Res Gestae

Ammianus Marcellinus

Ammianus Marcellinus. Ammianus Marcellinus, with an English translation, Vols. I-III. Rolfe, John C., translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; W. Heinemann, 1935-1940 (printing).

Meanwhile, as the servant of God had predicted to him, as soon as Odoacar entered Italy he received the royal power. At that same time, after becoming king, Odoacar recalled the prophecy which he had heard from the holy man, and at once addressed to him a friendly letter, wherein he respectfully offered to grant his wish, should he think there was anything worth while to ask. Accordingly the man

of God, encouraged by so cordial a letter of the king, asked for the pardon of a certain Ambrosius, who was living in exile, and Odoacar gratefully granted his request.

After that, King Odoacar made war on the Rugi,[*](Living in what was in modern times Austria and Moravia.) and in a second campaign vanquished and utterly destroyed them. Then, since he was a man of good intentions and favoured the Arian[*](The correct spelling is Arian, from Arius, but the ignotus auctor, as well as some other late writers, spelled it Arrius, after the analogy of numerous Roman gentile names (T.L.L. ii. 507, 59). It seems best to use Arrius in the text. Arius in the translation. On his sect, see note, p. 569.) sect, it happened that once, when in the presence of the holy man many nobles, as often happens, were praising and flattering the said king, as men will do, he asked what king they had extolled with such high commendations. And when they replied Odoacar, he said Odoacar is safe for between thirteen and fourteen years, thus, of course, indicating the years of his safe reign.