49. It was thy fortune for to see all men and women growne.
  50. But ay the ende of every thing must marked be and knowne.
  51. For none the name of blessednesse deserveth for to have
  52. Onlesse the tenor of his life last blessed to his grave.
  53. Among so many prosprous happes that flowde with good successe,