

Ovid. The XV bookes of P. Ouidius Naso, entytuled Metamorphosis. Golding, Arthur, translator. London: W. Seres (printer), 1567.

  1. As Nestor all the processe of this battell did reherce
  2. Betweene the valeant Lapithes and misshapen Centawres ferce,
  3. Tlepolemus displeased sore that Hercules was past
  4. With silence, could not hold his peace, but out theis woordes did cast:
  5. My Lord, I muse you should forget my fathers prayse so quyght.
  6. For often unto mee himself was woonted to recite,
  7. How that the clowdbred folk by him were cheefly put to flyght.
  8. Ryght sadly Nestor answerd thus: Why should you mee constreyne
  9. To call to mynd forgotten greefs? and for to reere ageine
  10. The sorrowes now outworne by tyme? or force mee to declare
  11. The hatred and displeasure which I to your father bare?
  12. In sooth his dooings greater were than myght bee well beleeved.
  13. He fild the world with high renowme which nobly he atcheeved.
  14. Which thing I would I could denye. For neyther set wee out
  15. Deiphobus, Polydamas, nor Hector that most stout
  16. And valeant knyght, the strength of Troy. For whoo will prayse his fo?
  17. Your father overthrew the walles of Messen long ago,
  18. And razed Pyle, and Ely townes unwoorthye serving so.
  19. And feerce ageinst my fathers house hee usde bothe swoord and fyre.
  20. And (not to speake of others whom he killed in his ire)
  21. Twyce six wee were the sonnes of Nele all lusty gentlemen.
  22. Twyce six of us (excepting mee) by him were murthred then.
  23. The death of all the rest myght seeme a matter not so straunge:
  24. But straunge was Periclymens death whoo had the powre to chaunge
  25. And leave and take what shape he list (by Neptune to him given,
  26. The founder of the house of Nele). For when he had beene driven
  27. To try all shapes, and none could help: he last of all became
  28. The fowle that in his hooked feete dooth beare the flasshing flame
  29. Sent downe from heaven by Jupiter. He practising those birds,
  30. With flapping wings, and bowwing beake, and hooked talants girds
  31. At Hercle, and beescratcht his face. Too certeine (I may say)
  32. Thy father amde his shaft at him. For as he towring lay
  33. Among the clowdes, he hit him underneath the wing. The stroke
  34. Was small: howbee't bycause therwith the sinewes being broke,
  35. He wanted strength to maynteine flyght, he fell me to the ground,
  36. Through weakenesse of his wing. The shaft that sticked in the wound,
  37. By reason of the burthen of his bodye perst his syde,
  38. And at the leftsyde of his necke all bloodye foorth did glyde.
  39. Now tell mee, O thou beawtyfull Lord Amirall of the fleete
  40. Of Rhodes, if mee to speake the prayse of Hercle it bee meete.
  41. But lest that of my brothers deathes men think I doo desyre
  42. A further vendge than silence of the prowesse of thy syre,
  43. I love thee even with all my hart, and take thee for my freend.
  1. When Nestor of his pleasant tales had made this freendly end,
  2. They called for a boll of wyne, and from the table went,
  3. And all the resdew of the nyght in sleeping soundly spent.
  4. But Neptune like a father tooke the matter sore to hart
  5. That Cygnet to a Swan he was constreyned to convert.
  6. And hating feerce Achilles, he did wreake his cruell teene
  7. Uppon him more uncourteously than had beseeming beene.
  8. For when the warres well neere full twyce fyve yeeres had lasted, hee
  9. Unshorne Apollo thus bespake: O nevew, unto mee
  10. Most deere of all my brothers impes, who helpedst mee to lay
  11. Foundation of the walles of Troy for which we had no pay,
  12. And canst thou syghes forbeare to see the Asian Empyre fall?
  13. And dooth it not lament thy hart when thou to mynd doost call
  14. So many thousand people slayne in keeping Ilion wall?
  15. Or (too th'entent particlerly I doo not speake of all)
  16. Remembrest thou not Hectors Ghost whoo harryed was about
  17. His towne of Troy? where nerethelesse Achilles that same stout
  18. And farre in fyght more butcherly, whoo stryves with all his myght
  19. To stroy the woorke of mee and thee, lives still in healthfull plyght?
  20. If ever hee doo come within my daunger he shall feele
  21. What force is in my tryple mace. But sith with swoord of steele
  22. I may not meete him as my fo, I pray thee unbeeware
  23. Go kill him with a sodeine shaft and rid mee of my care.
  24. Apollo did consent: as well his uncle for to please,
  25. As also for a pryvate grudge himself had for to ease.
  26. And in a clowd he downe among the host of Troy did slyde,
  27. Where Paris dribbling out his shaftes among the Greekes hee spyde:
  28. And telling him what God he was, sayd: Wherfore doost thou waast
  29. Thyne arrowes on the simple sort? If any care thou haste
  30. Of those that are thy freendes, go turne ageinst Achilles head,
  31. And like a man revendge on him thy brothers that are dead.
  32. In saying this, he brought him where Achilles with his brond
  33. Was beating downe the Trojane folk, and leveld so his hond
  34. As that Achilles tumbled downe starke dead uppon the lond.
  35. This was the onely thing wherof the old king Priam myght
  36. Take comfort after Hectors death. That stout and valeant knyght
  37. Achilles whoo had overthrowen so many men in fyght,
  38. Was by that coward carpet knyght beereeved of his lyfe,
  39. Whoo like a caytif stale away the Spartane princes wyfe.
  40. But if of weapon womanish he had foreknowen it had
  41. His destnye beene to lose his lyfe, he would have beene more glad
  42. That Queene Penthesileas bill had slaine him out of hand.
  43. Now was the feare of Phrygian folk, the onely glory, and
  44. Defence of Greekes, that peerelesse prince in armes, Achilles turnd
  45. To asshes. That same God that had him armd, him also burnd.
