Res Gestae

Ammianus Marcellinus

Ammianus Marcellinus. Ammianus Marcellinus, with an English translation, Vols. I-III. Rolfe, John C., translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; W. Heinemann, 1935-1940 (printing).

Now Galerius was such a tippler[*](Pseud.-Vict. 40, 19, makes this statement regarding Maxentius.) that when he was drunk he gave orders such as ought not to be obeyed; and so, at the advice of his prefect, he directed that no one should execute any commands which he issued after luncheon.

Meanwhile Constantine, after defeating the tyrant’s[*](Maxentius, called tyrant because his sovereignty was not officially recognised.) generals at Verona, went on to Rome. When he had reached the city, Maxentius came out and chose a plain[*](Saxa Rubra, near the Mulvian Bridge.) above the Tiber as the place to do battle. There the usurper was defeated, and when

all his men were put to flight, he was prevented from escaping by the crowd of fugitives, thrown from his horse into the river, and drowned. On the following day his body was recovered from the Tiber, and the head was cut off and taken to Rome. When his mother was questioned about his parentage, she admitted that he was the son of a Syrian. He ruled for six years.[*](The number is lacking in the text, but is known from the Panegyrics of Constantine and other sources. It was from 306–312.)

Now Licinius was a native of New Dacia, and was of somewhat common origin. He was made emperor[*](I.e., Augustus; see Introd. to Vol. I, p. xxv. He seems never to have been a Caesar.) by Galerius, in order that he might take the field against Maxentius. But when Maxentius was overthrown and Constantine had recovered Italy, he made Licinius his colleague on condition that he should marry Constantine’s sister Constantia at Mediolanum. After the celebration of the wedding Constantine went to Gaul, and Licinius returned to Illyricum.