Res Gestae

Ammianus Marcellinus

Ammianus Marcellinus. Ammianus Marcellinus, with an English translation, Vols. I-III. Rolfe, John C., translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; W. Heinemann, 1935-1940 (printing).

When the deputation had been admitted to the council-chamber and had presented their request, Valentinian said that he had never made such a decree, and cried out that he was the victim of calumny. But the quaestor Eupraxius[*](Cf. xxvii. 6, 14.) mildly contradicted him, and through his freedom of speech the cruel order, which surpassed all examples of harshness, was rescinded.

At about that same time Lollianus, a youth just growing his first beard, son of the ex-prefect Lampadius,[*](Cf. xxvii. 3, 5.) as the result of a strict examination by Maximinus, was convicted of having written a book on destructive magic arts, when adult age had not yet endowed him with sound judgment. And when it was feared that he would be exiled, by his father’s advice he appealed to the emperor and was ordered to be taken to his court; but he went from the smoke (as the saying is)[*](Cf. from the frying-pan into the fire and xiv. 11, 12.) into the fire; for he was handed over to Phalangius, consular governor

of Baetica, and died at the hand of the dread executioner.

Besides these also Tarracius Bassus, afterwards prefect of the city,[*](In 390.) his brother Camenius, a certain Marcianus, and Eusaphius, all men of senatorial rank, were brought to trial on the ground that they were said to be making much of the charioteer[*](For the bad repute of charioteers cf. 4, 25, below; xxvi. 3, 3.) Auchenius, and were his accomplices in the use of poisons; but because the evidence was even then doubtful, they were acquitted, as widespread rumour declared, through the influence of Victorinus, who was the closest friend of Maximinus.

Not even women were more immune from similar calamities. For many of high birth belonging to this sex too were charged with the disgrace of adultery or of fornication, and put to death. Conspicuous among these were Charitas and Flaviana, of whom the latter, when she was led to death, was stripped of the clothing which she wore, being allowed not even to keep sufficient covering for the secret parts of her body. But for that reason the executioner was convicted of having committed a monstrous crime, and was burned alive.

Nay more, two senators, Paphius and Cornelius, both of whom confessed to having disgraced themselves by the wicked practices of poisons, by the sentence of the same Maximinus were put to death. Even the head of the mint[*](Called monetae praepositus, xxii. 11, 9.) perished by a like fate. But Sericus and Asbolius, mentioned above,[*](See 1, 8.) because when he urged them to name indiscriminately such accomplices as they wished, he had declared on oath that he would order no

one to be punished with fire or steel, he killed with heavy blows of lead.[*](Probably with the knout, whips of leather with balls of lead on the ends of each lash; cf. xxix. 1, 40, and Zos. V. 2, σφαίραις μολιβδίναις αὐτὸν κατὰ τοῦ τένοντος ἐνεκελεύετο παίεσθαι. Cf. also note 1 on page 340.) And after this he consigned the soothsayer Campensis to the flames, being bound in his case by no oath.

It is, I think, fitting now to set forth the cause which drove Aginatius headlong to death, a man of noble descent from his early ancestors, as persistent report declared; for as to this there is no trustworthy documentary evidence.