

Ovid. Metamorphoses. More, Brookes, translator. Boston: Cornhill Publishing Co., 1922.

  1. While these events according to the laws
  2. of destiny occurred, and while the child,
  3. the twice-born Bacchus, in his cradle lay,
  4. 'Tis told that Jupiter, a careless hour,
  5. indulged too freely in the nectar cup;
  6. and having laid aside all weighty cares,
  7. jested with Juno as she idled by.
  8. Freely the god began; “Who doubts the truth?
  9. The female's pleasure is a great delight,
  10. much greater than the pleasure of a male.”
  11. Juno denied it; wherefore 'twas agreed
  12. to ask Tiresias to declare the truth,
  13. than whom none knew both male and female joys:
  14. for wandering in a green wood he had seen
  15. two serpents coupling; and he took his staff
  16. and sharply struck them, till they broke and fled.
  17. 'Tis marvelous, that instant he became
  18. a woman from a man, and so remained
  19. while seven autumns passed. When eight were told,
  20. again he saw them in their former plight,
  21. and thus he spoke; “Since such a power was wrought,
  22. by one stroke of a staff my sex was changed—
  23. again I strike!” And even as he struck
  24. the same two snakes, his former sex returned;
  25. his manhood was restored.—
  26. as both agreed
  27. to choose him umpire of the sportive strife,
  28. he gave decision in support of Jove;
  29. from this the disappointment Juno felt
  30. surpassed all reason, and enraged, decreed
  31. eternal night should seal Tiresias' eyes.—
  32. immortal Deities may never turn
  33. decrees and deeds of other Gods to naught,
  34. but Jove, to recompense his loss of sight,
  35. endowed him with the gift of prophecy.
  1. Tiresias' fame of prophecy was spread
  2. through all the cities of Aonia,
  3. for his unerring answers unto all
  4. who listened to his words. And first of those
  5. that harkened to his fateful prophecies,
  6. a lovely Nymph, named Liriope, came
  7. with her dear son, who then fifteen, might seem
  8. a man or boy—he who was born to her
  9. upon the green merge of Cephissus' stream—
  10. that mighty River-God whom she declared
  11. the father of her boy.—
  12. she questioned him.
  13. Imploring him to tell her if her son,
  14. unequalled for his beauty, whom she called
  15. Narcissus, might attain a ripe old age.
  16. To which the blind seer answered in these words,
  17. “If he but fail to recognize himself,
  18. a long life he may have, beneath the sun,”—
  19. so, frivolous the prophet's words appeared;
  20. and yet the event, the manner of his death,
  21. the strange delusion of his frenzied love, confirmed it.
  22. Three times five years so were passed.
  23. Another five-years, and the lad might seem
  24. a young man or a boy. And many a youth,
  25. and many a damsel sought to gain his love;
  26. but such his mood and spirit and his pride,
  27. none gained his favour.
  28. Once a noisy Nymph,
  29. (who never held her tongue when others spoke,
  30. who never spoke till others had begun)
  31. mocking Echo, spied him as he drove,
  32. in his delusive nets, some timid stags.—
  33. for Echo was a Nymph, in olden time,—
  34. and, more than vapid sound,—possessed a form:
  35. and she was then deprived the use of speech,
  36. except to babble and repeat the words,
  37. once spoken, over and over.
  38. Juno confused
  39. her silly tongue, because she often held
  40. that glorious goddess with her endless tales,
  41. till many a hapless Nymph, from Jove's embrace,
  42. had made escape adown a mountain. But
  43. for this, the goddess might have caught them. Thus
  44. the glorious Juno, when she knew her guile;
  45. “Your tongue, so freely wagged at my expense,
  46. shall be of little use; your endless voice,
  47. much shorter than your tongue.” At once the Nymph
  48. was stricken as the goddess had decreed;—
  49. and, ever since, she only mocks the sounds
  50. of others' voices, or, perchance, returns
  51. their final words.
  52. One day, when she observed
  53. Narcissus wandering in the pathless woods,
  54. she loved him and she followed him, with soft
  55. and stealthy tread.—The more she followed him
  56. the hotter did she burn, as when the flame
  57. flares upward from the sulphur on the torch.
