Res Gestae

Ammianus Marcellinus

Ammianus Marcellinus. Ammianus Marcellinus, with an English translation, Vols. I-III. Rolfe, John C., translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; W. Heinemann, 1935-1940 (printing).

At that same time Serenianus, a former general, through whose inefficiency Celse in Phoenicia had been pillaged, as we have described,[*](In a lost book.) was justly and legally tried for high treason, and it was doubtful by what favour he could be acquitted; for it was clearly proved that he had enchanted by forbidden arts a cap which he used to wear, and sent a friend of his with it to a prophetic shrine, to seek for omens as to whether the imperial power was destined to be firmly and safely his, as he desired.

At that time a twofold evil befell, in that an awful fate took off Theophilus, who was innocent, and Serenianus, who was deserving of universal execration, got off scotfree, almost without any strong public protest.

Constantius, hearing of these events from time to time, and being informed of some things by Thalassius,[*](See ch. i. 10, above.) who, as he had now learned, had died a natural death, wrote in flattering terms to the Caesar, but gradually withdrew from him his means of defence. He pretended to be anxious, since soldiers are apt to be disorderly in times of inaction, lest they might conspire for Gallus’ destruction, and bade him be satisfied with the palace troops only[*](The Scholae Palatinae were the divisions of the household or court troops, a corps of 3500 men: protectores, domestici, gentiles, scutarii and armaturae. The protectores, guards, were a body of troops with the rank of officers, also called domestici. The scutarii (targeteers) took their name from their equipment. The gentiles were a cavalry troop enlisted from foreigners: Scythians, Goths, Franks, Germans, etc.) and those of the guards, besides the Targeteers and the Household troops. He further ordered Domitianus, a former state treasurer,[*](See Introd., p. xl.) and now prefect, that when he came into Syria, he should politely and respectfully urge Gallus, whom he had frequently

summoned, to hasten to return to Italy.

But when Domitianus had quickened his pace because of these instructions and had come to Antioch, passing by the gates of the palace in contempt of the Caesar, on whom he ought to have called, he went to the general’s quarters with the usual pomp, and having for a long time pleaded illness, he neither entered the palace nor appeared in public, but remaining in hiding he made many plots for Gallus’ ruin, adding some superfluous details to the reports which from time to time he sent to the emperor.

At last, being invited to the palace and admitted to the council,[*](I.e. the local consistorium of Gallus.) without any preliminary remarks he said inconsiderately and coolly: Depart, Caesar and know that, if you delay, I shall at once order your supplies and those of your palace to be cut off. Having said only this in an insolent tone, he went off in a passion, and although often sent for, he never afterwards came into Gallus’ presence.

Caesar, angered at this and feeling that such treatment was unjust and undeserved, ordered his faithful guards[*](See note, p. 56.) to arrest the prefect. When this became known, Montius, who was then quaestor,[*](Corresponding in the court of Gallus to the quaestor sacri palatii of the emperor.) a spirited man but somewhat inclined to moderate measures, having in view the public welfare, sent for the foremost members of the palace troops and addressed them in mild terms, pointing out that such conduct was neither seemly nor expedient and adding in a tone of reproof that if they approved of this course, it would be fitting

first to overthrow the statues of Constantius and then plan with less anxiety for taking the life of the prefect.