

Ovid. The XV bookes of P. Ouidius Naso, entytuled Metamorphosis. Golding, Arthur, translator. London: W. Seres (printer), 1567.

  1. And with the sea the Trachin shippe ay alteration tooke.
  2. One whyle as from a mountaynes toppe it seemed downe to looke
  3. To vallyes and the depth of hell. Another whyle beset
  4. With swelling surges round about which neere above it met,
  5. It looked from the bottom of the whoorlepoole up aloft
  6. As if it were from hell to heaven. A hideous flusshing oft
  7. The waves did make in beating full against the Gallyes syde.
  8. The Gallye being striken gave as great a sownd that tyde
  9. As did sumtyme the Battellramb of steele, or now the Gonne
  10. In making battrye to a towre. And as feerce Lyons ronne
  11. Full brist with all theyr force ageinst the armed men that stand
  12. In order bent to keepe them off with weapons in theyr hand,
  13. Even so as often as the waves by force of wynd did rave,
  14. So oft uppon the netting of the shippe they maynely drave,
  15. And mounted farre above the same. Anon off fell the hoopes:
  16. And having washt the pitch away, the sea made open loopes
  17. To let the deadly water in. Behold the clowdes did melt,
  18. And showers large came pooring downe. The seamen that them felt
  19. Myght thinke that all the heaven had falne uppon them that same tyme,
  20. And that the swelling sea likewyse above the heaven would clyme.
  21. The sayles were throughly wet with showers, and with the heavenly raine
  22. Was mixt the waters of the sea. No lyghts at all remayne
  23. Of sunne, or moone, or starres in heaven. The darknesse of the nyght
  24. Augmented with the dreadfull storme, takes dowble powre and myght.
  25. Howbee't the flasshing lyghtnings oft doo put the same to flyght,
  26. And with theyr glauncing now and then do give a soodeine lyght.
  27. The lightnings setts the waves on fyre. Above the netting skippe
  28. The waves, and with a violent force doo lyght within the shippe.
  29. And as a souldyer stowter than the rest of all his band
  30. That oft assayles a citie walles defended well by hand,
  31. At length atteines his hope, and for to purchace prayse withall
  32. Alone among a thousand men getts up uppon the wall:
  33. So when the loftye waves had long the Gallyes sydes assayd,
  34. At length the tenth wave rysing up with huger force and brayd,
  35. Did never cease assaulting of the weery shippe, till that
  36. Uppon the hatches lyke a fo victoriously it gat.
  37. A part thereof did still as yit assault the shippe without,
  38. And part had gotten in. The men all trembling ran about,
  39. As in a Citie commes to passe, when of the enmyes sum
  40. Dig downe the walles without, and sum already in are come.
  41. All arte and conning was to seeke. Theyr harts and stomacks fayle:
  42. And looke, how many surges came theyr vessell to assayle,
  43. So many deathes did seeme to charge and breake uppon them all.
  44. One weepes: another stands amazde: the third them blist dooth call
  45. Whom buryall dooth remayne. To God another makes his vow,
  46. And holding up his handes to heaven the which hee sees not now,
  47. Dooth pray in vayne for help. The thought of this man is uppon
  48. His brother and his parents whom he cleerely hath forgone.
  49. Another calles his house and wyfe and children unto mynd,
  50. And every man in generall the things he left behynd.
  51. Alcyone moveth Ceyx hart. In Ceyx mouth is none
  52. But onely one Alcyone. And though shee were alone
  53. The wyght that he desyred most, yit was he verry glad
  54. Shee was not there. To Trachin ward to looke desyre he had,
  55. And homeward fayne he would have turnd his eyes which never more
  56. Should see the land. But then he knew not which way was the shore,
  57. Nor where he was. The raging sea did rowle about so fast:
  58. And all the heaven with clowds as black as pitch was over cast,
  59. That never nyght was halfe so dark. There came a flaw at last,
  60. That with his violence brake the maste, and strake the sterne away.
  61. A billowe proudly pranking up as vaunting of his pray
  62. By conquest gotten, walloweth hole and breaketh not asunder,
  63. Beholding with a lofty looke the waters woorking under.
  64. And looke, as if a man should from the places where they growe
  65. Rend downe the mountaynes, Athe and Pind, and whole them overthrowe
  66. Into the open sea: so soft the Billowe tumbling downe,
  67. With weyght and violent stroke did sink and in the bottom drowne
  68. The Gallye. And the moste of them that were within the same
  69. Went downe therwith and never up to open aier came,
  70. But dyed strangled in the gulf. Another sort againe
  71. Caught peeces of the broken shippe. The king himself was fayne
  72. A shiver of the sunken shippe in that same hand to hold,
  73. In which hee erst a royall mace had hilld of yellow gold.
  74. His father and his fathrinlawe he calles uppon (alas
  75. In vayne.) But cheefly in his mouth his wife Alcyone was.
  76. In hart was shee: in toong was shee: he wisshed that his corse
  77. To land where shee myght take it up the surges myght enforce:
  78. And that by her most loving handes he might be layd in grave.
  79. In swimming still (as often as the surges leave him gave
  80. To ope his lippes) he harped still upon Alcyones name,
  81. And when he drowned in the waves he muttred still the same.
  82. Behold, even full uppon the wave a flake of water blacke
  83. Did breake, and underneathe the sea the head of Ceyx stracke.
  84. That nyght the lyghtsum Lucifer for sorrowe was so dim,
  85. As scarcely could a man discerne or thinke it to bee him.
  86. And forasmuch as out of heaven he might not steppe asyde,
  87. With thick and darksum clowds that nyght his countnance he did hyde.
  88. Alcyone of so great mischaunce not knowing aught as yit,
  89. Did keepe a reckening of the nyghts that in the whyle did flit,
  90. And hasted garments both for him and for herself likewyse,
  91. To weare at his homecomming which shee vaynely did surmyse.
  92. To all the Goddes devoutly shee did offer frankincence:
  93. But most above them all the Church of Juno shee did sence.
  94. And for her husband (who as then was none) shee kneeld before
  95. The Altar, wisshing health and soone arrivall at the shore,
  96. And that none other woman myght before her be preferd.
  97. Of all her prayers this one peece effectually was heard.
  98. For Juno could not fynd in hart intreated for to bee
  99. For him that was already dead. But to th'entent that shee
  100. From dame Alcyones deadly hands might keepe her Altars free,
  101. Shee sayd: Most faythfull messenger of my commaundments, O
  102. Thou Raynebowe, to the slugguish house of Slomber swiftly go.
  103. And bid him send a Dreame in shape of Ceyx to his wyfe