  46. Now is he dust: and of that great Achilles bydeth still
  47. A thing of nought, that scarcely can a little coffin fill.
  48. Howbee't his woorthy fame dooth lyve, and spreadeth over all
  49. The world, a measure meete for such a persone to beefall.
  50. This matcheth thee, Achilles, full. And this can never dye.
  51. His target also (too th'entent that men myght playnly spye
  52. What wyghts it was) did move debate, and for his armour burst
  53. Out deadly foode. Not Diomed, nor Ajax Oylye durst
  54. Make clayme or chalendge to the same, nor Atreus yoonger sonne,
  55. Nor yit his elder, though in armes much honour they had wonne.
  56. Alone the sonnes of Telamon and Laert did assay
  57. Which of them two of that great pryse should beare the bell away.
  58. But Agamemnon from himself the hurthen putts, and cleeres
  59. His handes of envye, causing all the Capteines and the Peeres
  60. Of Greece to meete amid the camp togither in a place,
  61. To whom he put the heering and the judgement of the cace.
  1. The Lordes and Capteynes being set toogither with the King,
  2. And all the souldiers standing round about them in a ring,
  3. The owner of the sevenfold sheeld, to theis did Ajax ryse.
  4. And (as he could not brydle wrath) he cast his frowning eyes
  5. Uppon the shore and on the fleete that there at Anchor lyes
  6. And throwing up his handes: God and must wee plead (quoth hee)
  7. Our case before our shippes? and must Ulysses stand with mee?
  8. But like a wretch he ran his way when Hector came with fyre,
  9. Which I defending from theis shippes did force him to retyre.
  10. It easyer is therefore with woordes in print to maynteine stryfe,
  11. Than for to fyght it out with fists. But neyther I am ryfe
  12. In woordes, nor hee in deedes. For looke how farre I him excell
  13. In battell and in feates of armes: so farre beares hee the bell
  14. From mee in talking. Neyther think I requisite to tell
  15. My actes among you. You your selves have seene them verry well.
  16. But let Ulysses tell you his doone all in hudther mudther,
  17. And wherunto the only nyght is privy and none other.
  18. The pryse is great (I doo confesse) for which wee stryve. But yit
  19. It is dishonour unto mee, for that in clayming it
  20. So bace a persone standeth in contention for the same.
  21. To think it myne already, ought to counted bee no shame
  22. Nor pryde in mee: although the thing of ryght great valew bee
  23. Of which Ulysses standes in hope. For now alreadye hee
  24. Hath wonne the honour of this pryse, in that when he shall sit
  25. Besydes the cuishon, he may brag he strave with mee for it.
  26. And though I wanted valiantnesse, yit should nobilitee
  27. Make with mee. I of Telamon am knowne the sonne to bee
  28. Who under valeant Hercules the walles of Troy did scale,
  29. And in the shippe of Pagasa to Colchos land did sayle.
  30. His father was that Aeacus whoo executeth ryght
  31. Among the ghostes where Sisyphus heaves up with all his myght
  32. The massye stone ay tumbling downe. The hyghest Jove of all
  33. Acknowledgeth this Aeacus, and dooth his sonne him call.
  34. Thus am I Ajax third from Jove. Yit let this Pedegree,
  35. O Achyves, in this case of myne avaylable not bee,
  36. Onlesse I proove it fully with Achylles to agree.
  37. He was my brother, and I clayme that was my brothers. Why
  38. Shouldst thou that art of Sisyphs blood, and for to filch and lye
  39. Expressest him in every poynt, by foorged pedegree
  40. Aly thee to the Aeacyds, as though we did not see
  41. Thee to the house of Aeacus a straunger for to bee?
  42. And is it reason that you should this armour mee denye
  43. Bycause I former was in armes, and needed not a spye
  44. To fetch mee foorth? Or think you him more woorthye it to have,
  45. That came to warrefare hindermost, and feynd himself to rave,
  46. Bycause he would have shund the warre? untill a suttler head
  47. And more unprofitable for himself, sir Palamed,
  48. Escryde the crafty fetches of his fearefull hart, and drew
  49. Him foorth a warfare which he sought so cowardly to eschew?
  50. Must he now needes enjoy the best and richest armour, whoo
  51. Would none at all have worne onlesse he forced were thertoo?
  52. And I with shame bee put besyde my cousin germanes gifts
  53. Bycause to shun the formest brunt of warres I sought no shifts?
  54. Would God this mischeef mayster had in verrye deede beene mad,
  55. Or else beleeved so to bee: and that wee never had
  56. Brought such a panion unto Troy. Then should not Paeans sonne
  57. In Lemnos like an outlawe to the shame of all us wonne.
  58. Who lurking now (as men report) in woodes and caves, dooth move
  59. The verry flints with syghes and grones, and prayers to God above
  60. To send Ulysses his desert. Which prayer (if there bee
  61. A God) must one day take effect. And now beehold how hee
  62. By othe a Souldier of our Camp, yea and as well as wee
  63. A Capteine too, alas, (who was by Hercules assignde
  64. To have the keeping of his shafts,) with payne and hungar pynde,
  65. Is clad and fed with fowles, and dribs his arrowes up and downe
  66. At birds, which were by destinye preparde to stroy Troy towne.
  67. Yit liveth hee bycause hee is not still in companie
  68. With sly Ulysses. Palamed that wretched knyght perdie,
  69. Would eeke he had abandond beene. For then should still the same
  70. Have beene alyve: or at the least have dyde without our shame.
  71. But this companion bearing (ah) too well in wicked mynd
  72. His madnesse which sir Palamed by wisdome out did fynd,
  73. Appeached him of treason that he practysde to betray
  74. The Greekish hoste. And for to vouch the fact, he shewd streyght way
  75. A masse of goold that he himself had hidden in his tent,
