Res Gestae

Ammianus Marcellinus

Ammianus Marcellinus. Ammianus Marcellinus, with an English translation, Vols. I-III. Rolfe, John C., translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; W. Heinemann, 1935-1940 (printing).

Those emperors, indeed, their own desire, inclined as they were to lofty enterprises, drove to undertake noteworthy exploits, but we are urged on to our present purpose by the pitiful fate of recently captured cities, by the unavenged shades of armies destroyed, by the great disasters that have been suffered, and by the loss of many a camp. For everybody’s desires are one with ours to make good the past and give strength to our country by making this side of her domain safe, and thus leave to future generations material for singing our praises.

Everywhere shall I, with the help of the eternal deity, be by your side, as emperor, as leader, and as fellow horseman,[*](antesignanus et conturmalis seems to imply playing the part now of a leader of the infantry and now of the cavalry.) and (as I think) under favourable auspices. But if fickle fortune should overthrow me in any battle, I shall be content with having sacrificed myself for the Roman world, after the

example of the Curtii[*](Cf. Livy, vii. 6, 1 ff.) and Mucii[*](Cf. Livy, ii. 12.) of old and the noble family of the Decii.[*](See xvi. 10, 3.) We must wipe out a most mischievous nation, on whose sword-blades the blood of our kinsmen is not yet dry.

Our forefathers spent many ages in eradicating whatever caused them trouble. Carthage was conquered in a long and difficult war, but our distinguished leader[*](Scipio Aemilianus; cf. Seneca, Dial. xi. 14, 5, quid referam Aemilianum Scipionem . . . vir in hoc natus, ne urbi Romanae aut Scipio deesset aut Carthago superesset. ) feared that she might survive the victory. Scipio utterly destroyed Numantia,[*](Cf. Florus, i. 24, 18. The siege lasted, with interruptions, for thirteen years.) after undergoing many vicissitudes in its siege. Rome laid Fidenae[*](Cf. Livy, iv. 17 ff.) low, in order that no rivals of her power might grow up, and for that same reason crushed Falerii and Veil;[*](Cf. Livy, v. 25-27.) and even trustworthy ancient histories would have difficulty in convincing us that those cities were ever powerful.[*](Cf. Flor. i. 6, 11, laborat annalium fides, ut Veios fuisse credamus, Our trust in our annals has a difficult task to make us believe that Veii ever existed. Florus, L.C.L., p. 41.)

This I have set forth from my knowledge of ancient records; it remains for each of you, putting aside the desire for plunder, which has often tempted the Roman soldier, to keep with the army on its march, and when battle must be joined, to follow each his own standard, remembering that if anyone falls behind, he will be left hamstrung.[*](In this way the Persians disabled prisoners for whom they had no use; cf. xix. 6, 2; xxxi. 7, 13; so also the Romans, xvii. 13, 10; xxv. 3, 5.) For I fear nothing, save the craft and treachery of the over-cunning enemy.

Finally, I promise one and all that when, after this, affairs

shall be brought to a successful conclusion, waiving all prior rights of princes, who by reason of their full powers think that whatever they have said or resolved is just, I will give to anyone who demands it an account of what has been rightly or wrongly undertaken.

Therefore rouse, I pray you, at once rouse your courage, both in the anticipation of great success, since you will undergo whatever difficulty arises on equal terms with me, and with the conviction that victory must always attend the just cause.

After the speech had been brought to this most welcome conclusion, the warriors, exulting in the fame of their leader, and still more greatly fired with the hope of success, lifted their shields on high and cried that nothing would be dangerous or difficult under a leader who imposed more toil upon himself than on the common soldiers.

In particular, the Gallic troops showed this feeling by joyful shouts, remembering how often under his command, and as he ran about from company to company, they had seen some nations overcome and others reduced to entreaties.

Affairs have reached a point where I am led in a rapid digression to explain the topography of the Persian kingdom, carefully compiled from the descriptions of the nations, in only a few of which the truth has been told, and that barely. My

account, however, will be a little fuller, which will be to the advantage of complete knowledge. For anyone who aims at extreme brevity in telling of the unknown tries to discover what he ought to leave out rather than what he may explain more clearly.