  104. Alcyone, for to shew her playne the losing of his lyfe.
  105. Dame Iris takes her pall wherein a thousand colours were
  106. And bowwing lyke a stringed bow upon the dowdy sphere,
  107. Immediatly descended to the drowzye house of Sleepe
  108. Whose Court the clowdes continually doo clocely overdreepe.
  1. Among the darke Cimmerians is a hollow mountaine found
  2. And in the hill a Cave that farre dooth ronne within the ground,
  3. The Chamber and the dwelling place where slouthfull sleepe dooth cowch.
  4. The lyght of Phebus golden beames this place can never towch.
  5. A foggye mist with dimnesse mixt streames upwarde from the ground,
  6. And glimmering twylyght evermore within the same is found.
  7. No watchfull bird with barbed bill, and combed crowne dooth call
  8. The morning foorth with crowing out. There is no noyse at all
  9. Of waking dogge, nor gagling goose more waker than the hound
  10. To hinder sleepe. Of beast ne wyld ne tame there is no sound.
  11. No bowghes are stird with blastes of wynd, no noyse of tatling toong
  12. Of man or woman ever yit within that bower roong.
  13. Dumb quiet dwelleth there. Yit from the Roches foote dooth go
  14. The ryver of forgetfulnesse, which ronneth trickling so
  15. Uppon the little pebble stones which in the channell lye,
  16. That unto sleepe a great deale more it dooth provoke thereby.
  17. Before the entry of the Cave, there growes of Poppye store,
  18. With seeded heades, and other weedes innumerable more,
  19. Out of the milkye jewce of which the night dooth gather sleepes,
  20. And over all the shadowed earth with dankish deawe them dreepes.
  21. Bycause the craking hindges of the doore no noyse should make,
  22. There is no doore in all the house, nor porter at the gate.
  23. Amid the Cave, of Ebonye a bedsted standeth hye,
  24. And on the same a bed of downe with keeverings blacke dooth lye:
  25. In which the drowzye God of sleepe his lither limbes dooth rest.
  26. About him, forging sundrye shapes as many dreames lye prest
  27. As eares of come doo stand in feeldes in harvest tyme, or leaves
  28. Doo grow on trees, or sea to shore of sandye cinder heaves.
  29. As soone as Iris came within this house, and with her hand
  30. Had put asyde the dazeling dreames that in her way did stand,
  31. The brightnesse of her robe through all the sacred house did shine.
  32. The God of sleepe scarce able for to rayse his heavy eyen,
  33. A three or fowre tymes at the least did fall ageine to rest,
  34. And with his nodding head did knocke his chinne ageinst his brest.
  35. At length he shaking of himselfe, uppon his elbowe leande.
  36. And though he knew for what shee came: he askt her what shee meand.
  37. O sleepe (quoth shee,) the rest of things, O gentlest of the Goddes,
  38. Sweete sleepe, the peace of mynd, with whom crookt care is aye at oddes:
  39. Which cherrishest mennes weery limbes appalld with toling sore,
  40. And makest them as fresh to woork and lustye as beefore,
  41. Commaund a dreame that in theyr kyndes can every thing expresse,
  42. To Trachine, Hercles towne, himself this instant to addresse.
  43. And let him lively counterfet to Queene Alcyonea
  44. The image of her husband who is drowned in the sea
  45. By shipwrecke. Juno willeth so. Her message beeing told,
  46. Dame Iris went her way. Shee could her eyes no longer hold
  47. From sleepe. But when shee felt it come shee fled that instant tyme,
  48. And by the boawe that brought her downe to heaven ageine did clyme.
  49. Among a thousand sonnes and mo that father slomber had
  50. He calld up Morph, the feyner of mannes shape, a craftye lad.
  51. None other could so conningly expresse mans verrye face,
  52. His gesture and his sound of voyce, and manner of his pace,
  53. Togither with his woonted weede, and woonted phrase of talk.
  54. But this same Morphye onely in the shape of man dooth walk.
  55. There is another who the shapes of beast or bird dooth take,
  56. Or else appeereth unto men in likenesse of a snake.
  57. The Goddes doo call him Icilos, and mortall folke him name
  58. Phobetor. There is also yit a third who from theis same
  59. Woorkes diversly, and Phantasos he highteth. Into streames
  60. This turnes himself, and into stones, and earth, and timber beames,
  61. And into every other thing that wanteth life. Theis three,
  62. Great kings and Capteines in the night are woonted for to see.
  63. The meaner and inferiour sort of others haunted bee.
  64. Sir Slomber overpast the rest, and of the brothers all
  65. To doo dame Iris message he did only Morphye call.
  66. Which doone he waxing luskish, streyght layd downe his drowzy head
  67. And softly shroonk his layzye limbes within his sluggish bed.
  68. Away flew Morphye through the aire: no flickring made his wings:
  69. And came anon to Trachine. There his fethers off he flings,
  70. And in the shape of Ceyx standes before Alcyones bed,
  71. Pale, wan, stark naakt, and like a man that was but lately deade.
  72. His berde seemd wet, and of his head the heare was dropping drye,
  73. And leaning on her bed, with teares he seemed thus to cry:
  74. Most wretched woman, knowest thou thy loving Ceyx now
  75. Or is my face by death disformd? behold mee well, and thow
  76. Shalt know mee. For thy husband, thou thy husbandes Ghost shalt see.
  77. No good thy prayers and thy vowes have done at all to mee.
  78. For I am dead. In vayne of my returne no reckning make.
  79. The dowdy sowth amid the sea our shippe did tardy take,
  80. And tossing it with violent blastes asunder did it shake.
  81. And floodes have filld my mouth which calld in vayne uppon thy name.
  82. No persone whom thou mayst misdeeme brings tydings of the same.
  83. Thou hearest not thereof by false report of flying fame.
  84. But I myself: I presently my shipwrecke to thee showe.
  85. Aryse therefore and wofull teares uppon thy spouse bestowe.
  86. Put moorning rayment on, and let mee not to Limbo go
  87. Unmoorned for. In shewing of this shipwrecke Morphye so
  88. Did feyne the voyce of Ceyx, that shee could none other deeme,
  89. But that it should bee his in deede. Moreover he did seeme
  90. To weepe in earnest: and his handes the verry gesture had
  91. Of Ceyx. Queene Alcyone did grone, and beeing sad
  92. Did stirre her armes, and thrust them foorth his body to embrace.
  93. In stead whereof shee caught but ayre. The teares ran downe her face.
  94. Shee cryed, Tarry: whither flyste? togither let us go.
  95. And all this whyle she was asleepe. Both with her crying so,
  96. And flayghted with the image of her husbands gastly spryght,
  97. She started up: and sought about if fynd him there shee myght.
  98. (For why her Groomes awaking with the shreeke had brought a light.)