  76. And forged Letters which he feynd from Priam to bee sent.
  77. Thus eyther by his murthring men or else by banishment
  78. Abateth hee the Greekish strength. This is Ulysses fyght.
  79. This is the feare he puttes men in. But though he had more might
  80. Than Nestor hath, in eloquence he shal not compasse mee
  81. To think his leawd abandoning of Nestor for to bee
  82. No fault: who beeing cast behynd by wounding of his horse,
  83. And slowe with age, with calling on Ulysses waxing hoarce,
  84. Was nerethelesse betrayd by him. Sir Diomed knowes this cryme
  85. Is unsurmysde. For he himselfe did at that present tyme
  86. Rebuke him oftentymes by name, and feercely him upbrayd
  87. With flying from his fellowe so who stood in neede of ayd.
  88. With ryghtfull eyes dooth God behold the deedes of mortall men.
  89. Lo, he that helped not his freend wants help himself agen.
  90. And as he did forsake his freend in tyme of neede: so hee
  91. Did in the selfsame perrill fall forsaken for to bee.
  92. He made a rod to beat himself. He calld and cryed out
  93. Uppon his fellowes. Streight I came: and there I saw the lout
  94. Bothe quake and shake for feare of death, and looke as pale as clout.
  95. I set my sheeld betweene him and his foes, and him bestrid:
  96. And savde the dastards lyfe. Small prayse redoundes of that I did.
  97. But if thou wilt contend with mee, lets to the selfesame place
  98. Agein: bee wounded as thou wart: and in the foresayd case
  99. Of feare, beset about with foes: cowch underneath my sheeld:
  100. And then contend thou with mee there amid the open feeld.
  101. Howbee't, I had no sooner rid this champion of his foes,
  102. But where for woundes he scarce before could totter on his toes,
  103. He ran away apace, as though he nought at all did ayle.
  104. Anon commes Hector to the feeld and bringeth at his tayle
  105. The Goddes. Not only thy hart there (Ulysses) did thee fayle,
  106. But even the stowtest courages and stomacks gan to quayle.
  107. So great a terrour brought he in. Yit in the midds of all
  108. His bloody ruffe, I coapt with him, and with a foyling fall
  109. Did overthrowe him to the ground. Another tyme, when hee
  110. Did make a chalendge, you my Lordes by lot did choose out mee,
  111. And I did match him hand to hand. Your wisshes were not vayne.
  112. For if you aske mee what successe our combate did obteine,
  113. I came away unvanquished. Behold the men of Troy
  114. Brought fyre and swoord, and all the feendes our navye to destroy.
  115. And where was slye Ulysses then with all his talk so smooth?
  116. This brest of myne was fayne to fence your thousand shippes forsooth,
  117. The hope of your returning home. For saving that same day
  118. So many shippes, this armour give. But (if that I shall say
  119. The truth) the greater honour now this armour beares away.
  120. And our renownes togither link. For (as of reason ought)
  121. An Ajax for this armour, not an armour now is sought
  122. For Ajax.
  1. Let Dulychius match with theis, the horses whyght
  2. Of Rhesus, dastard Dolon, and the coward carpetknyght
  3. King Priams Helen, and the stelth of Palladye by nyght.
  4. Of all theis things was nothing doone by day nor nothing wrought
  5. Without the helpe of Diomed. And therefore if yee thought
  6. To give them to so small deserts, devyde the same, and let
  7. Sir Diomed have the greater part. But what should Ithacus get
  8. And if he had them, who dooth all his matters in the dark,
  9. Who never weareth armour, who shootes ay at his owne mark
  10. To trappe his fo by stelth unwares? The very headpeece may
  11. With brightnesse of the glistring gold his privie feates bewray
  12. And shew him lurking. Neyther well of force Dulychius were
  13. The weyght of great Achilles helme uppon his pate to weare.
  14. It cannot but a burthen bee (and that ryght great) to beare
  15. (With those same shrimpish armes of his) Achilles myghty speare.
  16. Agen his target graven with the whole huge world theron
  17. Agrees not with a fearefull hand, and cheefly such a one
  18. As taketh filching even by kynd. Thou Lozell, thou doost seeke
  19. A gift that will but weaken thee, which if the folk of Greeke
  20. Shall give thee through theyr oversyght, it will be unto thee
  21. Occasion, of thyne emnyes spoyld not feared for to bee,
  22. And flyght (wherein thou, coward, thou all others mayst outbrag)
  23. Will hindred bee when after thee such masses thou shalt drag.
  24. Moreover this thy sheeld that feeles so seeld the force of fyght
  25. Is sound. But myne is gasht and hakt and stricken thurrough quyght
  26. A thousand tymes, with bearing blowes. And therfore myne must walk
  27. And put another in his stead. But what needes all this talk?
  28. Lets now bee seene another whyle what eche of us can doo.
  29. The thickest of our armed foes this armour throwe into,
  30. And bid us fetch the same fro thence. And which of us dooth fetch
  31. The same away, reward yee him therewith. Thus farre did stretch
  32. The woordes of Ajax. At the ende whereof there did ensew
  33. A muttring of the souldiers, till Laertis sonne the prew
  34. Stood up, and raysed soberly his eyliddes from the ground
  35. (On which he had a little whyle them pitched in a stound)
  36. And looking on the noblemen who longd his woordes to heere
  37. He thus began with comly grace and sober pleasant cheere:
  38. My Lordes, if my desyre and yours myght erst have taken place,
  39. It should not at this present tyme have beene a dowtfull cace,
  40. What person hath most ryght to this great pryse for which wee stryve.
  41. Achilles should his armour have, and wee still him alyve.
  42. Whom sith that cruell destinie to both of us denyes,
  43. (With that same woord as though he wept, he wypte his watry eyes)
