

Ovid. Ovid's Art of Love (in three Books), the Remedy of Love, the Art of Beauty, the Court of Love, the History of Love, and Amours. Dryden, John, et al., translator. New York: Calvin Blanchard, 1855.

  1. Art thou a wretch by some curs'd spell destroy'd,
  2. Or here com'st fribbling with past pleasure cloy'd?"
  3. She spoke, and springing from the bed she flew,
  4. And secret beauties so disclos'd to view;
  5. Yet to conceal the joyless night's digrace,
  6. She called for water with a smiling face,
  7. And wash'd a nameless unpolluted place.
  1. What coxcomb will in future times think fit
  2. To build in love his fortune on his wit ?
  3. Wealth now is worth, whatever 'twas of old,
  4. And merit valu'd by its weight in gold.
  5. With male and female, this is now the rule,
  6. And he that's poor, of course must be a fool.
  7. The dame to read my am'rous verse delights,
  8. My writings likes, but scorns the man that writes;
  9. They freely on her privacy presume,
  10. And find admittance where I must not come;
  11. Me when she does her haunted house exclude,
  12. To them she's civil, as to me she's rude.
  13. Me she exposes to a thousand harms,