  99. And when shee no where could him fynd, shee gan her face to smyght,
  100. And tare her nyghtclothes from her brest, and strake it feercely, and
  101. Not passing to unty her heare shee rent it with her hand.
  102. And when her nurce of this her greef desyrde to understand
  103. The cause: Alcyone is undoone, undoone and cast away
  104. With Ceyx her deare spouse (shee sayd). Leave comforting I pray.
  105. By shipwrecke he is perrisht: I have seene him: and I knew
  106. His handes. When in departing I to hold him did pursew
  107. I caught a Ghost: but such a Ghost as well discerne I myght
  108. To bee my husbands. Nathelesse he had not to my syght
  109. His woonted countenance, neyther did his visage shyne so bryght,
  110. As heeretofore it had beene woont. I saw him, wretched wyght,
  111. Starke naked, pale, and with his heare still wet: even verry heere
  112. I saw him stand. With that shee lookes if any print appeere
  113. Of footing where as he did stand uppon the floore behynd.
  114. This this is it that I did feare in farre forecasting mynd,
  115. When flying mee I thee desyrde thou shouldst not trust the wynd.
  116. But syth thou wentest to thy death, I would that I had gone
  117. With thee. Ah meete, it meete had beene thou shouldst not go alone
  118. Without mee. So it should have come to passe that neyther I
  119. Had overlived thee, nor yit beene forced twice to dye.
  120. Already, absent in the waves now tossed have I bee.
  121. Already have I perrished. And yit the sea hath thee
  122. Without mee. But the cruelnesse were greater farre of mee
  123. Than of the sea, if after thy decease I still would strive
  124. In sorrow and in anguish still to pyne away alive.
  125. But neyther will I strive in care to lengthen still my lyfe,
  126. Nor (wretched wyght) abandon thee: but like a faythfull wyfe
  127. At leastwyse now will come as thy companion. And the herse
  128. Shall joyne us, though not in the selfsame coffin: yit in verse.
  129. Although in tumb the bones of us togither may not couch,
  130. Yit in a graven Epitaph my name thy name shall touch.
  131. Her sorrow would not suffer her to utter any more.
  132. Shee sobd and syghde at every woord, untill her hart was sore.
  133. The morning came, and out shee went ryght pensif to the shore
  134. To that same place in which shee tooke her leave of him before.
  135. Whyle there shee musing stood, and sayd: He kissed mee even heere,
  136. Heere weyed hee his Anchors up, heere loosd he from the peere.
  137. And whyle shee calld to mynd the things there marked with her eyes:
  138. In looking on the open sea, a great way off shee spyes
  139. A certaine thing much like a corse come hovering on the wave.
  140. At first shee dowted what it was. As tyde it neerer drave,
  141. Although it were a good way off, yit did it plainely showe
  142. To bee a corce. And though that whose it was shee did not knowe,
  143. Yit forbycause it seemd a wrecke, her hart therat did ryse:
  144. And as it had sum straunger beene, with water in her eyes
  145. She sayd: Alas poore wretch who ere thou art, alas for her
  146. That is thy wyfe, if any bee. And as the waves did stirre,
  147. The body floted neerer land: the which the more that shee
  148. Behilld, the lesse began in her of stayed wit to bee.
  149. Anon it did arrive on shore. Then plainely shee did see
  150. And know it, that it was her feere. Shee shreeked, It is hee.
  151. And therewithall her face, her heare, and garments shee did teare,
  152. And unto Ceyx stretching out her trembling handes with feare,
  153. Sayd: cumst thou home in such a plyght to mee, O husband deere?
  154. Returnst in such a wretched plyght? There was a certeine peere
  155. That buylded was by hand, of waves the first assaults to breake,
  156. And at the havons mouth to cause the tyde to enter weake.
  157. Shee lept thereon. (A wonder sure it was shee could doo so)
  158. Shee flew, and with her newgrowen winges did beate the ayre as tho.
  159. And on the waves a wretched bird shee whisked to and fro.
  160. And with her crocking neb then growen to slender bill and round,
  161. Like one that wayld and moorned still shee made a moaning sound.
  162. Howbee't as soone as she did touch his dumb and bloodlesse flesh,
  163. And had embraast his loved limbes with winges made new and fresh,
  164. And with her hardened neb had kist him coldly, though in vayne,
  165. Folk dowt if Ceyx feeling it to rayse his head did strayne,
  166. Or whither that the waves did lift it up. But surely hee
  167. It felt: and through compassion of the Goddes both hee and shee
  168. Were turnd to birdes. The love of them eeke subject to their fate,
  169. Continued after: neyther did the faythfull bond abate
  170. Of wedlocke in them beeing birdes: but standes in stedfast state.
  171. They treade, and lay, and bring foorth yoong and now the Alcyon sitts
  172. In wintertime uppon her nest, which on the water flitts
  173. A sevennyght. During all which tyme the sea is calme and still,
  174. And every man may to and fro sayle saufly at his will,
  175. For Aeolus for his offsprings sake the windes at home dooth keepe,
  176. And will not let them go abroade for troubling of the deepe.
  1. An auncient father seeing them aabout the brode sea fly,
  2. Did prayse theyr love for lasting to the end so stedfastly.
  3. His neyghbour or the selfsame man made answer (such is chaunce):
  4. Even this fowle also whom thou seest uppon the surges glaunce
  5. With spindle shanks, (he poynted to the wydegoawld Cormorant)
  6. Before that he became a bird, of royall race might vaunt.
  7. And if thou covet lineally his pedegree to seeke,
  8. His Auncetors were Ilus, and Assaracus, and eeke
  9. Fayre Ganymed who Jupiter did ravish as his joy,
  10. Laomedon and Priamus the last that reygnd in Troy.
  11. Stout Hectors brother was this man. And had he not in pryme
  12. Of lusty youth beene tane away, his deedes perchaunce in tyme
  13. Had purchaast him as great a name as Hector, though that hee
  14. Of Dymants daughter Hecuba had fortune borne to bee.
  15. For Aesacus reported is begotten to have beene
  16. By scape, in shady Ida on a mayden fayre and sheene
  17. Whose name was Alyxothoe, a poore mans daughter that
  18. With spade and mattocke for himselfe and his a living gat.
  19. This Aesacus the Citie hates, and gorgious Court dooth shonne,
  20. And in the unambicious feeldes and woods alone dooth wonne.
  21. He seeldoom haunts the towne of Troy, yit having not a rude
  22. And blockish wit, nor such a hart as could not be subdewd
  23. By love, he spyde Eperie (whom oft he had pursewd
  24. Through all the woodes) then sitting on her father Cebrius brim
  25. A drying of her heare ageinst the sonne, which hanged trim
  26. Uppon her back. As soone as that the Nymph was ware of him,
  27. She fled as when the grisild woolf dooth scare the fearefull hynd
  28. Or when the Fawcon farre from brookes a Mallard happes to fynd.
  29. The Trojane knyght ronnes after her, and beeing swift through love,
  30. Purseweth her whom feare dooth force apace her feete to move.
  31. Behold an Adder lurking in the grasse there as shee fled,
  32. Did byght her foote with hooked tooth, and in her bodye spred
  33. His venim. Shee did cease her flyght and soodein fell downe dead.
  34. Her lover being past his witts her carkesse did embrace,
  35. And cryde: Alas it irketh mee, it irkes mee of this chace.
  36. But this I feard not. Neyther was the gaine of that I willd
  37. Woorth halfe so much. Now two of us thee (wretched soule) have killd.
  38. The wound was given thee by the snake, the cause was given by mee.
  39. The wickedder of both am I: who for to comfort thee
  40. Will make thee satisfaction with my death. With that at last
  41. Downe from a rocke (the which the waves had undermynde) he cast
  42. Himself into the sea. Howbee't dame Tethys pitying him,
  43. Receyvd him softly, and as he uppon the waves did swim,
  44. Shee covered him with fethers. And though fayne he would have dyde,
  45. Shee would not let him. Wroth was he that death was him denyde,
  46. And that his soule compelld should bee ageinst his will to byde
  47. Within his wretched body still, from which it would depart,
  48. And that he was constreynd to live perforce ageinst his hart.
  49. And as he on his shoulders now had newly taken wings,
  50. He mounted up, and downe uppon the sea his boddye dings.
  51. His fethers would not let him sinke. In rage he dyveth downe,