  44. What wyght of reason rather ought to bee Achilles heyre,
  45. Than he through whom to this your camp Achilles did repayre?
  46. Alonly let it not avayle sir Ajax heere, that hee
  47. Is such a dolt and grossehead, as he shewes himself to bee
  48. Ne let my wit (which ay hath done you good, O Greekes) hurt mee.
  49. But suffer this mine eloquence (such as it is) which now
  50. Dooth for his mayster speake, and oft ere this hath spoke for yow,
  51. Bee undisdeynd. Let none refuse his owne good gifts he brings.
  52. For as for stocke and auncetors, and other such like things
  53. Wherof our selves no fownders are, I scarcely dare them graunt
  54. To bee our owne. But forasmuch as Ajax makes his vaunt
  55. To bee the fowrth from Jove: even Jove the founder is also
  56. Of my house: and than fowre descents I am from him no mo.
  57. Laertes is my father, and Arcesius his, and hee
  58. Begotten was of Jupiter. And in this pedegree
  59. Is neyther any damned soule, nor outlaw as yee see.
  60. Moreover by my moothers syde I come of Mercuree,
  61. Another honor to my house. Thus both by fathers syde
  62. And moothers (as you may perceyve) I am to Goddes alyde.
  63. But neyther for bycause I am a better gentleman
  64. Then Ajax by the moothers syde, nor that my father can
  65. Avouch himself ungiltye of his brothers blood, doo I
  66. This armour clayme. Wey you the case by merits uprightly,
  67. Provyded no prerogatyve of birthryght Ajax beare,
  68. For that his father Telamon, and Peleus brothers were.
  69. Let only prowesse in this pryse the honour beare away.
  70. Or if the case on kinrid or on birthryght seeme to stay,
  71. His father Peleus is alive, and Pyrrhus eeke his sonne.
  72. What tytle then can Ajax make? This geere of ryght should woone
  73. To Phthya, or to Scyros Ile. And Tewcer is as well
  74. Achilles uncle as is hee. Yit dooth not Tewcer mell.
  75. And if he did, should hee obteyne? Well, sith the cace dooth rest
  76. On tryall which of us can prove his dooings to bee best,
  77. I needes must say my deedes are mo than well I can expresse:
  78. Yit will I shew them orderly as neere as I can gesse.
  79. Foreknowing that her sonne should dye, the Lady Thetis hid
  80. Achilles in a maydes attyre. By which fyne slyght shee did
  81. All men deceyve, and Ajax too. This armour in a packe
  82. With other womens tryflyng toyes I caryed on my backe,
  83. A bayte to treyne a manly hart. Appareld like a mayd
  84. Achilles tooke the speare and sheeld in hand, and with them playd.
  85. Then sayd I: O thou Goddesse sonne, why shouldst thou bee afrayd
  86. To raze great Troy, whoose overthrowe for thee is onely stayd?
  87. And laying hand uppon him I did send him (as you see)
  88. To valeant dooings meete for such a valeant man as hee.
  89. And therfore all the deedes of him are my deedes. I did wound
  90. King Teleph with his speare, and when he lay uppon the ground,
  91. I was intreated with the speare to heale him safe and sound.
  92. That Thebe lyeth overthrowne, is my deede. You must think
  93. I made the folk of Tenedos and Lesbos for to shrink.
  94. Both Chryse and Cillas, Phebus townes, and Scyros I did take.
  95. And my ryght hand Lyrnessus walles to ground did levell make.
  96. I gave you him that should confound (besydes a number mo)
  97. The valeant Hector. Hector, that our most renowmed fo,
  98. Is slayne by mee. This armour heere I sue agein to have
  99. This armour by the which I found Achilles. I it gave
  100. Achilles whyle he was alive: and now that he is gone
  101. I clayme it as myne owne agein. What tyme the greefe of one
  102. Had perst the harts of all the Greekes, and that our thousand sayle
  103. At Awlis by Ewboya stayd, bycause the wyndes did fayle,
  104. Continewing eyther none at all or cleene ageinst us long,
  105. And that our Agamemnon was by destnyes overstrong
  106. Commaunded for to sacrifyse his giltlesse daughter to
  107. Diana, which her father then refusing for to doo
  108. Was angry with the Godds themselves, and though he were a king
  109. Continued also fatherlyke: by reason, I did bring
  110. His gentle nature to relent for publike profits sake.
  111. I must confesse (whereat his grace shall no displeasure take)
  112. Before a parciall judge I undertooke a ryght hard cace.
  113. Howbeeit for his brothers sake, and for the royall mace
  114. Committed, and his peoples weale, at length he was content
  115. To purchace prayse wyth blood. Then was I to the moother sent,
  116. Who not perswaded was to bee, but compast with sum guyle.
  117. Had Ajax on this errand gone, our shippes had all this whyle
  118. Lyne still there yit for want of wynd. Moreover I was sent
  119. To Ilion as ambassadour. I boldly thither went,
  120. And entred and behilld the Court, wherin there was as then
  121. Great store of princes, Dukes, Lords, knyghts, and other valeant men.
  122. And yit I boldly nerethelesse my message did at large
  123. The which the whole estate of Greece had given mee erst in charge.
  124. I made complaint of Paris, and accusde him to his head.
  125. Demaunding restitution of Queene Helen that same sted
  126. And of the bootye with her tane. Both Priamus the king
  127. And eeke Antenor his alye the woordes of mee did sting.
  128. And Paris and his brothers, and the resdew of his trayne
  129. That under him had made the spoyle, could hard and scarce refrayne
  130. There wicked hands. You, Menelay, doo know I doo not feyne.
  131. And that day was the first in which wee joyntly gan susteyne
  132. A tast of perrills, store whereof did then behind remayne.
  1. It would bee overlong to tell eche profitable thing
  2. That during this long lasting warre I well to passe did bring,
  3. By force as well as pollycie. For after that the furst
  4. Encounter once was overpast, our emnyes never durst
  5. Give battell in the open feeld, but hild themselves within
  6. Theyr walles and bulwarks till the tyme the tenth yeere did begin,
  7. Now what didst thou of all that whyle, that canst doo nought but streeke?
  8. Or to what purpose servedst thou? For if thou my deedes seeke,
  9. I practysd sundry pollycies to trappe our foes unware:
  10. I fortifyde our Camp with trench which heretofore lay bare:
  11. I hartned our companions with a quiet mynd to beare
  12. The longnesse of the weery warre: I taught us how wee were
  13. Bothe to bee fed and furnished: and to and fro I went
  14. To places where the Counsell thought most meete I should bee sent.
  15. Behold the king deceyved in his dreame by false pretence
  16. Of Joves commaundement, bade us rayse our seedge and get us hence.
  17. The author of his dooing so may well bee his defence.
  18. Now Ajax should have letted this, and calld them backe ageine
  19. To sacke the towne of Troy. He should have fought with myght and maine.
  20. Why did he not restreyne them when they ready were to go?
  21. Why tooke he not his swoord in hand? why gave he not as tho
  22. Sum counsell for the fleeting folk to follow at the brunt?
