

Horace. The Odes and Carmen Saeculare of Horace. Conington, John, translator. London: George Bell and Sons, 1882.

  • Though true it be that none with surer seat
  • O'er Mars's grassy turf is seen to ride,
  • Nor any swims so fleet
  • Adown the Tuscan tide,
  • Yet keep each evening door and window barr'd;
  • Look not abroad when music strikes up shrill,
  • And though he call you hard,
  • Remain obdurate still.
  • The first of March! a man unwed!
  • What can these flowers, this censer mean?
  • Or what these embers, glowing red
  • On sods of green?
  • You ask, in either language skill'd!
  • A feast I vow'd to Bacchus free,
  • A white he-goat, when all but kill'd
  • By falling tree.