Res Gestae

Ammianus Marcellinus

Ammianus Marcellinus. Ammianus Marcellinus, with an English translation, Vols. I-III. Rolfe, John C., translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; W. Heinemann, 1935-1940 (printing).

And while the flanks were strongly protected and the army, as the nature of the ground made necessary, advanced in square formation, but with the battalions in open order, it was reported to the emperor, who even then unarmed had gone forward to reconnoitre, that the rear guard[*](Arma cogentium = agmen cogentium, with arma = armatos, as often in Ammianus. Cf. xvi. 2, 10, where arma cogentes probably has the same meaning as arma cogentium in this passage.) had suddenly been attacked from behind.

Excited by the misfortune, he forgot his coatof- mail,[*](Zonaras (xiii. 13, B) says that he had taken it off because of its weight and the excessive heat.) and merely caught up a shield in the confusion; but as he was hastening to bring aid to those in the rear, he was recalled by another danger— the news that the van, which he had just left, was just as badly off.

While he was hastening to restore order there without regard to his own peril, a Parthian band of mailed cavalry on another side attacked the centre companies, and quickly overflowed the left wing, which gave way, since our men could hardly endure the smell and trumpeting of the elephants, they were trying to end the battle with

pikes and volleys of arrows.

But while the emperor rushed hither and thither amid the foremost ranks of the combatants, our light-armed forces leaped forth upon them, and as the Persians turned in flight, they hacked at their legs and backs, and those of the elehants.

Julian, careless of his own safety, shouting and raising his hands tried to make it clear to his men that the enemy had fled in disorder, and, to rouse them to a still more furious pursuit, rushed boldly into the fight. His guards,[*](See Index II., vol. i, s.v. candidati; cf. xv. 5, 16.) who had scattered in their alarm, were crying to him from all sides to get clear of the mass of fugitives, as dangerous as the fall of a badly built roof, when suddenly—no one knows whence[*](Libanius said that he was killed by some Christian in his own army, but some other writers agree with Ammianus.) —a cavalryman’s spear grazed the skin of his arm, pierced his ribs, and lodged in the lower lobe of his liver.

While he was trying to pluck this out with his right hand, he felt that the sinews of his fingers were cut through on both sides by the sharp steel. Then he fell from his horse, all present hastened to the spot, he was taken to camp and given medical treatment.

And soon, as the pain diminished somewhat, he ceased to fear, and fighting with great spirit against death, he called for his arms and his horse in order by his return to the fight to restore the confidence of his men, and troubling nothing about himself, to show that he was filled with great anxiety for the safety of the others; with the same vigour, though under different conditions, with which the famous leader Epaminondas, when mortally wounded at Mantinia and carried from the field, took particular care to ask for his shield.[*](Val. Max. iii. 2, ext.; Just. vi. 11, 8; of. Nepos, Epam. 9, 3.) And

when he saw it near him, he died of his terrible wound, happy; for he who gave up his life without fear dreaded the loss of his shield.