  58. Oh, how she longed to make her passion known!
  59. To plead in soft entreaty! to implore his love!
  60. But now, till others have begun, a mute
  61. of Nature she must be. She cannot choose
  62. but wait the moment when his voice may give
  63. to her an answer.
  64. Presently the youth,
  65. by chance divided from his trusted friends,
  66. cries loudly, “Who is here?” and Echo, “Here!”
  67. Replies. Amazed, he casts his eyes around,
  68. and calls with louder voice, “Come here!” “Come here!”
  69. She calls the youth who calls.—He turns to see
  70. who calls him and, beholding naught exclaims,
  71. “Avoid me not!” “Avoid me not!” returns.
  72. He tries again, again, and is deceived
  73. by this alternate voice, and calls aloud;
  74. “Oh let us come together!” Echo cries,
  75. “Oh let us come together!” Never sound
  76. seemed sweeter to the Nymph, and from the woods
  77. she hastens in accordance with her words,
  78. and strives to wind her arms around his neck.
  79. He flies from her and as he leaves her says,
  80. “Take off your hands! you shall not fold your arms
  81. around me. Better death than such a one
  82. should ever caress me!” Naught she answers save,
  83. “Caress me!”
  84. Thus rejected she lies hid
  85. in the deep woods, hiding her blushing face
  86. with the green leaves; and ever after lives
  87. concealed in lonely caverns in the hills.
  88. But her great love increases with neglect;
  89. her miserable body wastes away,
  90. wakeful with sorrows; leanness shrivels up
  91. her skin, and all her lovely features melt,
  92. as if dissolved upon the wafting winds—
  93. nothing remains except her bones and voice—
  94. her voice continues, in the wilderness;
  95. her bones have turned to stone. She lies concealed
  96. in the wild woods, nor is she ever seen
  97. on lonely mountain range; for, though we hear
  98. her calling in the hills, 'tis but a voice,
  99. a voice that lives, that lives among the hills.
  100. Thus he deceived the Nymph and many more,
  101. sprung from the mountains or the sparkling waves;
  102. and thus he slighted many an amorous youth.—
  103. and therefore, some one whom he once despised,
  104. lifting his hands to Heaven, implored the Gods,
  105. “If he should love deny him what he loves!”
  106. and as the prayer was uttered it was heard
  107. by Nemesis, who granted her assent.
  108. There was a fountain silver-clear and bright,
  109. which neither shepherds nor the wild she-goats,
  110. that range the hills, nor any cattle's mouth
  111. had touched—its waters were unsullied—birds
  112. disturbed it not; nor animals, nor boughs
  113. that fall so often from the trees. Around
  114. sweet grasses nourished by the stream grew; trees
  115. that shaded from the sun let balmy airs
  116. temper its waters. Here Narcissus, tired
  117. of hunting and the heated noon, lay down,
  118. attracted by the peaceful solitudes
  119. and by the glassy spring. There as he stooped
  120. to quench his thirst another thirst increased.
  121. While he is drinking he beholds himself
  122. reflected in the mirrored pool—and loves;
  123. loves an imagined body which contains
  124. no substance, for he deems the mirrored shade
  125. a thing of life to love. He cannot move,
  126. for so he marvels at himself, and lies
  127. with countenance unchanged, as if indeed
  128. a statue carved of Parian marble. Long,
  129. supine upon the bank, his gaze is fixed
  130. on his own eyes, twin stars; his fingers shaped
  131. as Bacchus might desire, his flowing hair
  132. as glorious as Apollo's, and his cheeks
  133. youthful and smooth; his ivory neck, his mouth
  134. dreaming in sweetness, his complexion fair
  135. and blushing as the rose in snow-drift white.
  136. All that is lovely in himself he loves,
  137. and in his witless way he wants himself:—
  138. he who approves is equally approved;
  139. he seeks, is sought, he burns and he is burnt.
  140. And how he kisses the deceitful fount;
  141. and how he thrusts his arms to catch the neck
  142. that's pictured in the middle of the stream!
  143. Yet never may he wreathe his arms around
  144. that image of himself. He knows not what
  145. he there beholds, but what he sees inflames
  146. his longing, and the error that deceives
  147. allures his eyes. But why, O foolish boy,
  148. so vainly catching at this flitting form?
