Res Gestae

Ammianus Marcellinus

Ammianus Marcellinus. Ammianus Marcellinus, with an English translation, Vols. I-III. Rolfe, John C., translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; W. Heinemann, 1935-1940 (printing).

Near these are Aix-en-Provence, Nice, Antibes, and the Isles d’Hyères.

And since we have reached these parts in the course of our work, it would be unfitting and absurd to say nothing of the Rhone, a river of the greatest celebrity. Rising in the Pennine Alps from a plenteous store of springs, the Rhone flows in headlong course towards more level places. It hides its banks with its own stream[*](That is, it receives no tributaries, yet fills its channel full.) and bursts into the lagoon called Lake Leman. This it flows through, nowhere mingling with the water outside, but gliding along the surface of the less active water on either hand, it seeks an outlet and forces a way for itself by its swift onset.

From there without any loss of volume it flows through[*](Really between. ) Savoy and the Seine Province,[*](Maxima Sequanorum.) and, after going on for a long distance, it grazes the Viennese Province on the left side and the Lyonnese on the right side. Next, after describing many meanders, it receives the Arar,

which they call the Sauconna,[*](Saône.) flowing between Upper Germany and the Seine Province, and gives it its own name. This point is the beginning of Gaul, and from there they measure distances, not in miles but in leagues.

After this the Rhone, enriched by the tributary waters of the Isère, carries very large craft, which are frequently wont to be tossed by gales of wind, and having finished the bounds which nature has set for it, its foaming waters are mingled with the Gallic Sea through a broad bay which they call Ad Gradus[*](The Gulf of Lyons; of. Grau-du-Roi.) at about the eighteenth milestone distant from Arles. Let this suffice for the topography of the region; I shall now describe the appearance and manners of its people.

Almost all the Gauls are of tall stature, fair and ruddy, terrible for the fierceness of their eyes, fond of quarrelling, and of overbearing insolence. In fact, a whole band of foreigners will be unable to cope with one of them in a fight, if he call in his wife, stronger than he by far and with flashing eyes; least of all when she swells her neck and gnashes her teeth, and poising her huge white arms, proceeds to rain punches mingled with kicks, like shots discharged by the twisted cords of a catapult.

The voices of most of them are formidable and threatening, alike when they are good-natured or angry. But all of them with equal care keep clean and neat, and in those districts, particularly in Aquitania, no man or woman can be seen, be she never

so poor, in soiled and ragged clothing, as elsewhere.

All ages are most fit for military service, and the old man marches out on a campaign with a courage equal to that of the man in the prime of life; since his limbs are toughened by cold and constant toil, and he will make light of many formidable dangers. Nor does anyone of them, for dread of the service of Mars, cut off his thumb, as in Italy[*](Cf. Suet., Aug. 24, 1.) : there they call such men murci, or cowards.

It is a race greedy for wine, devising numerous drinks similar to wine, and some among them of the baser sort, with wits dulled by continual drunkenness (which Cato’s saying pronounced a voluntary kind of madness) rush about in aimless revels, so that those words seem true which Cicero spoke when defending Fonteius[*](Ammianus is the only source for these words.) : The Gauls henceforth will drink wine mixed with water, which they once thought poison.

These regions, and especially those bordering on Italy, came gradually and with slight effort under the dominion of Rome; they were first essayed by Fulvius,[*](M. Fulvius Flaccus; see Index and cf. Livy, Periochae, lx. and lxi.) then undermined in petty battles by Sextius,[*](C. Sextius Calvinus; see Index and cf. Livy, Periocha, lxi.) and finally subdued by Fabius Maximus,[*](In 121 B.C.) on whom the full completion of this business (when he had vanquished the formidable tribe of the Allobroges)[*](In 121 B.C.) conferred that surname.[*](Allobrogicus.)

Now the whole of Gaul (except where, as the authority of Sallust[*](Hist.i. 11, Maurenbrecher.) informs us, it was impassable with marshes), after losses on both sides during ten years of war the dictator Caesar subdued and joined to us in an

everlasting covenant of alliance. I have digressed too far, but I shall at last return to my subject.