Res Gestae

Ammianus Marcellinus

Ammianus Marcellinus. Ammianus Marcellinus, with an English translation, Vols. I-III. Rolfe, John C., translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; W. Heinemann, 1935-1940 (printing).

Aroused by this news, Constantius left his winter quarters as speedily as pos- sible, in order to act from nearer at hand and so be able to anticipate the coming attempts. He gathered from all sides cavalry and the flower of his infantry, on which he relied, and crossing the Euphrates by Capersana[*](Cf. xviii. 8, 1.) on a bridge of boats, proceeded to Edessa, a city strongly fortified and well supplied with provisions; there he waited for a

time, until scouts or deserters should give information of the moving of the enemy’s camp.

Meanwhile Julian, leaving Augst after finishing the business of which we have already spoken, sent Sallustius,[*](Consul with Julian in 363; see xxiii. 1, 1.) who had been advanced to the rank of prefect, back to Gaul, bidding Germanianus take the place of Nebridius;[*](Cf. ch. 5, 11, above.) he also made Nevitta commander of the cavalry,[*](That this was Nevitta’s rank is shown in § 3, below. It is rather a loose use of magister armorum. ) fearing Gomoarius[*](Cf. xx. 9, 5.) as an old-time traitor, who (as he had heard), when leading the targeteers, secretly betrayed his prince, Veteranio. To Jovius, of whom I made mention in connection with the actions of Magnentius,[*](In a lost book.) he gave the quaestorship, and to Mamertinus the charge of the sacred largesses; he put Dagalaifus in command of the household troops, and assigned many others, whose services and loyalty he knew, to military commands on his own authority.

He intended then to make his way through the Marcian woods[*](The Black Forest.) and along the roads near the banks of the river Danube, but being exceedingly uncertain amid the sudden changes of events, he feared lest his small retinue might bring him into contempt and lead the populace to oppose him.