  149. The cheat that you are seeking has no place.
  150. Avert your gaze and you will lose your love,
  151. for this that holds your eyes is nothing save
  152. the image of yourself reflected back to you.
  153. It comes and waits with you; it has no life;
  154. it will depart if you will only go.
  1. Nor food nor rest can draw him thence—outstretched
  2. upon the overshadowed green, his eyes
  3. fixed on the mirrored image never may know
  4. their longings satisfied, and by their sight
  5. he is himself undone. Raising himself
  6. a moment, he extends his arms around,
  7. and, beckoning to the murmuring forest; “Oh,
  8. ye aisled wood was ever man in love
  9. more fatally than I? Your silent paths
  10. have sheltered many a one whose love was told,
  11. and ye have heard their voices. Ages vast
  12. have rolled away since your forgotten birth,
  13. but who is he through all those weary years
  14. that ever pined away as I? Alas,
  15. this fatal image wins my love, as I
  16. behold it. But I cannot press my arms
  17. around the form I see, the form that gives
  18. me joy. What strange mistake has intervened
  19. betwixt us and our love? It grieves me more
  20. that neither lands nor seas nor mountains, no,
  21. nor walls with closed gates deny our loves,
  22. but only a little water keeps us far
  23. asunder. Surely he desires my love
  24. and my embraces, for as oft I strive
  25. to kiss him, bending to the limpid stream
  26. my lips, so often does he hold his face
  27. fondly to me, and vainly struggles up.
  28. It seems that I could touch him. 'Tis a strange
  29. delusion that is keeping us apart.
  30. “Whoever thou art, Come up! Deceive me not!
  31. Oh, whither when I fain pursue art thou?
  32. Ah, surely I am young and fair, the Nymphs
  33. have loved me; and when I behold thy smiles
  34. I cannot tell thee what sweet hopes arise.
  35. When I extend my loving arms to thee
  36. thine also are extended me — thy smiles
  37. return my own. When I was weeping, I
  38. have seen thy tears, and every sign I make
  39. thou cost return; and often thy sweet lips
  40. have seemed to move, that, peradventure words,
  41. which I have never heard, thou hast returned.
  42. “No more my shade deceives me, I perceive
  43. 'Tis I in thee—I love myself—the flame
  44. arises in my breast and burns my heart—
  45. what shall I do? Shall I at once implore?
  46. Or should I linger till my love is sought?
  47. What is it I implore? The thing that I
  48. desire is mine—abundance makes me poor.
  49. Oh, I am tortured by a strange desire
  50. unknown to me before, for I would fain
  51. put off this mortal form; which only means
  52. I wish the object of my love away.
  53. Grief saps my strength, the sands of life are run,
  54. and in my early youth am I cut off;
  55. but death is not my bane—it ends my woe.—
  56. I would not death for this that is my love,
  57. as two united in a single soul
  58. would die as one.”
  59. He spoke; and crazed with love,
  60. returned to view the same face in the pool;
  61. and as he grieved his tears disturbed the stream,
  62. and ripples on the surface, glassy clear,
  63. defaced his mirrored form. And thus the youth,
  64. when he beheld that lovely shadow go;
  65. “Ah whither cost thou fly? Oh, I entreat
  66. thee leave me not. Alas, thou cruel boy
  67. thus to forsake thy lover. Stay with me
  68. that I may see thy lovely form, for though
  69. I may not touch thee I shall feed my eyes
  70. and soothe my wretched pains.” And while he spoke
  71. he rent his garment from the upper edge,
  72. and beating on his naked breast, all white
  73. as marble, every stroke produced a tint
  74. as lovely as the apple streaked with red,
  75. or as the glowing grape when purple bloom
  76. touches the ripening clusters.
  77. When as glass
  78. again the rippling waters smoothed, and when
  79. such beauty in the stream the youth observed,
  80. no more could he endure. As in the flame
  81. the yellow wax, or as the hoar-frost melts
  82. in early morning 'neath the genial sun;
  83. so did he pine away, by love consumed,
  84. and slowly wasted by a hidden flame.
