

Ovid. Ovid's Art of Love (in three Books), the Remedy of Love, the Art of Beauty, the Court of Love, the History of Love, and Amours. Dryden, John, et al., translator. New York: Calvin Blanchard, 1855.

  1. And clear the course—
  2. Now see your ground you better do maintain,
  3. This lady's favour, and your fame regain;
  4. The prize is his.-As yours successful prove,
  5. So let my wishes, which are all for love;
  6. I'm yet to conquer, and your heart's the prize;
  7. Something she promis'd with her sparkling eyes,
  8. And smil'd ;-" Enough," did I transported cry,
  9. "The rest I leave to opportunity."
  1. Can there be gods ?-has she not falsely swore?
  2. Yet is the beauty that she was before!
  3. The curious tresses of her dangling hair,
  4. As long, and graceful still as e'er they were;
  5. That same inimitable white and red,
  6. Which o'er her face was so distinctly spread,
  7. The roses, and the lilies keep their place,
  8. And ev'ry feature still as justly grace;
  9. Her sparkling eyes their lustre still retain,
  10. That form, that perfect shape does still remain,
  11. As if she ne'er had sinn'd ; and heav'n, ('tis plain)