This kingdom, which was once small and for reasons which we have often given was called before by various names, after the fates had taken off Alexander the Great at Babylon, took its name from the Parthian Arsaces,[*](I.e. were called Parthians; see Justinus, xli. 4, 6 f.) a man of low birth; he had been a brigand chief during his younger days, but since his ideals gradually changed for the better, by a series of brilliant exploits he rose to greater heights.

After many glorious and valiant deeds, and after he had conquered Seleucus Nicator,[*](It was not Seleucus Nicator, but Seleucus II., Callinicus, the fourth king after Nikator, who was conquered by Arsaces; see Justinus, xli. 4, 9.) successor of the said Alexander, on whom his many victories had conferred that surname,[*](Nicator (cf. xiv. 8, 5) means the victorious. ) and had driven out the Macedonian garrisons, he passed his life in quiet peace, and was a mild ruler and judge of his subjects.

Finally, after all the neighbouring lands had been brought under his rule, by force, by regard for justice, or by fear, and he had filled Persia with cities, with fortified camps, and with strongholds, and to all the neighbouring peoples, which she had previously feared, he had made her a constant cause of dread, he died a peaceful death in middle life. And nobles and commons rivalling each other in agreement, he was placed among the stars according to the sacred custom of their country; and (as they believe) he was the first of all to be so honoured.

Hence to this very day the over-boastful kings of that race suffer themselves to be called brothers of the Sun and Moon, and just as for our emperors the

title of Augustus is beloved and coveted, so to the Parthian kings, who were formerly low and obscure, there fell the very greatest increase in distinction, won by the happy auspices of Arsaces.

Hence they venerate and worship Arsaces as a god, and their regard for him has been carried so far, that even down to the memory of our time only a man who is of the stock of Arsaces (if there is one anywhere) is preferred to all in mounting the throne. Even in any civil strife, which constantly arises among them, everyone avoids as sacrilege the lifting of his hand against an Arsacid, whether he is bearing arms or is a private citizen.

It is well known that this nation, after vanquishing many peoples by its power, extended its domain as far as the Propontis and Thrace,[*](Cf. xxv. 4, 23.) but through the arrogance of its haughty leaders, who lawlessly extended their raids to a great distance, it was weakened by severe losses: first through Cyrus, who crossed the Bosporus with an army of incredible size, but was completely annihilated by the Scythian queen Tomyris, the fierce avenger of her sons.[*](Cf. Hdt. i. 214; Just. i. 8, 9 ff.)

Later, when Darius, and after him Xerxes, changed the use of the elements[*](Of water, when he bridged the Hellespont; of land, when he cut a canal through the Athos promontory.) and attacked Greece, almost all their forces were destroyed by land and sea, and they themselves barely found a safe return; not to mention the wars of Alexander and the passing by his will and testament of the whole nation to the jurisdiction of a single successor.[*](There is no mention of this will in Curtius, Arrian, or Diodorus Siculus.)


After this was done and a long time had passed, during which the Roman commonwealth was governed by consuls and later brought under the sway of the Caesars, these nations carried on wars with us from time to time, and sometimes the contest was equal, at other times they were conquered, and occasionally they came off victorious.

I shall now describe the lie of the land—so far as my purpose allows—briefly and succinctly. These regions extend to a wide area in length and breadth,[*](For its extent under Cyrus, see Xen., Cyrop. viii. 7, 7; cf. i. 1, 4: under Darius Hystaspes, Hdt. iii. 88.) and run all along the Persian Gulf, which has many islands and peoples all round. The entrance to this sea (they say) is so narrow that from Harmoz, the promontory of Carmania, the other headland opposite it, which the natives call Maces, may be seen without difficulty.

After one has passed through this narrow strait, a wide expanse of sea opens, which is favourable to navigation as far as the city of Teredon,[*](In Babylonia.) where after many losses the Euphrates mingles with the deep.[*](It unites with the Tigris before flowing into the sea. The losses are diminution of its waters, and in the speed of their flow, because of alluvial deposits.) The entire gulf is bounded by a shore of 20,000 stadia, which is rounded as if turned on a lathe. All along the coast is a throng of cities and villages, and many ships sail to and fro.

After passing the strait which has been mentioned, one comes to the bay of Carmania facing the east. Then, a long distance to the south, the bay of Canthicus opens, and not far off is another, called Chalites, facing the setting sun. Next, after one has skirted many islands,

few of which are well known, those bays unite with the Indian ocean, which is first of all to receive the glowing sun when it rises, and is itself also exceedingly warm.