Res Gestae

Ammianus Marcellinus

Ammianus Marcellinus. Ammianus Marcellinus, with an English translation, Vols. I-III. Rolfe, John C., translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; W. Heinemann, 1935-1940 (printing).

Amid this state of suspense the envoys Theolaifus and Aligildus, who had been sent to him,[*](Cf. xxi. 15, 4.) suddenly appeared and reported the death of Constantius, adding that with his last words he had made Julian the successor to his power.

On learning this, and being now saved from the fret of dangers and the throes of war’s anxieties, he was hugely elated. And now believing in the prophecies, and knowing by experience that speed had often been helpful to his enterprises, he ordered a march into Thrace, quickly broke camp, and passing the slope of Succi,[*](Cf. xxi. 10, 2.) made for Philippopolis,[*](See xxi. 10, 3, note.) the ancient Eumolpias, followed with eager step by all who were under his command.

For they perceived that the throne, which they were on their way to usurp in the face of the greatest dangers, had beyond their hope been granted to him by the ordinary course of law. And as rumour is wont to exaggerate all novelties, he hastened on from there, now raised still higher, as though in some chariot of Triptolemus,[*](It was drawn by winged dragons and given to him by Ceres, to carry a knowledge of agriculture through the world. See Hygin. Fab. 147; Ovid, Metam. v. 641 ff.) which the poets of old, because of its swift turnings, represented as drawn through the air by winged

dragons; and dreaded by land and sea and opposed by no delays, he entered Heraclea, also called Perinthus.

When this was presently known at Constantinople, all ages and sexes poured forth, as if to look upon someone sent down from heaven. And so he was met on the eleventh of December with the respectful attendance of the senate and the unanimous applause of the people, and surrounded by troups of soldiers and citizens he was escorted as if by an army in line of battle, while all eyes were turned upon him, not only with a fixed gaze, but also with great admiration.

For it seemed almost like a dream that this young man, just come to his growth,[*](He was 31 years old.) of small stature but conspicuous for great deeds, after the bloodstained destruction of kings and nations had passed from city to city with unlooked-for speed; that increasing in power and strength wherever he went, he had easily seized upon all places as swiftly as rumour flies, and finally had received the imperial power, bestowed upon him by Heaven’s nod without any loss to the state.

Shortly after this Salutius Secundus was raised to the rank of praetorian prefect,[*](Of the Orient.) and given, as a trustworthy official, the chief oversight of the inquisitions that were to be set on foot; and with him were associated Mamertinus,[*](xxi. 10, 8.) Arbitio,[*](xvi. 6, 1; xx. 2, 2.) Agilo,[*](xx. 2, 5.) and Nevitta,[*](xxi. 10, 8.) and also Jovinus,[*](xxi. 8, 3; 12, 2.) lately advanced to be commander of the cavalry in Illyricum.