  23. In fayth it had a tryfle beene to him that ay is woont
  24. Such vaunting in his mouth to have. But he himself did fly
  25. As well as others. I did see, and was ashamed, I,
  26. To see thee when thou fledst, and didst prepare so cowardly
  27. To sayle away. And thereuppon I thus aloud did cry:
  28. What meene yee, sirs? what madnesse dooth you move to go to shippe
  29. And suffer Troy as good as tane, thus out of hand to slippe?
  30. What else this tenth yeere beare yee home than shame? with such like woord
  31. And other, (which the eloquence of sorrowe did avoord,)
  32. I brought them from theyr flying shippes. Then Agamemnon calld
  33. Toogither all the capteines who with feare were yit appalld.
  34. But Ajax durst not then once creake. Yit durst Thersites bee
  35. So bold as rayle uppon the kings, and he was payd by mee
  36. For playing so the sawcye Jacke. Then stood I on my toes
  37. And to my fearefull countrymen gave hart ageinst theyr foes.
  38. And shed new courage in theyr mynds through talk that fro mee goes.
  39. From that tyme foorth what ever thing hath valeantly atcheeved
  40. By this good fellow beene, is myne, whoo him from flyght repreeved.
  41. And now to touche thee: which of all the Greekes commendeth thee?
  42. Or seeketh thee? But Diomed communicates with mee
  43. His dooings, and alloweth mee, and thinkes him well apayd
  44. To have Ulysses ever as companion at the brayd.
  45. And sumwhat woorth you will it graunt (I trow) alone for mee
  46. Out of so many thousand Greekes by Diomed pikt to bee.
  47. No lot compelled mee to go, and yit I setting lyght
  48. As well the perrill of my foes as daunger of the nyght,
  49. Killd Dolon who about the selfsame feate that nyght did stray,
  50. That wee went out for. But I first compelld him to bewray
  51. All things concerning faythlesse Troy, and what it went about.
  52. When all was learnd, and nothing left behynd to harken out,
  53. I myght have then come home with prayse. I was not so content.
  54. Proceeding further to the Camp of Rhesus streyght I went,
  55. And killed bothe himself and all his men about his tent.
  56. And taking bothe his chariot and his horses which were whyght,
  57. Returned home in tryumph like a conquerour from fyght.
  58. Denye you mee the armour of the man whoose steedes the fo
  59. Requyred for his playing of the spye a nyght, and so
  60. May Ajax bee more kynd to mee than you are. What should I
  61. Declare unto you how my sword did waste ryght valeantly
  62. Sarpedons hoste of Lycia? I by force did overthrowe
  63. Alastor, Crome, and Ceranos, and Haly on a rowe.
  64. Alcander, and Noemon too, and Prytanis besyde,
  65. And Thoon and Theridamas, and Charops also dyde
  66. By mee, and so did Ewnomos enforst by cruell fate.
  67. And many mo in syght of Troy I slew of bacer state.
  68. There also are (O countrymen) about mee woundings, which
  69. The place of them make beawtyfull. See heere (his hand did twich
  70. His shirt asyde) and credit not vayne woordes. Lo heere the brist
  71. That alwayes to bee one in your affayres hath never mist.
  72. And yit of all this whyle no droppe of blood hath Ajax spent
  73. Uppon his fellowes. Woundlesse is his body and unrent.
  74. But what skills that, as long as he is able for to vaunt
  75. He fought against bothe Troy and Jove to save our fleete? I graunt
  76. He did so. For I am not of such nature as of spyght
  77. Well dooings to deface: so that he chalendge not the ryght
  78. Of all men to himself alone, and that he yeeld to mee
  79. Sum share, whoo of the honour looke a partener for to bee.
  80. Patroclus also having on Achilles armour, sent
  81. The Trojans and theyr leader hence, to burne our navye bent.
  82. And yit thinks hee that none durst meete with Hector saving hee,
  83. Forgetting bothe the king, and eeke his brother, yea and mee.
  84. Where hee himself was but the nyneth, appoynted by the king,
  85. And by the fortune of his lot preferd to doo the thing.
  86. But now for all your valeantnesse, what Issue had I pray
  87. Your combate? Shall I tell? Forsoothe, that Hector went his way
  88. And had no harme. Now wo is mee how greeveth it my hart
  89. To think uppon that season when the bulwark of our part
  90. Achilles dyde. When neyther teares, nor greef, nor feare could make
  91. Mee for to stay, but that uppon theis shoulders I did take,
  92. I say uppon theis shoulders I Achilles body tooke,
  93. And this same armour claspt theron, which now to weare I looke.
  94. Sufficient strength I have to beare as great a weyght as this,
  95. And eeke a hart wherein regard of honour rooted is.
  96. Think you that Thetis for her sonne so instantly besought
  97. Sir Vulcane this same heavenly gift to give her, which is wrought
  98. With such exceeding cunning, to th'entent a souldier that
  99. Hath neyther wit nor knowledge should it weare? He knowes not what
  100. The things ingraven on the sheeld doo meene. Of Ocean se,
  101. Of land, of heaven, and of the starres no skill at all hath he.
  102. The Beare that never dyves in sea he dooth not understand,
  103. The Pleyads, nor the Hyads, nor the cities that doo stand
  104. Uppon the earth, nor yit the swoord that Orion holdes in hand.
  105. He seekes to have an armour of the which he hath no skill.
  106. And yit in fynding fault with mee bycause I had no will
  107. To follow this same paynfull warre and sought to shonne the same,
  108. And made it sumwhat longer tyme before I thither came,
  109. He sees not how hee speakes reproch to stout Achilles name.
  110. For if to have dissembled in this case, yee count a cryme,
  111. Wee both offenders bee. Or if protracting of the tyme
  112. Yee count blame woorthye, yit was I the tymelyer of us twayne.
  113. Achilles loving moother him, my wyfe did mee deteyne.
  114. The former tyme was given to them, the rest was given to yow.
  115. And therefore doo I little passe although I could not now
  116. Defend my fault, sith such a man of prowesse, birth and fame
  117. As was Achilles, was with mee offender in the same.
  118. But yit was he espyed by Ulysses wit, but nat
  119. Ulysses by sir Ajax wit. And lest yee woonder at
  120. The rayling of this foolish dolt at mee, hee dooth object
  121. Reproche to you. For if that I offended to detect
  122. Sir Palamed of forged fault, could you without your shame
  123. Arreyne him, and condemne him eeke to suffer for the same?
  124. But neyther could sir Palamed excuse him of the cryme
  125. So heynous and so manifest: and you your selves that tyme
  126. Not onely his indytement heard, but also did behold
  127. His deed avowched to his face by bringing in the gold.
  1. And as for Philoctetes, that he is in Lemnos, I
  2. Deserve not to bee toucht therwith. Defend your cryme: for why
  3. You all consented therunto. Yit doo I not denye,
  4. But that I gave the counsell to convey him out of way
  5. From toyle of warre and travell that by rest he myght assay
  6. To ease the greatnesse of his peynes. He did thereto obey
