

Horace. The Odes and Carmen Saeculare of Horace. Conington, John, translator. London: George Bell and Sons, 1882.

  • So, when that holyday comes round,
  • It sees me still the rosin clear
  • From this my wine-jar, first embrown'd
  • In Tullus' year.
  • Come, crush one hundred cups for life
  • Preserved, Maecenas; keep till day
  • The candles lit; let noise and strife
  • Be far away.
  • Lay down that load of state-concern;
  • The Dacian hosts are all o'erthrown;
  • The Mede, that sought our overturn,
  • Now seeks his own;
  • A servant now, our ancient foe,
  • The Spaniard, wears at last our chain;
  • The Scythian half unbends his bow
  • And quits the plain.