  85. No vermeil bloom now mingled in the white
  86. of his complexion fair; no strength has he,
  87. no vigor, nor the comeliness that wrought
  88. for love so long: alas, that handsome form
  89. by Echo fondly loved may please no more.
  90. But when she saw him in his hapless plight,
  91. though angry at his scorn, she only grieved.
  92. As often as the love-lore boy complained,
  93. “Alas!” “Alas!” her echoing voice returned;
  94. and as he struck his hands against his arms,
  95. she ever answered with her echoing sounds.
  96. And as he gazed upon the mirrored pool
  97. he said at last, “Ah, youth beloved in vain!”
  98. “In vain, in vain!” the spot returned his words;
  99. and when he breathed a sad “farewell!” “Farewell!”
  100. sighed Echo too. He laid his wearied head,
  101. and rested on the verdant grass; and those
  102. bright eyes, which had so loved to gaze, entranced,
  103. on their own master's beauty, sad Night closed.
  104. And now although among the nether shades
  105. his sad sprite roams, he ever loves to gaze
  106. on his reflection in the Stygian wave.
  107. His Naiad sisters mourned, and having clipped
  108. their shining tresses laid them on his corpse:
  109. and all the Dryads mourned: and Echo made
  110. lament anew. And these would have upraised
  111. his funeral pyre, and waved the flaming torch,
  112. and made his bier; but as they turned their eyes
  113. where he had been, alas he was not there!
  114. And in his body's place a sweet flower grew,
  115. golden and white, the white around the gold.
  1. Narcissus' fate, when known throughout the land
  2. and cities of Achaia, added fame
  3. deserved, to blind Tiresias,—mighty seer.
  4. Yet Pentheus, bold despiser of the Gods,
  5. son of Echion, scoffed at all his praise,
  6. and, sole of man deriding the great seer,
  7. upbraided him his hapless loss of sight.
  8. And shaking his white temples, hoar with age.
  9. Tiresias of Pentheus prophesied,
  10. “Oh glad the day to thee, if, light denied,
  11. thine eyes, most fortunate, should not behold
  12. the Bacchanalian rites! The day will come,
  13. and soon the light will dawn, when Bacchus, born
  14. of Semele, shall make his advent known—
  15. all hail the new god Bacchus! Either thou
  16. must build a temple to this Deity,
  17. or shalt be torn asunder; thy remains,
  18. throughout the forest scattered, will pollute
  19. the wood with sanguinary streams; and thy
  20. life-blood bespatter with corrupting blots
  21. thy frenzied mother and her sisters twain.
  22. And all shall come to pass, as I have told,
  23. because thou wilt not honour the New God.
  24. And thou shalt wail and marvel at the sight
  25. of blind Tiresias, though veiled in night.”
  26. And as he spoke, lo, Pentheus drove the seer:
  27. but all his words, prophetic, were fulfilled,
  28. and confirmation followed in his steps.—
  29. Bacchus at once appears, and all the fields
  30. resound with shouts of everybody there.—
  31. men, brides and matrons, and a howling rout—
  32. nobles and commons and the most refined—
  33. a motley multitude—resistless borne
  34. to join those rites of Bacchus, there begun.
  35. Then Pentheus cries; “What madness, O ye brave
  36. descendants of the Dragon! Sons of Mars!
  37. What frenzy has confounded you? Can sounds
  38. of clanging brass prevail; and pipes and horns,
  39. and magical delusions, drunkenness,
  40. and yelling women, and obscene displays,
  41. and hollow drums, overcome you, whom the sword,
  42. nor troops of war, nor trumpet could affright?
  43. “How shall I wonder at these ancient men,
  44. who, crossing boundless seas from distant Tyre,
  45. hither transferred their exiled Household Gods,
  46. and founded a new Tyre; but now are shorn,
  47. and even as captives would be led away
  48. without appeal to Mars? And, O young men,
  49. of active prime whose vigor equals mine!
  50. Cast down your ivy scepters; take up arms;
  51. put on your helmets; strip your brows of leaves;
  52. be mindful of the mighty stock you are,
  53. and let your souls be animated with
  54. the spirit of that dauntless dragon, which,
  55. unaided, slew so many, and at last
  56. died to defend his fountain and his lake.—
  57. so ye may conquer in the hope of fame.
