Res Gestae

Ammianus Marcellinus

Ammianus Marcellinus. Ammianus Marcellinus, with an English translation, Vols. I-III. Rolfe, John C., translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; W. Heinemann, 1935-1940 (printing).

The consulship of Faustus and Longinus.[*](490.) When these were consuls, King Odoacar marched out from Cremona and went to Mediolanum. Then the Visigoths came to the help of Theodoric, and a battle was fought on the 11th of August on the bank of the river Addua,[*](A large river of Gallia Transpadana, flowing through Lake Larius (Como) into the Po, modern Adda.) where many fell on both sides; Pierius, commander of the household troops, was slain, and Odoacar fled to Ravenna. The patrician Theodoric soon followed him, came to the Pine Grove,[*](See § 37, note 3.) and made a camp there; then he kept Odoacar in a state of siege for three

years in Ravenna, where the value of a modius of wheat rose to the price of six gold-pieces.[*](See Amm. xx. 4, 18, note 5.) And Theodoric sent Festus, the head of the senate,[*](That is, prefect of the city.) as an envoy to the emperor Zeno, hoping to be invested by him with the royal robe.

The consulship[*](491.) of Olybrius, vir clarissimus. In his consulship King Odoacar sallied forth from Ravenna by night, entered into the Pine Grove with the Heruli, and attacked the fortified camp of the patrician Theodoric. The losses were great on both sides, and Levila, Odoacar’s commander-in-chief, fled and lost his life in the river Bedens[*](Also called Bidens, the modern Bedese, or Ronco.) ; Odoacar was defeated and fled to Ravenna on the 15th of July. Then Odoacar was forced to give his son Thelanes to Theodoric as a hostage, first receiving a pledge that his blood would be spared.[*](See § 43, note 6. Here neither spirit nor letter was kept.)