  52. And despratly he strives himself continually to drowne.
  53. His love did make him leane, long leggs: long neck dooth still remayne.
  54. His head is from his shoulders farre: of Sea he is most fayne.
  55. And for he underneath the waves delyghteth for to drive
  56. A name according thereunto the Latins doo him give.
  1. King Priam beeing ignorant that Aesacus his sonne
  2. Did live in shape of bird, did moorne: and at a tumb wheron
  3. His name was written, Hector and his brother solemly
  4. Did keepe an Obit. Paris was not at this obsequye.
  5. Within a whyle with ravisht wyfe he brought a lasting warre
  6. Home unto Troy. There followed him a thowsand shippes not farre
  7. Conspyrd togither, with the ayde that all the Greekes could fynd:
  8. And vengeance had beene tane foorthwith but that the cruell wynd
  9. Did make the seas unsaylable, so that theyr shippes were fayne
  10. At rode at fisshye Awlys in B'aeotia to remayne.
  11. Heere as the Greekes according to theyr woont made sacrifyse
  12. To Jove, and on the Altar old the flame aloft did ryse,
  13. They spyde a speckled Snake creepe up uppon a planetree bye
  14. Uppon the toppe whereof there was among the braunches hye
  15. A nest, and in the nest eyght birdes, all which and eeke theyr dam
  16. That flickering flew about her losse, the hungry snake did cram
  17. Within his mawe. The standers by were all amazde therat.
  18. But Calchas, Thestors sonne, who knew what meening was in that,
  19. Sayd: We shall win. Rejoyce, yee Greekes, by us shall perish Troy,
  20. But long the tyme will bee before wee may our will enjoy.
  21. And then he told them how the birds nyne yeeres did signifie
  22. Which they before the towne of Troy not taking it should lye.
  23. The Serpent as he wound about the boughes and braunches greene,
  24. Became a stone, and still in stone his snakish shape is seene.
  25. The seas continewed verry rough and suffred not theyr hoste
  26. Imbarked for to passe from thence to take the further coast.
  27. Sum thought that Neptune favored Troy bycause himself did buyld
  28. The walles therof. But Calchas (who both knew, and never hilld
  29. His peace in tyme) declared that the Goddesse Phebe must
  30. Appeased bee with virgins blood for wrath conceyved just.
  31. As soone as pitie yeelded had to cace of publicke weale,
  32. And reason got the upper hand of fathers loving zeale,
  33. So that the Ladye Iphigen before the altar stood
  34. Among the weeping ministers, to give her maydens blood:
  35. The Goddesse taking pitie, cast a mist before theyr eyes,
  36. And as they prayd and stird about to make the sacrifyse,
  37. Conveyes her quight away, and with a Hynd her roome supplyes.
  38. Thus with a slaughter meete for her Diana beeing pleasd,
  39. The raging surges with her wrath togither were appeasd,
  40. The thousand shippes had wynd at poope. And when they had abode
  41. Much trouble, at the length all safe they gat the Phrygian rode.
  42. Amid the world tweene heaven, and earth, and sea, there is a place,
  43. Set from the bounds of eche of them indifferently in space,
  44. From whence is seene what ever thing is practisd any where,
  45. Although the Realme bee nere so farre, and roundly to the eare
  46. Commes whatsoever spoken is. Fame hath his dwelling there.
  47. Who in the toppe of all the house is lodged in a towre.
  48. A thousand entryes, glades, and holes are framed in this bowre.
  49. There are no doores to shet. The doores stand open nyght and day.
  50. The house is all of sounding brasse, and roreth every way,
  51. Reporting dowble every woord it heareth people say.
  52. There is no rest within, there is no silence any where.
  53. Yit is there not a yelling out: but humming, as it were
  54. The sound of surges beeing heard farre off, or like the sound
  55. That at the end of thunderclappes long after dooth redound,
  56. When Jove dooth make the clowdes to crack. Within the courts is preace
  57. Of common people, which to come and go doo never ceace.
  58. And millions both of trothes and lyes ronne gadding every where,
  59. And woordes confusely flye in heapes. Of which, sum fill the eare
  60. That heard not of them erst, and sum Colcaryers part doo play
  61. To spread abrode the things they heard. And ever by the way
  62. The thing that was invented growes much greater than before,
  63. And every one that getts it by the end addes sumwhat more.
  64. Lyght credit dwelleth there. There dwells rash error: there dooth dwell
  65. Vayne joy: there dwelleth hartlesse feare, and Bruit that loves to tell
  66. Uncertayne newes uppon report, whereof he dooth not knowe
  67. The author, and Sedition who fresh rumors loves to sowe.
  1. This Fame beholdeth what is doone in heaven, on sea, and land,
  2. And what is wrought in all the world he layes to understand.
  3. He gave the Trojans warning that the Greekes with valeant men
  4. And shippes approched, that unwares they could not take them then.
  5. For Hector and the Trojan folk well armed were at hand
  6. To keepe the coast and bid them bace before they came aland.
  7. Protesilay by fatall doome was first that dyde in feeld
  8. Of Hectors speare: and after him great numbers mo were killd
  9. Of valeant men. That battell did the Greeks full deerly cost.
  10. And Hector with his Phrygian folk of blood no little lost,
  11. In trying what the Greekes could doo. The shore was red with blood.
  12. And now king Cygnet, Neptunes sonne, had killed where he stood
  13. A thousand Greekes. And now the stout Achilles causd to stay
  14. His Charyot: and his lawnce did slea whole bandes of men that day.
  15. And seeking Cygnet through the feeld or Hector, he did stray.
  16. At last with Cygnet he did meete. For Hector had delay
  17. Untill the tenth yeare afterward. Then hasting foorth his horses
  18. With flaxen manes, ageinst his fo his Chariot he enforces.
  19. And brandishing his shaking dart, he sayd: O noble wyght,
  20. A comfort let it bee to thee that such a valeant knyght
  21. As is Achilles killeth thee. In saying so he threw
  22. A myghty dart, which though it hit the mark at which it flew,
  23. Yit perst it not the skinne at all. Now when this blunted blowe
  24. Had hit on Cygnets brest, and did no print of hitting showe,
  25. Thou, Goddesse sonne (quoth Cygnet), for by fame we doo thee knowe.
  26. Why woondrest at mee for to see I can not wounded bee?
  27. (Achilles woondred much thereat.) This helmet which yee see
  28. Bedect with horses yellow manes, this sheeld that I doo beare,
  29. Defend mee not. For ornaments alonly I them weare.
  30. For this same cause armes Mars himself likewyse. I will disarme
  31. Myself, and yit unrazed will I passe without all harme.
  32. It is to sum effect, not borne to bee of Neryes race,
  33. So that a man be borne of him that with threeforked mace :
  34. Rules Nereus and his daughters too, and all the sea besyde.
  35. This sayd, he at Achilles sent a dart that should abyde
  36. Uppon his sheeld. It perced through the steele and through nyne fold
  37. Of Oxen hydes, and stayd uppon the tenth. Achilles bold
  38. Did wrest it out, and forcybly did throwe the same agayne.
  39. His bodye beeing hit ageine, unwounded did remayne,
  40. And cleere from any print of wound. The third went eeke in vayne.
  41. And yit did Cygnet to the same give full his naked brist.
  42. Achilles chafed like a Bull that in the open list
  43. With dreadfull homes dooth push ageinst the scarlet clothes that there
  44. Are hanged up to make him feerce, and when he would them teare
  45. Dooth fynd his wounds deluded. Then Achilles lookt uppon
  46. His Javelings socket, if the head thereof were looce or gone.
  47. The head stacke fast. My hand byleeke is weakened then (quoth lice),
  48. And all the force it had before is spent on one I see.
  49. For sure I am it was of strength, both when I first downe threw
  50. Lyrnessus walles, and when I did Ile Tenedos subdew,
  51. And eeke Aetions Thebe with her proper blood embrew.
  52. And when so many of the folke of Tewthranie I slew,
  53. That with theyr blood Caycus streame became of purple hew.
  54. And when the noble Telephus did of my Dart of steele
  55. The dowble force, of wounding and of healing also feele.
  56. Yea even the heapes of men slayne heere by mee, that on this strond
  57. Are lying still to looke uppon, doo give to understond
  58. That this same hand of myne both had and still hath strength. This sed,
  59. (As though he had distrusted all his dooings ere that sted,)
