Res Gestae

Ammianus Marcellinus

Ammianus Marcellinus. Ammianus Marcellinus, with an English translation, Vols. I-III. Rolfe, John C., translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; W. Heinemann, 1935-1940 (printing).

On the right, which is the south side, extend the cliffs of Rhodope, and where the morning star rises it is bounded by the strait which flows with an abundance of water from the Euxine, and going on with alternating current to the Aegaean, opens a narrow cleft[*](The Thracian Bosphorus, separating Europe (Thrace) from Asia (Mysia). It has a central surface-current flowing from the Euxine, and a deeper one, and also alongshore currents, flowing towards the Euxine.) between the lands.

But on the eastern corner the land is connected with the frontiers of Macedonia by a steep and narrow pass, which is called Acontisma.[*](Cf. xxvi. 7, 12.) Next to this is the postingstation of Arethusa, in which is to be seen the tomb of Euripides,[*](Pliny, N. H. xxxi. 28.) noted for his lofty tragedies, and Stagira, known as the birthplace of Aristotle, who, as Cicero says,[*](Acad. ii. 38, 119.) poured forth a golden stream.

These regions also were occupied in former times by barbarians, who differed from one another in customs and language. Of these the Odrysae are noted for their savage cruelty beyond all others, being so habituated to the shedding of human blood that when there were no enemies at hand, at their feasts, after a satiety of food and drink they plunged the sword into the bodies of their own countrymen, as if they were those of foreigners.

But when our country increased in power, and the rule of consuls was in full sway, Marcus Didius, with great determination, checked these tribes that before had been always invincible and were roaming about without civilization or laws. Drusus confined them within their own bounds. Minucius utterly defeated them in a battle near the river Hebrus, which flows from the high mountains

of the Odrysae, and after these the survivors were completely annihilated by the proconsul Appius Claudius in a hot fight.[*](Florus, i. 39, 5, 6; Ruf. Fest. 9, 2.) Indeed, the Roman fleets took possession of the towns situated on the Bosphorus and the Propontis.

After these came General Lucullus,[*](M. Lucullus, Eutr. vi. 10.) who was the first of all to encounter the savage tribe of the Bessi and in the same onslaught overcame the Haemimontani in spite of their stout resistance.[*](Ruf. Fest. 9, 2–3.) While he threatened that region, all parts of Thrace passed under the sway of our forefathers, and in this way, after dangerous campaigns, six provinces were won for the republic.

The first of these on the side bordering on Illyricum is called Thrace in the narrower sense, and is adorned by the splendid cities of Philippopolis, formerly Eumolpias,[*](Cf. xxii. 2, 2; xxvi. 10, 4. See Map 1, Vol. II.) and Beroea. After this, Haemimontus[*](Also called Thracia Secunda.) has Hadrianopolis,[*](Cf. xiv. 11, 15.) also once called Uscudama, and Anchialos,[*](Cf. xxii. 8, 43.) both great and rich cities. Then comes Mysia,[*](Here for Mysia (or Moesia) Secunda, or Inferior; Mysia Prima belonged to Illyricum.) with Marcianopolis (so name from the sister of the emperor Trajan). Dorostorus, Nicopolis, and Odessus. Hard by is Scythia, in which the more famous towns are Dionysopolis, Tomi, and Callatia. Europa, the remotest province of all, in addition to various towns, is conspicuous for two cities, Apri and Perinthus, in later times called Heraclea.[*](Cf. xxii. 2, 3.)

Rhodopa,[*](Cf. xxii. 8, 4.) next to this, has Maximianopolis, Maronea and Aenus, which Aeneas

founded and abandoned,[*](Cf. xxii. 8, 3, note.) and after long wanderings under continued good auspices, reached Italy.

Now it is well known, as constant reports have spread abroad, that almost all the country folk who dwell in the high mountains throughout the lands just described surpass us in health and strength, and in the prerogative (so to speak) of prolonging life; and it is thought that this is due to abstinence from a conglomeration of diet and from hot baths,[*](With calidis sc. aquis. ) and a lasting freshness knits their bodies through cold sprinklings with dew; and they enjoy the sweetness of a purer air; further they are first of all to feel the rays of the sun, which are by their own nature life-giving, before they are infected with any stains from human affairs. After having thus given an account of these matters, let us return to our task.

After Procopius had been vanquished in[*](366 A.D.) Phrygia, and the source of internal strife lulled to rest, Victor, commander of the cavalry, was sent to the Goths,[*](The Moeso-Goths in Dacia. Zos. iv. 10, 11, calls them Scythians.) in order to get clear information why a people friendly to the Romans and bound by the treaties of a long-continued peace had lent support to a usurper who was making war on the legitimate emperors. They, in order to excuse their action by a strong defence, presented a letter from the said

Procopius, in which he asserted that he had assumed the sovereignty that was due him as nearly related to the family of Constantine;[*](See xxvi. 6, 1; 7, 10.) and they maintained that their error was pardonable.

When this was learned from the report of the[*](367 A.D.) aforesaid Victor, Valens, taking little account of so trivial an excuse, marched against the Goths, who already knew of the coming activity. Getting his army together at the beginning of spring, he measured off a camp near the fortress called Daphne;[*](In Moesia Secunda, a province formed by Constantine the Great to oppose the Goths, and therefore called on coins by the name of Constantiniana Daphne.) and having made a bridge of planks over the gangways of ships, he crossed the river Hister without any opposition.

And now he was exalted in confidence, since, as he hastened hither and thither, he found no one whom he could conquer or terrify; for all had been struck with fear at the approach of the soldiers with their splendid equipment, and made for the mountains of the Serri, which are lofty and inaccessible except to those who are thoroughly familiar with them.

Therefore, to avoid wasting the whole summer and returning without accomplishing anything, he sent Arintheus, commander of the infantry, with plundering bands and seized some of the families which could be captured before they reached the steep and winding mountainregions and while they were still wandering over the level plains. And after having attained only this, which was what chance offered him, he returned harmlessly with his men, without having inflicted or suffered serious harm.

In the following year, having attempted with[*](368 A.D.) equal energy to invade the enemy’s territory, he was prevented by extensive floods of the Danube

and remained inactive, near a village of the Carpi in a permanent camp which he had made, until the end of autumn. And since he was cut off by the extent of the waters from doing anything, he returned from there to Marcianopolis for winter quarters.

With like persistence in the third year also he[*](369 A.D.) made a bridge of boats to cross the river at Novidunum and forced his way into the barbarian territory; and after continuous marches he attacked the warlike people of the Greuthungi, who lived very far off, and after some slight contests Athanaricus,[*](When Fritigern with the Goths crossed the Danube and planned to war upon Achaia, they feared to leave Athanaricus behind, since he had remained true to the Romans. He was received at Constantinople by Theodosius in a friendly manner and died in 381. The Goths who had come with Athanaricus were so pleased by his royal funeral that they fought bravely for Theodosius. Cf. Zosimus, iv. 34.) at that time their most powerful ruler,[*](See Introd., Vol. I, p. xxvi, note 2, for this use of iudex. ) who dared to resist with a band which he believed to be more than sufficient for himself, was forced to flee, in fear of utter destruction. Then he himself with all his men returned to Marcianopolis as a suitable place (considering that region) for passing the winter.

After the many vicissitudes of these three years timely opportunities arose for ending the war.[*](367 A.D.) First, because the long stay of the emperor was increasing the enemy’s fears; secondly, because the savages, since commerce was cut off, were so distressed by extreme scarcity of the necessities of life that they often sent suppliant deputations to beg for pardon and peace.