Res Gestae

Ammianus Marcellinus

Ammianus Marcellinus. Ammianus Marcellinus, with an English translation, Vols. I-III. Rolfe, John C., translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; W. Heinemann, 1935-1940 (printing).

Charietto,[*](Cf. xvii. 10, 5.) who was then commanding general throughout both Germanies, along with soldiers eager for war, set out to meet their first division, taking as a partner in the campaign Severianus, who was also a general, an aged and feeble man, who at Cabillona[*](To-day Chalôn-sur-Saône; cf. xiv. 10, 3, 5; xv. 11, 11.) commanded the

Divitenses and Tungricani.[*](See xxvi. 6, 12.)

Accordingly, when the force had been more closely united in one, and with the speed of haste they had built a bridge over a small stream, the Romans, on seeing the savages at a distance, assailed them with arrows and other light missiles, which the enemy vigorously returned throw for throw.

But when the forces came to close quarters and fought with drawn swords, our men’s lines were broken by the foe’s fiercer onset, and found no means either of resisting or of acting bravely. And when they Severianus, who had been thrown from his horse and pierced through by a missile, they were all terrified and put to flight.

Lastly Charietto himself, by boldly opposing his body and by reproachful words, held back his retreating men, and by confidence caused by his long stand, tried to wipe out shame and disgrace; but fell pierced by a fatal shaft.

After his death the standard of the Eruli and Batavians was taken, which the barbarians with insulting cries and dancing with joy frequently raised on high and displayed, until after hard struggles it was recovered.

The news of this disaster was received with extreme grief, and Dagalaifus was sent from Paris to

make good the defeat; but since he delayed for a long time under pretext that it was impossible for him to attack the barbarians while they were scattered over various places, he was recalled a little later in order to receive the consular insignia with Gratianus,[*](Cf. xxvi. 9, 1.) who was still a private citizen. Then Jovinus, commander of the cavalry, was appointed to the task, and after being most thoroughly equipped and prepared, carefully guarding both wings of his army, he arrived near a place called Scarponna;[*](Now Charpeigne on the Moselle.) there he suddenly fell upon a great throng of the savages, took them by surprise before they could arm themselves, and in a short time utterly annihilated them.

Then he led on his soldiers, rejoicing in the glory of this bloodless victory, to destroy the second division of the enemy; and the glorious leader was advancing slowly, when he learned from a trustworthy scouting party, that after plundering the neighbouring farmhouses a predatory band was resting near the river.[*](The Moselle.) On coming nearer, and being hidden in a valley concealed by a thick growth of trees, he saw that some were bathing, others were reddening their hair after their national custom,[*](Cf. Suet. Calig. 47. So also the Roman women of early times, Val. Max. ii. 1, 5; Diod. Sic. v. 28, 1.) and still others were drinking.

So taking advantage of this most favourable time, he suddenly gave the signal with the clarions and broke into the robbers’ camp, while on the other hand the Germans, merely uttering boastfully vain threats and shouts, were pressed so hard by the victor that they could not gather up their arms, which were lying about here and there, nor form in line, nor rally for a stout resistance. Therefore most of them fell, run through by pikes and swords, except such as took to their

heels and found shelter on the winding and narrow paths.

His confidence now increased by this successful stroke, the result of both valour and good fortune, Jovinus led on his soldiers, sending ahead an efficient scouting party, and hastily advanced against the remaining third division; and when by a rapid march he came near Châlons,[*](Châlons-sur-Marne.) he found the enemy fully ready for battle.

Having measured off a stockade to suit the conditions, and refreshed his men with food and sleep, so far as time allowed, at the first coming of dawn he drew up his line of battle in the open plain; and he extended it with such skilful art, that the Romans, who were inferior in number (though equal in strength), by occupying a greater space appeared to be as numerous as the enemy.[*](Cf. xxiv. 1, 3.)