  60. He threw a Dart ageinst a man of Lycia land that hyght
  61. Menetes, through whose Curets and his brest he strake him quyght.
  62. And when he saw with dying limbes him sprawling on the ground,
  63. He stepped to him streyght, and pulld the Javeling from the wound,
  64. And sayd alowd: This is the hand, this is the selfsame dart
  65. With which my hand did strike even now Menetes to the hart.
  66. Ageinst my tother Copemate will I use the same: I pray
  67. To God it may have like successe. This sed, without delay
  68. He sent it toward Cygnet, and the weapon did not stray,
  69. Nor was not shunned. Insomuch it lighted full uppon
  70. His shoulder: and it gave a rappe as if uppon sum ston
  71. It lyghted had, rebownding backe. Howbeeit where it hit,
  72. Achilles sawe it bloodye, and was vaynly glad of it.
  73. For why there was no wound. It was Menetes blood. Then lept
  74. He hastly from his Charyot downe, and like a madman stept
  75. To carelesse Cygnet with his swoord. He sawe his swoord did pare
  76. His Target and his morion bothe. But when it toucht the bare,
  77. His bodye was so hard, it did the edge thereof abate.
  78. He could no lengar suffer him to tryumph in that rate,
  79. But with the pommell of his swoord did thump him on the pate,
  80. And bobd him well about the brewes a doozen tymes and more,
  81. And preacing on him as he still gave backe amaazd him sore,
  82. And troubled him with buffetting, not respetting a whit.
  83. Then Cygnet gan to bee afrayd, and mistes beegan to flit
  84. Before his eyes, and dimd his syght. And as he still did yeeld,
  85. In giving back, by chaunce he met a stone amid the feeld,
  86. Ageinst the which Achilles thrust him back with all his myght,
  87. And throwing him ageinst the ground, did cast him bolt upryght.
  88. Then bearing bostowsely with both his knees ageinst his chest,
  89. And leaning with his elbowes and his target on his brest,
  90. He shet his headpeece cloce and just, and underneathe his chin
  91. So hard it straynd, that way for breath was neyther out nor in,
  92. And closed up the vent of lyfe. And having gotten so
  93. The upper hand, he went about to spoyle his vanquisht fo.
  94. But nought he in his armour found. For Neptune had as tho
  95. Transformd him to the fowle whose name he bare but late ago.
  1. This labour, this encounter brought the rest of many dayes,
  2. And eyther partye in theyr strength a whyle from battell stayes.
  3. Now whyle the Phrygians watch and ward uppon the walles of Troy,
  4. And Greekes likewyse within theyr trench, there came a day of joy,
  5. In which Achilles for his luck in Cygnets overthrow,
  6. A Cow in way of sacrifyse on Pallas did bestowe,
  7. Whose inwards when he had uppon the burning altar cast
  8. And that the acceptable fume had through the ayer past
  9. To Godward, and the holy rytes had had theyr dewes, the rest
  10. Was set on boords for men to eate in disshes fynely drest.
  11. The princes sitting downe, did feede uppon the rosted flesh,
  12. And both theyr thirst and present cares with wyne they did refresh.
  13. Not Harpes, nor songs, nor hollowe flutes to heere did them delyght.
  14. They talked till they nye had spent the greatest part of nyght.
  15. And all theyr communication was of feates of armes in fyght
  16. That had beene doone by them or by theyr foes. And every wyght
  17. Delyghts to uppen oftentymes by turne as came about
  18. The perills and the narrow brunts himself had shifted out.
  19. For what thing should bee talkt beefore Achilles rather? Or
  20. What kynd of things than such as theis could seeme more meeter for
  21. Achilles to bee talking of? But in theyr talk most breeme
  22. Was then Achilles victory of Cygnet. It did seeme
  23. A woonder that the flesh of him should bee so hard and tough
  24. As that no weapon myght have powre to raze or perce it through,
  25. But that it did abate the edge of steele: it was a thing
  26. That both Achilles and the Greekes in woondrous maze did bring.
  27. Then Nestor sayd: This Cygnet is the person now alone
  28. Of your tyme that defyed steele, and could bee perst of none.
  29. But I have seene now long ago one Cene of Perrhebye,
  30. I sawe one Cene of Perrhebye a thousand woundes defye
  31. With unatteynted bodye. In mount Othris he did dwell:
  32. And was renowmed for his deedes: (and which in him ryght well
  33. A greater woonder did appeere) he was a woman borne.
  34. This uncouth made them all much more amazed than beforne,
  35. And every man desyred him to tell it. And among
  36. The rest, Achilles sayd: Declare, I pray thee (for wee long
  37. To heare it every one of us), O eloquent old man,
  38. The wisedome of our age: what was that Cene and how he wan
  39. Another than his native shape, and in what rode, or in
  40. What fyght or skirmish, tweene you first acquaintance did beegin,
  41. And who in fyne did vanquish him if any vanquisht him.
  42. Then Nestor: Though the length of tyme have made my senses dim,
  43. And dyvers things erst seene in youth now out of mynd be gone:
  44. Yit beare I still mo things in mynd: and df them all is none
  45. Among so many both of peace and warre, that yit dooth take
  46. More stedfast roote in memorye. And if that tyme may make
  47. A man great store of things through long continuance for to see,
  48. Two hundred yeeres already of my lyfe full passed bee,
  49. And now I go uppon the third. This foresayd Ceny was
  50. The daughter of one Elatey. In beawty shee did passe
  51. The maydens all of Thessaly. From all the Cities bye
  52. And from thy Cities also, O Achilles, came (for why
  53. Shee was thy countrywoman) store of wooers who in vayne
  54. In hope to win her love did take great travail, suit and payne.
  55. Thy father also had perchaunce attempted heere to matcht
  56. But that thy moothers maryage was alreadye then dispatcht,
  57. Or shee at least affyanced. But Ceny matcht with none,
  58. Howbeeit as shee on the shore was walking all alone,
  59. The God of sea did ravish her. (So fame dooth make report.)
  60. And Neptune for the great delight he had in Venus sport,
  61. Sayd: Ceny, aske mee what thou wilt, and I will give it thee.
  62. (This also bruited is by fame.) The wrong heere doone to mee
  63. (Quoth Ceny) makes mee wish great things. And therfore to th'entent
  64. I may no more constreyned bee to such a thing, consent
  65. I may no more a woman bee. And if thou graunt thereto,
  66. It is even all that I desyre, or wish thee for to doo.
  67. In bacer tune theis latter woordes were uttred, and her voyce
  68. Did seeme a mannes voyce as it was in deede. For to her choyce
  69. The God of sea had given consent. He graunted him besyde
  70. That free from wounding and from hurt he should from thence abyde,
  71. And that he should not dye of steele. Right glad of this same graunt
  72. Away went Ceny, and the feeldes of Thessaly did haunt,
  73. And in the feates of Chevalrye from that tyme spent his lyfe.
  1. The over bold Ixions sonne had taken to his wyfe
  2. Hippodame. And kevering boordes in bowres of boughes of trees
  3. His Clowdbred brothers one by one he placed in degrees.
  4. There were the Lordes of Thessaly. I also was among
  5. The rest: a cheerefull noyse of feast through all the Pallace roong.
  6. Sum made the altars smoke, and sum the brydale carrolls soong.
  7. Anon commes in the mayden bryde, a goodly wench of face,
  8. With wyves and maydens following her with comly gate and grace.
  9. Wee sayd that sir Pirithous was happy in his wyfe:
  10. Which handsell had deceyved us wellneere through soodeine stryfe.
  11. For of the cruell Centawres thou most cruell Ewryt, tho
  12. Like as thy stomacke was with wyne farre over charged: so
  13. As soone as thou behilldst the bryde, thy hart began to frayne,
  14. And doubled with thy droonkennesse thy raging lust did reigne.
  15. The feast was troubled by and by with tables overthrowen.
  16. The bryde was hayled by the head, so farre was furye growen.
  17. Feerce Ewryt caught Hippodame, and every of the rest
  18. Caught such as commed next to hand, or such as likte him best.
  19. It was the lively image of a Citie tane by foes.
  20. The house did ring of womens shreekes. We all up quickly rose.
  21. And first sayd Theseus thus: What aylst? art mad, O Ewrytus?
  22. That darest (seeing mee alive) misuse Pirithous?
  23. Not knowing that in one thou doost abuse us both? And least
  24. He myght have seemd to speake in vayne, he thrust way such as preast
  25. About the bryde, and tooke her from them freating sore thereat.
  26. No answere made him Ewrytus: (for such a deede as that
  27. Defended could not bee with woordes) but with his sawcye fist
  28. He flew at gentle Theseus face, and bobd him on the brist.
  29. By chaunce hard by, an auncient cuppe of image woork did stand,
  30. Which being huge, himself more huge sir Theseus tooke in hand,
  31. And threw't at Ewryts head. He spewd as well at mouth as wound
  32. Mixt cloddes of blood, and brayne and wyne, and on the soyled ground
  33. Lay sprawling bolt upryght. The death of him did set the rest,
  34. His dowblelimbed brothers, so on fyre, that all the quest
  35. With one voyce cryed out, Kill, kill. The wyne had given them hart.
  36. Theyr first encounter was with cuppes and cannes throwen overthwart,
  37. And brittle tankerds, and with boawles, pannes, dishes, potts, and trayes,
  38. Things serving late for meate and drinke, and then for bluddy frayes.
  39. First Amycus, Ophions sonne, without remorse began
  40. To reeve and rob the brydehouse of his furniture. He ran
  41. And pulled downe a Lampbeame full of lyghtes, and lifting it
  42. Aloft like one that with an Ax dooth fetch his blowe to slit
  43. An Oxis necke in sacrifyse, he on the forehead hit
  44. A Lapith named Celadon, and crusshed so his bones
  45. That none could know him by the face: both eyes flew out at ones.
  46. His nose was beaten backe and to hispallat battred flat.
  47. One Pelates, a Macedone, exceeding wroth therat,
  48. Pulld out a maple tressles foote, and napt him in the necks,
  49. That bobbing with his chin ageinst his brest to ground he becks.
  50. And as he spitted out his teeth with blackish blood, he lent
  51. Another blowe to Amycus, which streyght to hell him sent.
  52. Gryne standing by and lowring with a fell grim visage at
  53. The smoking Altars, sayd: Why use we not theis same? with that
  54. He caught a myghty altar up with burning fyre thereon,
  55. And it among the thickest of the Lapithes threw anon.
  56. And twoo he over whelmd therewith calld Brote and Orion.
  57. This Orions moother, Mycale, is knowne of certeintye
  58. The Moone resisting to have drawne by witchcraft from the skye.
  59. Full dearely shalt thou by it (quoth Exadius) may I get
  60. A weapon: and with that in stead of weapon, he did set
  61. His hand uppon a vowd harts horne that on a Pynetree hye
  62. Was nayld, and with two tynes therof he strake out eyther eye
  63. Of Gryne: whereof sum stacke uppon the home, and sum did flye
  64. Uppon his beard, and there with blood like jelly mixt did lye.
  65. A flaming fyrebrand from amids an Altar Rhaetus snatcht,
  66. With which uppon the leftsyde of his head Charaxus latcht
  67. A blow that crackt his skull. The blaze among his yellow heare
  68. Ran sindging up, as if dry come with lightning blasted were.
  69. And in his wound the seared blood did make a greevous sound,
  70. As when a peece of steele red hot tane up with tongs is drownd
  71. In water by the smith, it spirts and hisseth in the trowgh.
  72. Charaxus from his curled heare did shake the fyre, and thowgh
  73. He wounded were, yit caught he up uppon his shoulders twayne
  74. A stone, the Jawme of eyther doore that well would loade a wayne.
  75. The masse theof was such as that it would not let him hit
  76. His fo. It lighted short: and with the falling downe of it
  77. A mate of his that Comet hyght, it all in peeces smit.
  78. Then Rhaete restreyning not his joy, sayd thus: I would the rowt
  79. Of all thy mates myght in the selfsame maner prove them stowt.
  80. And with his halfeburnt brond the wound he searched new agayne,
  81. Not ceasing for to lay on loade uppon his pate amayne,
  82. Untill his head was crusht, and of his scalp the bones did swim
  83. Among his braynes. In jolly ruffe he passed streyght from him
  84. To Coryt, and Euagrus, and to Dryant on a rowe.
  85. Of whom when Coryt (on whose cheekes yoong mossy downe gan grow)
  86. Was slayne, What prayse or honour (quoth Euagrus) hast thou got
  87. By killing of a boy? mo woordes him Rhetus suffred not
  88. To speake, but in his open mouth did thrust his burning brand,
  89. And downe his throteboll to his chest. Then whisking in his hand
  90. His fyrebrand round about his head he feercely did assayle
  91. The valyant Dryant. But with him he could not so prevayle.
  92. For as he triumpht in his lucke, proceeding for to make
  93. Continuall slaughter of his foes, sir Dryant with a stake
  94. (Whose poynt was hardned in the fyre) did cast at him a foyne
  95. And thrust him through the place in which the neck and shoulders joyne.
  96. He groand and from his cannell bone could scarcely pull the stake.
  97. And beeing foyled with his blood to flyght he did him take.
  98. Arnaeus also ran away, and Lycidas likewyse.
  99. And Medon (whose ryght shoulderplate was also wounded) flyes.
  100. So did Pisenor, so did Cawne, and so did Mermeros
  101. Who late outronning every man, now wounded slower goes:
  102. And so did Phole, and Menelas, and Abas who was woont
  103. To make a spoyle among wylde Boares as oft as he did hunt:
  104. And eeke the wyzarde Astylos who counselled his mates
  105. To leave that fray: but he to them in vayne of leaving prates.
  106. He eeke to Nessus (who for feare of wounding seemed shye)
  107. Sayd: Fly not, thou shalt scape this fray of Hercles bowe to dye.
  108. But Lycid and Ewrinomos, and Imbreus, and Are
  109. Escapte not death. Sir Dryants hand did all alike them spare.
  110. Cayneius also (though that he in flying were not slacke,)
  111. Yit was he wounded on the face: for as he looked backe,
  112. A weapons poynt did hit him full midway betweene the eyes,
  113. Wheras the noze and forehead meete. For all this deane, yit lyes
  114. Aphipnas snorting fast asleepe not mynding for to wake,
  115. Wrapt in a cloke of Bearskinnes which in Ossa mount were take.
  1. And in his lither hand he hilld a potte of wyne. Whom when
  2. That Phorbas saw (although in vayne) not medling with them, then
  3. He set his fingars to the thong: and saying: Thou shalt drink
  4. Thy wyne with water taken from the Stygian fountaynes brink,
  5. He threw his dart at him. The dart (as he that tyme by chaunce
  6. Lay bolt upright uppon his backe) did through his throteboll glaunce.
  7. He dyde and felt no payne at all. The blacke swart blood gusht out,
  8. And on the bed and in the potte fell flushing lyke a spout.
  9. I saw Petreius go about to pull out of the ground
  10. An Oken tree. But as he had his armes about it round,
  11. And shaakt it too and fro to make it looce, Pirithous cast