  58. “He gave the brave to death, but with your arms
  59. ye shall expel the worthless, and enhance
  60. the glory of your land. If Fate decree
  61. the fall of Thebes, Oh, let the engines
  62. of war and men pull down its walls, and let
  63. the clash of steel and roaring flames resound.
  64. Thus, blameless in great misery, our woes
  65. would be the theme of lamentations, known
  66. to story; and our tears would shame us not.
  67. “But now an unarmed boy will conquer Thebes:
  68. a lad whom neither weapons, wars nor steeds
  69. delight; whose ringlets reek with myrrh; adorned
  70. with chaplets, purple and embroidered robes
  71. of interwoven gold. Make way for me!
  72. And I will soon compel him to confess
  73. his father is assumed and all his rites
  74. are frauds.
  75. “If in days gone Acrisius
  76. so held this vain god in deserved contempt,
  77. and shut the Argive gates against his face,
  78. why, therefore, should not Pentheus close the gates
  79. of Thebes, with equal courage—Hence! Away!
  80. Fetch the vile leader of these rioters
  81. in chains! Let not my mandate be delayed.”
  82. Him to restrain his grandsire, Cadmus, strove;
  83. and Athamas, and many of his trusted friends
  84. united in vain efforts to rebuke
  85. his reckless rage; but greater violence
  86. was gained from every admonition.—
  87. his rage increased the more it was restrained,
  88. and injury resulted from his friends.
  89. So have I seen a stream in open course,
  90. run gently on its way with pleasant noise,
  91. but whensoever logs and rocks detained,
  92. it foamed, with violence increased, against
  93. obstruction.
  94. Presently returning came
  95. his servants stained with blood, to whom he said,
  96. “What have ye done with Bacchus?” And to him
  97. they made reply; “Not Bacchus have we seen,
  98. but we have taken his attendant lad,
  99. the chosen servant of his sacred rites.”
  100. And they delivered to the noble king,
  101. a youth whose hands were lashed behind his back.
  102. Then Pentheus, terrible in anger, turned
  103. his awful gaze upon the lad, and though
  104. he scarce deferred his doom, addressed him thus;
  105. “Doomed to destruction, thou art soon to give
  106. example to my people by thy death:
  107. tell me thy name; what are thy parents called;
  108. where is thy land; and wherefore art thou found
  109. attendant on these Bacchanalian rites.”
  1. But fearless he replied; “They call my name
  2. Acoetes; and Maeonia is the land
  3. from whence I came. My parents were so poor,
  4. my father left me neither fruitful fields,
  5. tilled by the lusty ox, nor fleecy sheep,
  6. nor lowing kine; for, he himself was poor,
  7. and with his hook and line was wont to catch
  8. the leaping fishes, landed by his rod.
  9. His skill was all his wealth. And when to me
  10. he gave his trade, he said, ‘You are the heir
  11. of my employment, therefore unto you
  12. all that is mine I give,’ and, at his death,
  13. he left me nothing but the running waves. —
  14. they are the sum of my inheritance.
  15. “And, afterwhile, that I might not be bound
  16. forever to my father's rocky shores,
  17. I learned to steer the keel with dextrous hand;
  18. and marked with watchful gaze the guiding stars;
  19. the watery Constellation of the Goat,
  20. Olenian, and the Bear, the Hyades,
  21. the Pleiades, the houses of the winds,
  22. and every harbour suitable for ships.
  23. “So chanced it, as I made for Delos, first
  24. I veered close to the shores of Chios: there
  25. I steered, by plying on the starboard oar,
  26. and nimbly leaping gained the sea-wet strand.
  27. “Now when the night was past and lovely dawn
  28. appeared, I,rose from slumber, and I bade
  29. my men to fetch fresh water, and I showed
  30. the pathway to the stream. Then did I climb
  31. a promontory's height, to learn from there
  32. the promise of the winds; which having done,
  33. I called the men and sought once more my ship.
  34. Opheltes, first of my companions, cried,
  35. ‘Behold we come!’ And, thinking he had caught
  36. a worthy prize in that unfruitful land,
  37. he led a boy, of virgin-beauty formed,
  38. across the shore.