  7. And by so dooing is alyve. Not only faythfull was
  8. This counsell that I gave the man, but also happye, as
  9. The good successe hath shewed since. Whom sith the destnyes doo
  10. Requyre in overthrowing Troy, appoynt not mee thertoo:
  11. But let sir Ajax rather go. For he with eloquence
  12. Or by some suttle pollycie, shall bring the man fro thence
  13. And pacyfie him raging through disease, and wrathfull ire.
  14. Nay, first the river Simois shall to his spring retyre,
  15. And mountaine Ida shall theron have stonding never a tree,
  16. Yea and the faythlesse towne of Troy by Greekes shall reskewd bee,
  17. Before that Ajax blockish wit shall aught at all avayle,
  18. When my attempts and practyses in your affayres doo fayle.
  19. For though thou, Philoctetes, with the king offended bee,
  20. And with thy fellowes everychone, and most of all with mee,
  21. Although thou cursse and ban mee to the hellish pit for ay,
  22. And wisshest in thy payne that I by chaunce myght crosse thy way,
  23. Of purpose for to draw my blood: yit will I give assay
  24. To fetch thee hither once ageine. And (if that fortune say
  25. Amen,) I will as well have thee and eeke thyne arrowes, as
  26. I have the Trojane prophet whoo by mee surprysed was,
  27. Or as I did the Oracles and Trojane fates disclose,
  28. Or as I from her chappell through the thickest of her foes
  29. The Phrygian Pallads image fetcht: and yit dooth Ajax still
  30. Compare himself with mee. Yee knowe it was the destinyes will
  31. That Troy should never taken bee by any force, untill
  32. This Image first were got. And where was then our valeant knight
  33. Sir Ajax? Where the stately woordes of such a hardy wyght?
  34. Why feareth hee? Why dares Ulysses ventring through the watch
  35. Commit his persone to the nyght his buysnesse to dispatch?
  36. And through the pykes not only for to passe the garded wall
  37. But also for to enter to the strongest towre of all
  38. And for to take the Idoll from her Chappell and her shryne
  39. And beare her thence amid his foes? For had this deede of myne
  40. Beene left undoone, in vayne his sheeld of Oxen hydes seven fold
  41. Should yit the Sonne of Telamon have in his left hand hold.
  42. That nyght subdewed I Troy towne. That nyght did I it win,
  43. And opened it for you likewyse with ease to enter in.
  44. Cease to upbrayd mee by theis lookes and mumbling woordes of thyne
  45. With Diomed: his prayse is in this fact as well as myne.
  46. And thou thy selfe when for our shippes thou diddest in reskew stand,
  47. Wart not alone: the multitude were helping thee at hand.
  48. I had but only one with mee. Whoo (if he had not thought
  49. A wyseman better than a strong, and that preferment ought
  50. Not alway followe force of hand) would now himself have sought
  51. This Armour. So would toother Ajax better stayed doo,
  52. And feerce Ewrypyle, and the sonne of hault Andremon too.
  53. No lesse myght eeke Idominey, and eeke Meriones,
  54. His countryman, and Menelay. For every one of these
  55. Are valeant men of hand, and not inferior unto thee
  56. In martiall feates. And yit they are contented rulde to bee
  57. By myne advyce. Thou hast a hand that serveth well in fyght.
  58. Thou hast a wit that stands in neede of my direction ryght.
  59. Thy force is witlesse. I have care of that that may ensew.
  60. Thou well canst fyght: the king dooth choose the tymes for fyghting dew
  61. By myne advyce. Thou only with thy body canst avayle.
  62. But I with bodye and with mynd to profite doo not fayle,
  63. And looke how much the mayster dooth excell the gally slave,
  64. Or looke how much preheminence the Capteine ought to have
  65. Above his souldyer: even so much excell I also thee.
  66. A wit farre passing strength of hand inclosed is in mee.
  67. In wit rests cheefly all my force. My Lordes, I pray bestowe
  68. This gift on him who ay hath beene your watchman as yee knowe.
  69. And for my tenne yeeres cark and care endured for your sake
  70. Full recompence for my deserts with this same honour make.
  71. Our labour draweth to an end, all lets are now by mee
  72. Dispatched. And by bringing Troy in cace to taken bee
  73. I have already taken it. Now by the hope that yee
  74. Conceyve, within a whyle of Troy the mine for to see,
  75. And by the Goddes of whom alate our emnyes I bereft,
  76. And as by wisedome to bee doone yit any thing is left,
  77. If any bold aventrous deede, or any perlous thing,
  78. That asketh hazard both of lyfe and limb to passe to bring,
  79. Or if yee think of Trojane fates there yit dooth ought remayne,
  80. Remember mee. Or if from mee this armour you restrayne,
  81. Bestowe it on this same. With that he shewed with his hand
  82. Minervas fatall image, which hard by in syght did stand.
  83. The Lords were moved with his woordes, and then appeared playne
  84. The force that is in eloquence. The lerned man did gayne
  85. The armour of the valeant. He that did so oft susteine
  86. Alone both fyre, and swoord, and Jove, and Hector could not byde
  87. One brunt of wrath. And whom no force could vanquish ere that tyde,
  88. Now only anguish overcommes. He drawes his swoord and sayes:
  89. Well: this is myne yit. Unto this no clayme Ulysses layes.
  90. This must I use ageinst myself: this blade that heretofore
  91. Hath bathed beene in Trojane blood, must now his mayster gore
  92. That none may Ajax overcome save Ajax. With that woord
  93. Into his brest (not wounded erst) he thrust his deathfull swoord.
  94. His hand to pull it out ageine unable was. The blood
  95. Did spout it out. Anon the ground bestayned where he stood,
  96. Did breede the pretye purple flowre uppon a clowre of greene,
  97. Which of the wound of Hyacinth had erst engendred beene.
  98. The selfsame letters eeke that for the chyld were written than,
  99. Were now againe amid the flowre new written for the man.
  100. The former tyme complaynt, the last a name did represent.
  1. Ulysses, having wonne the pryse, within a whyle was sent
  2. To Thoants and Hysiphiles realme, the land defamde of old
  3. For murthering all the men therin by women over bold.
  4. At length attayning land and lucke according to his mynd,
  5. To carry Hercles arrowes backe he set his sayles to wynd.
  6. Which when he with the lord of them among the Greekes had brought,
  7. And of the cruell warre at length the utmost feate had wrought,
  8. At once both Troy and Priam fell. And Priams wretched wife
  9. Lost (after all) her womans shape, and barked all her lyfe
  10. In forreine countrye. In the place that bringeth to a streight
  11. The long spred sea of Hellespont, did Ilion burne in height.
  12. The kindled fyre with blazing flame continewed unalayd,
  13. And Priam with his aged blood Joves Altar had berayd.
  14. And Phebus preestesse casting up her handes to heaven on hye,
  15. Was dragd and haled by the heare. The Grayes most spyghtfully
  16. (As eche of them had prisoners tane in meede of victorye)