  12. A Dart which nayled to the tree his wrything stomacke fast.
  13. Through prowesse of Pirithous (men say) was Lycus slayne.
  14. Through prowesse of Pirithous dyde Crome. But they both twayne
  15. Lesse honour to theyr conquerour were, than Dyctis was, or than
  16. Was Helops. Helops with a dart was striken, which through ran
  17. His head, and entring at the ryght eare to the left eare went.
  18. And Dyctis from a slipprye knappe downe slyding, as he ment
  19. To shonne Perithous preacing on, fell headlong downe, and with
  20. His hugenesse brake the greatest Ash that was in all the frith,
  21. And goard his gutts uppon the stump. To wreake his death comes Phare:
  22. And from the mount a mighty rocke with bothe his handes he tare:
  23. Which as he was about to throwe, Duke Theseus did prevent,
  24. And with an Oken plant uppon his mighty elbowe lent
  25. Him such a blowe, as that he brake the bones, and past no further.
  26. For leysure would not serve him then his maymed corce to murther.
  27. He lept on hygh Bianors backe, who none was woont to beare
  28. Besydes himself. Ageinst his sydes his knees fast nipping were,
  29. And with his left hand taking hold uppon his foretoppe heare
  30. He cuft him with his knubbed plant about the frowning face,
  31. And made his wattled browes to breake. And with his Oken mace
  32. He overthrew Nedimnus: and Lycespes with his dart,
  33. And Hippasus whose beard did hyde his brest the greater part:
  34. And Riphey tallar than the trees, and Therey who was woont
  35. Among the hilles of Thessaly for cruell Beares to hunt,
  36. And beare them angry home alyve. It did Demoleon spyght
  37. That Theseus had so good successe and fortune in his fyght.
  38. An old long Pynetree rooted fast he strave with all his myght
  39. To pluck up whole bothe trunk and roote, which when he could not bring
  40. To passe, he brake it off, and at his emnye did it fling.
  41. But Theseus by admonishment of heavenly Pallas (so
  42. He would have folke beleve it were) start backe a great way fro
  43. The weapon as it came. Yit fell it not without some harme.
  44. It cut from Crantors left syde bulke, his shoulder, brest, and arme.
  45. This Grantor was thy fathers Squyre (Achilles) and was given
  46. Him by Amyntor ruler of the Dolops, who was driven
  47. By battell for to give him as an hostage for the peace
  48. To bee observed faythfully. When Peleus in the preace
  49. A great way off behilld him thus falne dead of this same wound,
  50. O Grantor, deerest man to mee of all above the ground,
  51. Hold heere an obitgift hee sayd: and both with force of hart
  52. And hand, at stout Demoleons head he threw an asshen dart,
  53. Which brake the watling of his ribbes, and sticking in the bone,
  54. Did shake. He pulled out the steale with much adoo alone.
  55. The head therof stacke still behynd among his lungs and lyghts.
  56. Enforst to courage with his payne, he ryseth streight uprights,
  57. And pawing at his emny with his horsish feete, he smyghts
  58. Uppon him. Peleus bare his strokes uppon his burganet,
  59. And fenst his shoulders with his sheeld, and evermore did set
  60. His weapon upward with the poynt, which by his shoulders perst
  61. Through both his brestes at one full blowe. Howbee't your father erst
  62. Had killed Hyle and Phlegrye, and Hiphinous aloof
  63. And Danes who boldly durst at hand his manhod put in proof.
  64. To theis was added Dorylas, who ware uppon his head
  65. A cap of woolves skinne. And the homes of Oxen dyed red
  66. With blood were then his weapon. I (for then my courage gave
  67. Mee strength) sayd: See how much thy homes lesse force than Iron have.
  68. And therewithall with manly might a dart at him I drave.
  69. Which when he could not shonne, he clapt his right hand flat uppon
  70. His forehead where the wound should bee. For why his hand anon
  71. Was nayled to his forehead fast. Hee roared out amayne.
  72. And as he stood amazed and began to faynt for payne,
  73. Your father Peleus (for he stood hard bv him) strake him under
  74. The middle belly with his swoord, and ript his womb asunder.
  75. Out girdes mee Dorill streyght, and trayles his guttes uppon the ground
  76. And trampling underneath his feete did breake them, and they wound
  77. About his leggs so snarling, that he could no further go,
  78. But fell downe dead with empty womb. Nought booted Cyllar tho
  79. His beawtye in that frentick fray, (at leastwyse if wee graunt
  80. That any myght in that straunge shape, of natures beawtye vaunt.)
  81. His beard began but then to bud: his beard was like the gold:
  82. So also were his yellowe lokes, which goodly to behold
  83. Midway beneath his shoulders hung. There rested in his face
  84. A sharpe and lively cheerfulnesse with sweete and pleasant grace.
  85. His necke, brest, shoulders, armes, and hands, as farre as he was man,
  86. Were such as never carvers woork yit stayne them could or can.
  87. His neather part likewyse (which was a horse) was every whit
  88. Full equall with his upper part, or little woorse than it.
  89. For had yee given him horses necke, and head, he was a beast
  90. For Castor to have ridden on. So bourly was his brest:
  91. So handsome was his backe to beare a saddle: and his heare
  92. Was blacke as jeate, but that his tayle and feete milk whyghtish were.
  93. Full many Females of his race did wish him to theyr make.
  94. But only dame Hylonome for lover he did take.
  95. Of all the halfbrutes in the woodes there did not any dwell
  96. More comly than Hylonome. She usde herself so well
  97. In dalyance, and in loving, and in uttring of her love,
  98. That shee alone hilld Cyllarus. As much as did behove
  99. In suchye limbes, shee trimmed them as most the eye might move.
  100. With combing, smoothe shee made her heare: shee wallowed her full oft
  101. In Roses and in Rosemarye, or Violets sweete and soft:
  102. Sumtyme shee caryed Lillyes whyght: and twyce a day shee washt
  103. Her visage in the spring that from the toppe of Pagase past:
  104. And in the streame shee twyce a day did bath her limbes: and on
  105. Her left syde or her shoulders came the comlyest things, and none
  106. But fynest skinnes of choycest beasts. Alike eche loved other:
  107. Togither they among the hilles roamd up and downe: togither
  108. They went to covert: and that tyme togither they did enter
  109. The Lapithes house, and there the fray togither did adventer.
  110. A dart on Cyllars left syde came, (I know not who it sent)
  111. Which sumwhat underneathe his necke his brest asunder splent.
  112. As lyghtly as his hart was raazd, no sooner was the dart
  113. Pluckt out, but all his bodye wext stark cold and dyed swart.
  114. Immediatly Hylonome his dying limbes up stayd,
  115. And put her hand uppon the wound to stoppe the blood, and layd
  116. Her mouth to his, and labored sore to stay his passing spryght.
  117. But when shee sawe him throughly dead, then speaking woordes which might
  118. Not to my hearing come for noyse, shee stikt herself uppon
  119. The weapon that had gored him, and dyde with him anon
  120. Embracing him beetweene her armes.
  1. There also stood before
  2. Myne eyes the grim Pheocomes both man and horse who wore
  3. A Lyons skinne uppon his backe fast knit with knotts afore.
  4. He snatching up a timber log (which scarcely two good teeme
  5. Of Oxen could have stird) did throwe the same with force extreeme
  6. At Phonolenyes sonne. The logge him all in fitters strake,