  39. “Heavy with wine and sleep
  40. the lad appeared to stagger on his way,—
  41. with difficulty moving. When I saw
  42. the manner of his dress, his countenance
  43. and grace, I knew it was not mortal man,
  44. and being well assured, I said to them;
  45. ‘What Deity abideth in that form
  46. I cannot say; but 'tis a god in truth.—
  47. O whosoever thou art, vouchsafe to us
  48. propitious waters; ease our toils, and grant
  49. to these thy grace.’
  50. “At this, the one of all
  51. my mariners who was the quickest hand,
  52. who ever was the nimblest on the yards,
  53. and first to slip the ropes, Dictys exclaimed;
  54. ‘Pray not for us!’ and all approved his words.
  55. The golden haired, the guardian of the prow,
  56. Melanthus, Libys and Alcimedon
  57. approved it; and Epopeus who should urge
  58. the flagging spirits, and with rhythmic chants
  59. give time and measure to the beating oars,
  60. and all the others praised their leader's words,—
  61. so blind is greed of gain.—Then I rejoined,
  62. ‘Mine is the greatest share in this good ship,
  63. which I will not permit to be destroyed,
  64. nor injured by this sacred freight:’ and I
  65. opposed them as they came.
  66. “Then Lycabas,
  67. the most audacious of that impious crew,
  68. began to rage. He was a criminal,
  69. who, for a dreadful murder, had been sent
  70. in exile from a Tuscan city's gates.
  71. Whilst I opposed he gripped me by the throat,
  72. and shook me as would cast me in the deep,
  73. had I not firmly held a rope, half stunned:
  74. and all that wicked crew approved the deed.
  75. “Then Bacchus (be assured it was the God)
  76. as though the noise disturbed his lethargy
  77. from wine, and reason had regained its power,
  78. at last bespake the men, ‘What deeds are these?
  79. What noise assails my ears? What means decoyed
  80. my wandering footsteps? Whither do ye lead?’
  81. ‘Fear not,’ the steersman said, ‘but tell us fair
  82. the haven of your hope, and you shall land
  83. whereso your heart desires.’ ‘To Naxos steer,’
  84. Quoth Bacchus, ‘for it is indeed my home,
  85. and there the mariner finds welcome cheer.’
  86. Him to deceive, they pledged themselves, and swore
  87. by Gods of seas and skies to do his will:
  88. and they commanded me to steer that way.
  89. “The Isle of Naxos was upon our right;
  90. and when they saw the sails were set that way,
  91. they all began to shout at once, ‘What, ho!
  92. Thou madman! what insanity is this,
  93. Acoetes? Make our passage to the left.’
  94. And all the while they made their meaning known
  95. by artful signs or whispers in my ears.
  96. “I was amazed and answered, ‘Take the helm.’
  97. And I refused to execute their will,
  98. atrocious, and at once resigned command.
  99. Then all began to murmur, and the crew
  100. reviled me. Up Aethalion jumped and said,
  101. ‘As if our only safety is in you!’
  102. With this he swaggered up and took command;
  103. and leaving Naxos steered for other shores.
  104. “Then Bacchus, mocking them,—as if but then
  105. he had discovered their deceitful ways,—
  106. looked on the ocean from the rounded stern,
  107. and seemed to sob as he addressed the men;
  108. ‘Ah mariners, what alien shores are these?
  109. 'Tis not the land you promised nor the port
  110. my heart desires. For what have I deserved
  111. this cruel wrong? What honour can accrue
  112. if strong men mock a boy; a lonely youth
  113. if many should deceive?’ And as he spoke,
  114. I, also, wept to see their wickedness.
  115. “The impious gang made merry at our tears,
  116. and lashed the billows with their quickening oars.
  117. By Bacchus do I swear to you (and naught
  118. celestial is more potent) all the things
  119. I tell you are as true as they surpass
  120. the limit of belief. The ship stood still
  121. as if a dry dock held it in the sea.—
  122. “The wondering sailors laboured at the oars,
  123. and they unfurled the sails, in hopes to gain
  124. some headway, with redoubled energies;
  125. but twisting ivy tangled in the oars,
  126. and interlacing held them by its weight.
