Res Gestae

Ammianus Marcellinus

Ammianus Marcellinus. Ammianus Marcellinus, with an English translation, Vols. I-III. Rolfe, John C., translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; W. Heinemann, 1935-1940 (printing).

In early times Egypt is said to have had three provinces: Egypt proper, Thebais, and Libya. To these later times have added two: Augustamnica being taken from Egypt, and Pentapolis from the dryer part of Libya.

Now Thebais has these among cities that are especially famous: Hermopolis, Coptos and Antinoü,[*](I.e. Antinoü(polis), also called Antinupolis (see xviii, 9, 1). Antinupolis was not actually founded by Hadrian, but he enbellished and renamed it.) which Hadrian founded[*](I.e. Antinoü(polis), also called Antinupolis (see xviii, 9, 1). Antinupolis was not actually founded by Hadrian, but he enbellished and renamed it.) in honour of his favourite Antinoiis; for hundred-gated Thebes[*](Cf. xvii. 4, 2.) everyone knows.

In Augustamnica is the famous city of Pelusium, which Peleus, the father of Achilles, is said to have founded, being bidden by order of the gods to purify himself in the lake which washes the walls of that city, when after the murder of his brother, Phocus by name, he was hounded by the dread forms of the furies;[*](All other writers say that Peleus was banished by his father Aeacus, and fled to Eurytus, son of Actor, who purified him; cf. Diod. Sic. iv. 72, 6.) also Cassium,[*](Also called Casium and containing a temple of Jupiter Casius. He was also worshipped in Syria; cf. 14, 4, above.) where is the tomb of Pompey the Great, and Ostracine, and Rhinocorura.

In Pentapolis-Libya is Cyrene, an ancient city, but deserted, founded by the Spartan Battus,[*](Cf. Hdt. iv. 150 ff.; Strabo, xvii. 3, 21. The founder is sometimes called Aristaeus (Just. xiii. 7, 1).) and Ptolemais, and Arsinoe, also called Teuchira, and

Darnis and Berenice, which two they call Hesperidae

But in dry Libya are Paraetonion, Chaerecla, Neapolis, and a few small towns.