  7. And of his head the braynepan in a thousand peeces brake,
  8. That at his mouth, his eares, and eyes, and at his nosethrills too,
  9. His crusshed brayne came roping out as creame is woont to doo
  10. From sives or riddles made of wood, or as a Cullace out
  11. From streyner or from Colender. But as he went about
  12. To strippe him from his harnesse as he lay uppon the ground,
  13. (Your father knoweth this full well) my sword his gutts did wound,
  14. Teleboas and Cthonius bothe, were also slaine by mee.
  15. Sir Cthonius for his weapon had a forked bough of tree.
  16. The tother had a dart. His dart did wound mee. You may see
  17. The scarre therof remayning yit. Then was the tyme that I
  18. Should sent have beene to conquer Troy. Then was the tyme that I
  19. Myght through my force and prowesse, if not vanquish Hector stout,
  20. Yit at the least have hilld him wag, I put you out of Dout.
  21. But then was Hector no body: or but a babe. And now
  22. Am I forspent and worne with yeeres. What should I tell you how
  23. Piretus dyde by Periphas? Or wherefore should I make
  24. Long processe for to tell you of sir Ampycus that strake
  25. The fowrefoote Oecle on the face with dart of Cornell tree,
  26. The which had neyther head nor poynt? Or how that Macaree
  27. Of Mountaine Pelithronye with a leaver lent a blowe
  28. To Erigdupus on the brest which did him overthrowe?
  29. Full well I doo remember that Cymelius threw a dart
  30. Which lyghted full in Nesseyes flank about his privie part.
  31. And think not you that Mops, the sonne of Ampycus, could doo
  32. No good but onely prophesye. This stout Odites whoo
  33. Had bothe the shapes of man and horse, by Mopsis dart was slayne,
  34. And labouring for to speake his last he did but strive in vayne.
  35. For Mopsis dart togither nayld his toong and neather chappe,
  36. And percing through his throte did make a wyde and deadly gappe.
  37. Fyve men had Cene already slayne: theyr wounds I cannot say:
  38. The names and nomber of them all ryght well I beare away.
  39. The names of them were Stiphelus, and Brome, and Helimus,
  40. Pyracmon with his forest bill, and stout Antimachus.
  41. Out steppes the biggest Centawre there, huge Latreus, armed in
  42. Alesus of Aemathias spoyle slayne late before by him.
  43. His yeeres were mid tweene youth and age, his courage still was yoong,
  44. And on his abrun head hore heares peerd heere and there amoong.
  45. His furniture was then a swoord, a target and a lawnce
  46. Aemathian like. To bothe the parts he did his face advaunce,
  47. And brandishing his weapon brave, in circlewyse did prawnce
  48. About, and stoutly spake theis woordes: And must I beare with yow,
  49. Dame Cenye? for none other than a moother (I avow)
  50. No better than a moother will I count thee whyle I live.
  51. Remembrest not what shape by birth dame nature did thee give?
  52. Forgettst thou how thou purchasedst this counterfetted shape
  53. Of man? Consyderest what thou art by birth? and how for rape
  54. Thou art become the thing thou art? Go take thy distaffe, and
  55. Thy spindle, and in spinning yarne go exercyse thy hand.
  56. Let men alone with feates of armes. As Latreus made this stout
  57. And scornefull taunting in a ring still turning him about,
  58. This Cenye with a dart did hit him full uppon the syde
  59. Where as the horse and man were joyned togither in a hyde.
  60. The strype made Latreus mad: and with his lawnce in rage he stracke
  61. Uppon sir Cenyes naked ribbes. The lawnce rebounded backe
  62. Like haylestones from a tyled house, or as a man should pat
  63. Small stones uppon a dromslets head. He came more neere with that,
  64. And in his brawned syde did stryve to thrust his swoord. There was
  65. No way for swoord to enter in. Yit shalt thou not so passe
  66. My handes (sayd he.) Well sith the poynt is blunted thou shalt dye
  67. Uppon the edge: and with that woord he fetcht his blow awrye,
  68. And sydling with a sweeping stroke along his belly smit.
  69. The strype did give a clinke as if it had on marble hit.
  70. And therewithall the swoord did breake, and on his necke did lyght.
  71. When Ceny had sufficiently given Latreus leave to smyght
  72. His flesh which was unmaymeable, Well now (quoth he) lets see,
  73. If my swoord able bee or no to byght the flesh of thee.
  74. In saying so, his dreadfull swoord as farre as it would go
  75. He underneathe his shoulder thrust, and wrinching to and fro
  76. Among his gutts, made wound in wound. Behold with hydeous crye
  77. The dowblemembred Centawres sore abasht uppon him flye,
  78. And throwe theyr weapons all at him. Theyr weapons downe did fall
  79. As if they had rebated beene, and Cenye for them all
  80. Abydes unstriken through. Yea none was able blood to drawe.
  81. The straungenesse of the cace made all amazed that it sawe.
  82. Fy, fy for shame (quoth Monychus) that such a rable can
  83. Not overcome one wyght alone, who scarcely is a man.
  84. Although (to say the very truthe) he is the man, and wee
  85. Through fayntnesse that that he was borne by nature for to bee.
  86. What profits theis huge limbes of ours? what helpes our dowble force?
  87. Or what avayles our dowble shape of man as well as horse
  88. By puissant nature joynd in one? I can not thinke that wee
  89. Of sovereigne Goddesse Juno were begot, or that wee bee
  90. Ixions sonnes, who was so stout of courage and so hault,
  91. As that he durst on Junos love attempt to give assault.
  92. The emny that dooth vanquish us is scarcely half a man
  93. Whelme blocks, and stones, and mountaynes whole uppon his hard brayne pan:
  94. And presse yee out his lively ghoste with trees. Let timber choke
  95. His chappes, let weyght enforce his death in stead of wounding stroke.
  96. This sayd: by chaunce he gets a tree blowne downe by blustring blasts
  97. Of Southerne wynds, and on his fo with all his myght it casts,
  98. And gave example to the rest to doo the like. Within
  99. A whyle the shadowes which did hyde mount Pelion waxed thin:
  100. And not a tree was left uppon mount Othris ere they went.
  101. Sir Cenye underneathe this greate huge pyle of timber pent,
  102. Did chauf and on his shoulders hard the heavy logges did beare.
  103. But when above his face and head the trees up stacked were,
  104. So that he had no venting place to drawe his breth: One whyle
  105. He faynted: and another whyle he heaved at the pyle,
  106. To tumble downe the loggs that lay so heavy on his backe,
  107. And for to winne the open ayre ageine above the stacke:
  108. As if the mountayne Ida (lo) which yoonder we doo see
  109. So hygh, by earthquake at a tyme should chaunce to shaken bee.
  110. Men dowt what did become of him. Sum hold opinion that
  111. The burthen of the woodes had driven his soule to Limbo flat.
  112. But Mopsus sayd it was not so. For he did see a browne
  113. Bird flying from amid the stacke and towring up and downe.
  114. It was the first tyme and the last that ever I behild
  115. That fowle. When Mopsus softly saw him soring in the feeld,
  116. He looked wistly after him, and cryed out on hye:
  117. Hayle peerlesse perle of Lapith race, hayle Ceny, late ago
  118. A valeant knyght, and now a bird of whom there is no mo.
  119. The author caused men beleeve the matter to bee so.
  120. Our sorrow set us in a rage. It was too us a greef
  121. That by so many foes one knyght was killd without releef.
  122. Then ceast wee not to wreake our teene till most was slaine in fyght,
  123. And that the rest discomfited were fled away by nyght.