Res Gestae

Ammianus Marcellinus

Ammianus Marcellinus. Ammianus Marcellinus, with an English translation, Vols. I-III. Rolfe, John C., translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; W. Heinemann, 1935-1940 (printing).

But after Constantius died in Britain, and his son Constantine succeeded him, Maxentius, the son of Herculius, was suddenly hailed as emperor by the praetorian soldiers in the city of Rome. By order of Galerius, Severus took the field against Maxentius, but he was suddenly deserted by all his followers and fled to Ravenna. Thereupon Galerius, with a great army, came against Rome, threatening the destruction of the city, and encamped at Interamna[*](In Southern Umbria on the river Nar, just below its junction with the Velinus; modern Terni.) near the Tiber.

Then he sent Licinius and Probus to the city as envoys, asking that the son-in-law, that is Maxentius, should attain his desires from the father-in-law, that is Galerius, at the price of requests rather than of arms. Galerius’ proposal was scorned, and having learned that through Maxentius’ promises many of his own men had been led to desert his cause, he was disturbed and turned back; and in order to furnish his men with whatever booty he could, he gave orders that the Flaminian Road should be plundered.[*](Text and meaning are uncertain. Apparently he went along the Flaminian Road; cf. Lact., De Mort. Persec. 27, 5, dedit militibus potestatem ut diriperent omnia vel corrumperent, ut si quis insequi vellet, utensilia non haberet. )

Maximianus[*](Ille seems to refer to Maximianus, who wished to resume his imperial power; if so, something is missing from the text.) took refuge with Constantine. Then Galerius made Licinius a Caesar[*](Other writers imply that he was made an Augustus at once.) in Illyricum, and after that, leaving him in Pannonia, returned himself to Serdica, where he was attacked by a violent disease and wasted away so completely, that he died with the inner parts of his body exposed and in a state of corruption[*](Cf. Oros. vii. 28, 12, put rescente introrsum pectore et visceribus dissolutis ) —a punishment for a most

unjust persecution,[*](Of the Christians; cf. Lact., De Mort. Persec. 33; Eusebius, Church Hist. viii. 16, 3 ff.) which recoiled as a well-merited penalty upon the author of the iniquitous order. He ruled for nineteen years.

Severus Caesar was low both in character and in origin, given to drink, and hence a friend to Galerius. Accordingly Galerius made Caesars of him and Maximinus, without Constantine having knowledge of any such step. To this Severus were assigned some cities of Pannonia, Italy, and Africa. Through this chance Maxentius became emperor; for Severus was deserted by his men and fled to Ravenna.

Summoned to support his son Maxentius, Herculius came to Ravenna, deceived Severus by a false oath, gave him into custody, and took him to Rome in the condition of a captive; there he had him kept under guard in a villa belonging to the state, situated thirty miles from Rome on the Appian Road.[*](According to Zos. ii. 10, and Pseud.-Aur. Vict., Epit. 40, 3, it was at Tres Tabernae.) When Galerius later went to Italy, Severus was executed; then his body was taken to a place eight miles from the city, and laid in the tomb of Gallienus.

Now Galerius was such a tippler[*](Pseud.-Vict. 40, 19, makes this statement regarding Maxentius.) that when he was drunk he gave orders such as ought not to be obeyed; and so, at the advice of his prefect, he directed that no one should execute any commands which he issued after luncheon.