

Ovid. Ovid's Art of Love (in three Books), the Remedy of Love, the Art of Beauty, the Court of Love, the History of Love, and Amours. Dryden, John, et al., translator. New York: Calvin Blanchard, 1855.

  1. She saw young Jasius in the Cretan grove
  2. Pursue the deer, she saw, and fell in love.
  3. She then perceived when first she felt the fire,
  4. On this side modesty, on that desire;
  5. Desire prevail'd, and then the field grew dry,
  6. The farmer lost his crop and knew not why;
  7. When he had toil'd, manur'd his grounds, and plough' d,
  8. Harrow'd his fields, and broke his clods, and sow'd,
  9. No corn appear'd, none to reward his pain,
  10. His labour and his wishes were in vain.
  11. For Ceres wand'red in the woods and groves,
  12. And often heard, and often told her loves:
  13. Then Crete alone a fruitful summer knew,