Res Gestae

Ammianus Marcellinus

Ammianus Marcellinus. Ammianus Marcellinus, with an English translation, Vols. I-III. Rolfe, John C., translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; W. Heinemann, 1935-1940 (printing).

For Apodemius, of the imperial secret service, who, as we have said,[*](Cf. xv. 5, 8; xiv. 11, 19.) showed unbridled eagerness for the death of Silvanus and Gallus, was burned alive, as well as Paulus the notary, surnamed Catena,[*](The Chain, or Fetter; cf. xiv. 5, 6.) a man to be mentioned by many with groans, who thus met the fate which was to have been hoped for.

Eusebius besides, who had been made Constantius’ grand chamberlain, a man full of pride and cruelty, was condemned to death by the judges. This man, who had been raised from the lowest station to a position which enabled him almost to give orders like those of the emperor himself,[*](See xviii. 4, 3, and Introd., p. xxxvi.) and in consequence had become intolerable, Adrastia, the judge of human acts,[*](Cf. xiv. 11, 25.) had plucked by the ear (as the saying is) and warned him to live with more restraint; and when he demurred, she threw him headlong, as if from a lofty cliff.

After this the emperor turned his attention to the palace attendants, and dismissed all who belonged to that class or could be included in it, but not

like a philosopher claiming to research into truth.

For he might have been commended if he had at least retained some, few though they were, who were of modest behaviour or known to be of virtuous character. But it must be admitted that the major part of those creatures maintained a vast nursery of all the vices, to such a degree that they infected the state with evil passions, and rather by their example than by their license in wrong-doing injured many.

For some of them, fattened on the robbery of temples and scenting out gain from every source, on being raised from abject poverty at one bound to enormous wealth, knew no limit to bribery, robbery, and extravagance, always accustomed as they were to seize the property of others.