  127. And Bacchus in the midst of all stood crowned
  128. with chaplets of grape-leaves, and shook a lance
  129. covered with twisted fronds of leafy vines.
  130. Around him crouched the visionary forms
  131. of tigers, lynxes, and the mottled shapes
  132. of panthers.
  133. “Then the mariners leaped out,
  134. possessed by fear or madness. Medon first
  135. began to turn a swarthy hue, and fins
  136. grew outward from his flattened trunk,
  137. and with a curving spine his body bent.—
  138. then Lycabas to him, ‘What prodigy
  139. is this that I behold?’ Even as he spoke,
  140. his jaws were broadened and his nose was bent;
  141. his hardened skin was covered with bright scales.
  142. And Libys, as he tried to pull the oars,
  143. could see his own hands shrivel into fins;
  144. another of the crew began to grasp
  145. the twisted ropes, but even as he strove
  146. to lift his arms they fastened to his sides;—
  147. with bending body and a crooked back
  148. he plunged into the waves, and as he swam
  149. displayed a tail, as crescent as the moon.
  150. “Now here, now there, they flounce about the ship;
  151. they spray her decks with brine; they rise and sink;
  152. they rise again, and dive beneath the waves;
  153. they seem in sportive dance upon the main;
  154. out from their nostrils they spout sprays of brine;
  155. they toss their supple sides. And I alone,
  156. of twenty mariners that manned that ship,
  157. remained. A cold chill seized my limbs,—
  158. I was so frightened; but the gracious God
  159. now spake me fair, ‘Fear not and steer for Naxos.’
  160. And when we landed there I ministered
  161. on smoking altars Bacchanalian rites.”
  1. But Pentheus answered him: “A parlous tale,
  2. and we have listened to the dreary end,
  3. hoping our anger might consume its rage;—
  4. away with him! hence drag him, hurl him out,
  5. with dreadful torture, into Stygian night.”
  6. Quickly they seized and dragged Acoetes forth,
  7. and cast him in a dungeon triple-strong.
  8. And while they fixed the instruments of death,
  9. kindled the fires, and wrought the cruel irons,
  10. the legend says, though no one aided him,
  11. the chains were loosened and slipped off his arms;
  12. the doors flew open of their own accord.
  13. But Pentheus, long-persisting in his rage,
  14. not caring to command his men to go,
  15. himself went forth to Mount Cithaeron, where
  16. resound with singing and with shrilly note
  17. the votaries of Bacchus at their rites.
  18. As when with sounding brass the trumpeter
  19. alarms of war, the mettled charger neighs
  20. and scents the battle; so the clamored skies
  21. resounding with the dreadful outcries fret
  22. the wrath of Pentheus and his rage enflame.
  23. About the middle of the mount (with groves
  24. around its margin) was a treeless plain,
  25. where nothing might conceal. Here as he stood
  26. to view the sacred rites with impious eyes,
  27. his mother saw him first. She was so wrought
  28. with frenzy that she failed to know her son,
  29. and cast her thyrsus that it wounded him;
  30. and shouted, “Hi! come hither, Ho!
  31. Come hither my two sisters! a great boar
  32. hath strayed into our fields; come! see me strike
  33. and wound him!”
  34. As he fled from them in fright
  35. the raging multitude rushed after him;
  36. and, as they gathered round; in cowardice
  37. he cried for mercy and condemned himself,
  38. confessing he had sinned against a God.
  39. And as they wounded him he called his aunt;
  40. “Autonoe have mercy! Let the shade
  41. of sad Actaeon move thee to relent!”
  42. No pity moved her when she heard that name;
  43. in a wild frenzy she forgot her son.
  44. While Pentheus was imploring her, she tore
  45. his right arm out; her sister Ino wrenched
  46. the other from his trunk. He could not stretch
  47. his arms out to his mother, but he cried,
  48. “Behold me, mother!” When Agave saw,
  49. his bleeding limbs, torn, scattered on the ground,
  50. she howled, and tossed her head, and shook her hair
  51. that streamed upon the breeze; and when his head
  52. was wrenched out from his mangled corpse,
  53. she clutched it with her blood-smeared fingers, while
  54. she shouted, “Ho! companions! victory!