  17. Did drawe the Trojane wyves away, who lingring whyle they mought
  18. Among the burning temples of theyr Goddes, did hang about
  19. Theyr sacred shrynes and images. Astyanax downe was cast
  20. From that same turret from the which his moother in tyme past
  21. Had shewed him his father stand oft fyghting to defend
  22. Himself and that same famous realme of Troy that did descend
  23. From many noble auncetors. And now the northerne wynd
  24. With prosperous blasts, to get them thence did put the Greekes in mynd.
  25. The shipmen went aboord, and hoyst up sayles, and made fro thence.
  26. Adeew deere Troy (the women cryde), wee haled are from hence.
  27. And therwithall they kist the ground, and left yit smoking still
  28. Theyr native houses. Last of all tooke shippe ageinst her will
  29. Queene Hecub: who (a piteous cace to see) was found amid
  30. The tumbes in which her sonnes were layd. And there as Hecub did
  31. Embrace theyr chists and kisse theyr bones, Ulysses voyd of care
  32. Did pull her thence. Yit raught shee up, and in her boosom bare
  33. Away a crum of Hectors dust, and left on Hectors grave
  34. Her hory heares and teares, which for poore offrings shee him gave.
  35. Ageinst the place where Ilion was, there is another land
  36. Manured by the Biston men. In this same Realme did stand
  37. King Polemnestors palace riche, to whom king Priam sent
  38. His little infant Polydore to foster, to th'entent
  39. He might bee out of daunger from the warres: wherin he ment
  40. Ryght wysely, had he not with him great riches sent, a bayt
  41. To stirre a wicked covetous mynd to treason and deceyt.
  42. For when the state of Troy decayd, the wicked king of Thrace
  43. Did cut his nurcechylds weazant, and (as though the sinfull cace
  44. Toogither with the body could have quyght beene put away)
  45. He threw him also in the sea. It happened by the way,
  46. That Agamemnon was compeld with all his fleete to stay
  47. Uppon the coast of Thrace, untill the sea were wexen calme,
  48. And till the hideous stormes did cease, and furious wynds were falne.
  49. Heere rysing gastly from the ground which farre about him brake,
  50. Achilles with a threatning looke did like resemblance make
  51. As when at Agamemnon he his wrongfull swoord did shake,
  52. And sayd: Unmyndfull part yee hence of mee, O Greekes, and must
  53. My merits thanklesse thus with mee be buryed in the dust?
  54. Nay, doo not so. But to th'entent my death dew honour have,
  55. Let Polyxene in sacrifyse bee slayne uppon my grave.
  56. Thus much he sayd: and shortly his companions dooing as
  57. By vision of his cruell ghost commaundment given them was,
  58. Did fetch her from her mothers lappe, whom at that tyme, well neere,
  59. In that most great adversitie alonly shee did cheere.
  60. The haultye and unhappye mayd, and rather to bee thought
  61. A man than woman, to the tumb with cruell hands was brought,
  62. To make a cursed sacrifyse. Whoo mynding constantly
  63. Her honour, when shee standing at the Altar prest to dye,
  64. Perceyvd the savage ceremonies in making ready, and
  65. The cruell Neoptolemus with naked swoord in hand
  66. Stand staring with ungentle eyes uppon her gentle face,
  67. She sayd: Now use thou when thou wilt my gentle blood. The cace
  68. Requyres no more delay. Bestow thy weapon in my chest,
  69. Or in my throte: (in saying so shee proferred bare her brest,
  70. And eeke her throte). Assure your selves it never shalbee seene,
  71. That any wyght shall (by my will) have slave of Polyxeene.
  72. Howbee't with such a sacrifyse no God yee can delyght.
  73. I would desyre no more but that my wretched moother myght
  74. Bee ignorant of this my death. My moother hindreth mee,
  75. And makes the pleasure of my death much lesser for to bee.
  76. Howbeeit not the death of mee should justly greeve her hart:
  77. But her owne lyfe. Now to th'entent I freely may depart
  78. To Limbo, stand yee men aloof: and sith I aske but ryght
  79. Forebeare to touch mee. So my blood unsteyned in his syght
  80. Shall farre more acceptable been what ever wyght he bee
  81. Whom you prepare to pacifye by sacrifysing mee.
  82. Yit (if that these last woordes of myne may purchace any grace),
  83. I, daughter of king Priam erst, and now in prisoners cace,
  84. Beeseeche you all unraunsomed to render to my moother
  85. My bodye: and for buriall of the same to take none other
  86. Reward than teares: for whyle shee could shee did redeeme with gold.
  87. This sayd: the teares that shee forbare the people could not hold.
  88. And even the verry preest himself full sore ageinst his will
  89. And weeping, thrust her through the brest which she hild stoutly still.
  90. Shee sinking softly to the ground with faynting legges, did beare
  91. Even to the verry latter gasp a countnance voyd of feare.
  92. And when shee fell, shee had a care such parts of her to hyde,
  93. As womanhod and chastitie forbiddeth to be spyde.
  94. The Trojane women tooke her up, and moorning reckened
  95. King Priams children, and what blood that house alone had shed.
  96. They syghde for fayer Polyxeene: they syghed eeke for thee
  97. Who late wart Priams wyfe, whoo late wart counted for to bee
  98. The flowre of Asia in his flowre, and Queene of moothers all:
  99. But now the bootye of the fo as evill lot did fall,
  100. And such a bootye as the sly Ulysses did not passe
  101. Uppon her, saving that erewhyle shee Hectors moother was.
  102. So hardly for his moother could a mayster Hector fynd.
  103. Embracing in her aged armes the bodye of the mynd
  104. That was so stout, shee powrd theron with sobbing syghes unsoft
  105. The teares that for her husband and her children had so oft
  106. And for her countrye sheaded beene. Shee weeped in her wound
  107. And kist her pretye mouth, and made her brist with shrekes to sound,
  108. According to her woonted guyse, and in the jellyed blood
  109. Beerayed all her grisild heare, and in a sorrowfull mood
  110. Sayd theis and many other woordes with brest bescratcht and rent:
  1. O daughter myne, the last for whom thy moother may lament,
  2. (For what remaynes?) O daughter, thou art dead and gone. I see
  3. Thy wound which at the verry hart strikes mee as well as thee.
  4. And lest that any one of myne unwounded should depart,
  5. Thou also gotten hast a wound. Howbee't bycause thou wart
  6. A woman, I beleeved thee from weapon to bee free.
  7. But notwithstanding that thou art a woman, I doo see
  8. Thee slayne by swoord. Even he that kild thy brothers killeth thee,
  9. Achilles, the decay of Troy and maker bare of mee.
  10. What tyme that he of Paris shaft by Phebus meanes was slayne,
  11. I sayd of feerce Achilles now no feare dooth more remayne.
  12. But then, even then he most of all was feared for to bee.
  13. The asshes of him rageth still ageinst our race I see.
  14. Wee feele an emny of him dead and buryed in his grave.
  15. To feede Achilles furie, I a frutefull issue gave.
  16. Great Troy lyes under foote, and with a ryght great greevous fall
  17. The mischeeves of the common weale are fully ended all.
  18. But though to others Troy be gone, yit standes it still to mee:
  19. My sorrowes ronne as fresh a race as ever and as free.
  20. I late ago a sovereine state, advaunced with such store
  21. Of daughters, sonnes, and sonneinlawes, and husband over more
  22. And daughtrinlawes, am caryed like an outlawe bare and poore,
  23. By force and violence haled from my childrens tumbes, to bee
  24. Presented to Penelope a gift, who shewing mee
  25. In spinning my appoynted taske, shall say: This same is shee
  26. That was sumtyme king Priams wyfe, this was the famous moother
  27. Of Hector. And now after losse of such a sort of other,
  28. Thou (whoo alonly in my greefe my comfort didst remayne,)
  29. To pacifye our emnyes wrath uppon his tumb art slayne.
  30. Thus bare I deathgyfts for my foes. To what intent am I
  31. Most wretched wyght remayning still? Why doo I linger? Why
  32. Dooth hurtfull age preserve mee still alive? To what intent,
  33. Yee cruell Goddes, reserve yee mee that hath already spent
  34. Too manye yeeres, onlesse it bee new buryalls for to see?
  35. And whoo would think that Priamus myght happy counted bee
  36. Sith Troy is razed? Happy man is hee in being dead.
  37. His lyfe and kingdoome he forwent toogither: and this stead
  38. He sees not thee, his daughter, slaine. But peradventure thou
  39. Shall like the daughter of a king have sumptuous buryall now,
  40. And with thy noble auncetors thy bodye layd shall bee.
  41. Our linage hath not so good lucke. The most that shall to thee
  42. Bee yeelded are thy moothers teares, and in this forreine land
  43. To hyde thy murthered corce withall a little heape of sand.
  44. For all is lost. Nay yit remaynes (for whome I well can fynd
  45. In hart to live a little whyle) an imp unto my mynd
  46. Most deere, now only left alone, sumtyme of many mo
  47. The yoongest, little Polydore, delivered late ago
  48. To Polemnestor, king of Thrace, whoo dwelles within theis bounds.
  49. But wherefore doo I stay so long in wasshing of her wounds,
  50. And face berayd with gory blood? In saying thus, shee went
  51. To seaward with an aged pace and hory heare beerent.
  52. And (wretched woman) as shee calld for pitchers for to drawe
  53. Up water, shee of Polydore on shore the carkesse sawe,
  54. And eeke the myghty wounds at which the Tyrants swoord went thurrow.
  55. The Trojane Ladyes shreeked out. But shee was dumb for sorrow.
  56. The anguish of her hart forclosde as well her speech as eeke
  57. Her teares devowring them within. Shee stood astonyed leeke
  58. As if shee had beene stone. One whyle the ground shee staard uppon.
  59. Another whyle a gastly looke shee kest to heaven. Anon
  60. Shee looked on the face of him that lay before her killd.
  61. Sumtymes his woundes, (his woundes I say) shee specially behilld.
  62. And therwithall shee armd her selfe and furnisht her with ire:
  63. Wherethrough as soone as that her hart was fully set on fyre,
  64. As though shee still had beene a Queene, to vengeance shee her bent
  65. Enforcing all her witts to fynd some kynd of ponnishment.
  66. And as a Lyon robbed of her whelpes becommeth wood,
  67. And taking on the footing of her emnye where hee stood,
  68. Purseweth him though out of syght: even so Queene Hecubee
  69. (Now having meynt her teares with wrath) forgetting quyght that shee
  70. Was old, but not her princely hart, to Polemnestor went
  71. The cursed murtherer, and desyrde his presence to th'entent
  72. To shew to him a masse of gold (so made shee her pretence)
  73. Which for her lyttle Polydore was hid not farre from thence.
  74. The Thracian king beleeving her, as eager of the pray,
  75. Went with her to a secret place. And as they there did stay,
  76. With flattring and deceytfull toong he thus to her did say:
  77. Make speede I prey thee, Hecuba, and give thy sonne this gold.
  78. I sweare by God it shall bee his, as well that I doo hold
  79. Already, as that thou shalt give. Uppon him speaking so,
  80. And swearing and forswearing too, shee looked sternely tho,
  81. And beeing sore inflaamd with wrath, caught hold uppon him, and
  82. Streyght calling out for succor to the wyves of Troy at hand
  83. Did in the traytors face bestowe her nayles, and scratched out
  84. His eyes, her anger gave her hart and made her strong and stout.
  85. Shee thrust her fingars in as farre as could bee, and did bore
  86. Not now his eyes (for why his eyes were pulled out before)
  87. But bothe the places of the eyes berayd with wicked blood.
  88. The Thracians at theyr Tyrannes harme for anger wexing wood,
  89. Began to scare the Trojane wyves with darts and stones. Anon
  90. Queene Hecub ronning at a stone, with gnarring seazd theron,
  91. And wirryed it beetweene her teeth. And as shee opte her chappe
  92. To speake, in stead of speeche shee barkt. The place of this missehappe
  93. Remayneth still, and of the thing there done beares yit the name.
  94. Long myndfull of her former illes, shee sadly for the same
  95. Went howling in the feeldes of Thrace. Her fortune moved not
  96. Her Trojans only, but the Greekes her foes to ruthe: her lot
  97. Did move even all the Goddes to ruthe: and so effectually,
  98. That Hecub to deserve such end even Juno did denye.
  1. Although the Morning of the selfsame warres had favorer beene:
  2. Shee had no leysure to lament the fortune of the Queene,
  3. Nor on the slaughters and the fall of Ilion for to think.
  4. A household care more neerer home did in her stomacke sink,
  5. For Memnon her beloved sonne, whom dying shee behild
  6. Uppon the feerce Achilles speare amid the Phrygian feeld.
  7. She saw it, and her ruddy hew with which shee woonted was
  8. To dye the breaking of the day, did into palenesse passe:
  9. And all the skye was hid with clowdes. But when his corce was gone
  10. To burningward, shee could not fynd in hart to looke theron:
  11. But with her heare about her eares shee kneeled downe before
  12. The myghtye Jove, and thus gan speake unto him weeping sore:
  13. Of al that have theyr dwelling place uppon the golden skye
  14. The lowest (for through all the world the feawest shrynes have I)
  15. But yit a Goddesse, I doo come, not that thou shouldst decree
  16. That Altars, shrynes, and holydayes bee made to honour mee.
  17. Yit if thou marke how much that I a woman doo for thee,
  18. In keeping nyght within her boundes, by bringing in the light,
  19. Thou well mayst thinke mee worthy sum reward to clayme of ryght.
  20. But neyther now is that the thing the Morning cares to have,
  21. Ne yit her state is such as now dew honour for to crave.
  22. Bereft of my deere Memnon who in fyghting valeantly
  23. To help his uncle, (so it was your will, O Goddes) did dye
  24. Of stout Achilles sturdye speare even in his flowring pryme,
  25. I sue to thee, O king of Goddes, to doo him at this tyme
  26. Sum honour as a comfort of his death, and ease this hart
  27. Of myne which greatly greeved is with wound of percing smart.
  28. No sooner Jove hadgraunted dame Aurora her desyre
  29. But that the flame of Memnons corce that burned in the fyre
  30. Did fall: and flaky rolles of smoke did dark the day, as when
  31. A foggy mist steames upward from a River or a fen,
  32. And suffreth not the Sonne to shyne within it. Blacke as cole
  33. The cinder rose: and into one round lump assembling whole
  34. Grew grosse, and tooke bothe shape and hew. The fyre did lyfe it send,
  35. The lyghtnesse of the substance self did wings unto it lend.
  36. And at the first it flittred like a bird: and by and by
  37. It flew a fethered bird in deede. And with that one gan fly
  38. Innumerable mo of selfsame brood: whoo once or twyce
  39. Did sore about the fyre, and made a piteous shreeking thryce.
  40. The fowrth tyme in theyr flying round, themselves they all withdrew
  41. In battells twayne, and feercely foorth of eyther syde one flew
  42. To fyght a combate. With theyr billes and hooked talants keene
  43. And with theyr wings couragiously they wreakt theyr wrathfull teene.
  44. And myndfull of the valeant man of whom they issued beene,
  45. They never ceased jobbing eche uppon the others brest,
  46. Untill they falling both downe dead with fyghting overprest,
  47. Had offred up theyr bodyes as a woorthy sacrifyse
  48. Unto theyr cousin Memnon who to Asshes burned lyes.
  49. Theis soodeine birds were named of the founder of theyr stocke:
  50. For men doo call them Memnons birds. And every yeere a flocke
  51. Repayre to Memnons tumb, where twoo doo in the foresayd wyse
  52. In manner of a yeeremynd slea themselves in sacrifyse.
  53. Thus where as others did lament that Dymants daughter barkt,
  54. Auroras owne greef busyed her, that smally shee it markt
  55. Which thing shee to this present tyme with piteous teares dooth shewe:
  56. For through the universall world shee sheadeth moysting deawe.