  55. The victory is ours!” So when the wind
  56. strips from a lofty tree its leaves, which touched
  57. by autumn's cold are loosely held, they fall
  58. not quicker than the wretch's bleeding limbs
  59. were torn asunder by their cursed hands.
  60. Now, frightened by this terrible event,
  61. the women of Ismenus celebrate
  62. the new Bacchantian rites; and they revere
  63. the sacred altars, heaped with frankincense.
  1. Alcithoe, daughter of King Minyas,
  2. consents not to the orgies of the God;
  3. denies that Bacchus is the son of Jove,
  4. and her two sisters join her in that crime.
  5. 'Twas festal-day when matrons and their maids,
  6. keeping it sacred, had forbade all toil.—
  7. And having draped their bosoms with wild skins,
  8. they loosed their long hair for the sacred wreaths,
  9. and took the leafy thyrsus in their hands;—
  10. for so the priest commanded them. Austere
  11. the wrath of Bacchus if his power be scorned.
  12. Mothers and youthful brides obeyed the priest;
  13. and putting by their wickers and their webs,
  14. dropt their unfinished toils to offer up
  15. frankincense to the God; invoking him
  16. with many names:—“O Bacchus! O Twice-born!
  17. O Fire-begot! Thou only child Twice-mothered!
  18. God of all those who plant the luscious grape!
  19. O Liber!” All these names and many more,
  20. for ages known—throughout the lands of Greece.
  21. “Thy youth is not consumed by wasting time;
  22. and lo, thou art an ever-youthful boy,
  23. most beautiful of all the Gods of Heaven,
  24. smooth as a virgin when thy horns are hid.—
  25. The distant east to tawny India's clime,
  26. where rolls remotest Ganges to the sea,
  27. was conquered by thy might.—O Most-revered!
  28. Thou didst destroy the doubting Pentheus,
  29. and hurled the sailors' bodies in the deep,
  30. and smote Lycurgus, wielder of the ax.
  31. “And thou dost guide thy lynxes, double-yoked,
  32. with showy harness.—Satyrs follow thee;
  33. and Bacchanals, and old Silenus, drunk,
  34. unsteady on his staff; jolting so rough
  35. on his small back-bent ass; and all the way
  36. resounds a youthful clamour; and the screams
  37. of women! and the noise of tambourines!
  38. And the hollow cymbals! and the boxwood flutes,—
  39. fitted with measured holes.—Thou art implored
  40. by all Ismenian women to appear
  41. peaceful and mild; and they perform thy rites.”
  42. Only the daughters of King Minyas
  43. are carding wool within their fastened doors,
  44. or twisting with their thumbs the fleecy yarn,
  45. or working at the web. So they corrupt
  46. the sacred festival with needless toil,
  47. keeping their hand-maids busy at the work.
  48. And one of them, while drawing out the thread
  49. with nimble thumb, anon began to speak;
  50. “While others loiter and frequent these rites
  51. fantastic, we the wards of Pallas, much
  52. to be preferred, by speaking novel thoughts
  53. may lighten labour. Let us each in turn,
  54. relate to an attentive audience,
  55. a novel tale; and so the hours may glide.”
  56. it pleased her sisters, and they ordered her
  57. to tell the story that she loved the most.
  58. So, as she counted in her well-stored mind
  59. the many tales she knew, first doubted she
  60. whether to tell the tale of Derceto,—
  61. that Babylonian, who, aver the tribes
  62. of Palestine, in limpid ponds yet lives,—
  63. her body changed, and scales upon her limbs;
  64. or how her daughter, having taken wings,
  65. passed her declining years in whitened towers.
  66. Or should she tell of Nais, who with herbs,
  67. too potent, into fishes had transformed
  68. the bodies of her lovers, till she met
  69. herself the same sad fate; or of that tree
  70. which sometime bore white fruit, but now is changed
  71. and darkened by the blood that stained its roots.—
  72. Pleased with the novelty of this, at once
  73. she tells the tale of Pyramus and Thisbe;—
  74. and swiftly as she told it unto them,
  75. the fleecy wool was twisted into threads.